FBC Raleigh News • April 5, 2022

By paying tribute to a loved one this Easter, you will also support FBC mission teams. With each gift of $10 or more, a portion will be used to prepare a small display of lilies in the sanctuary on Easter and the remainder will be directed to the Day Mission Fund, supporting the efforts of various mission teams sent from our congregation. An insert in the Easter worship order will list the names of those memorialized or honored along with the donor’s name. Submit your requests here. Checks or electronic payments should be received no later than TOMORROW, April 6. Checks should be mailed to: Financial Administrator, First Baptist Church, 99 N Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27603; please write “Easter Gift” in the memo line.


During the month of April, we will be collecting arts and craft supplies for the preschool in El Carrizo in the southern part of Honduras. Many of you are aware that a group from our church started Sharefish in 2010 with the purpose of providing educational opportunities in that rural community. They have a community learning center (Aprende Conmigo) with various programs, including a middle school and the preschool.

The preschool is run by Lizzy, the center director, who has a university degree in physical sciences and has taught middle and high school in Honduras. She has been to the US on several trips and each time, she has worked in the FBC Preschool suite to learn how to run a Pre-K program in El Carrizo. The program has shown remarkable results. Previously, children were arriving in first grade not knowing how to hold a pencil or crayon. After two years in the preschool, the children knew the alphabet, colors, shapes, body parts, and how to write their names! Every day includes reading time, arts and crafts, singing, and centers-play – just like most preschools in the US. On the Sharefish Facebook page, you can see some pictures of the activities. Sharefish is a 501(3)(c) tax exempt organization, so donations are tax deductible.
The middle school needed an additional classroom, so the Pre-K had to be moved to a multipurpose space. Sharefish is currently building a new classroom just for the Pre-K program. Chuck Nichols and others will be making another trip to Honduras in June and we hope to be able to send a lot of arts and crafts supplies with them. Below is a list of needed supplies. Place your donations in the marked drawer in the Lewis Lobby through April 30.

chenille stems (pipe cleaners)
childrens' scissors
colored chalk
colored pencils
construction paper
drawing paper
glue sticks
popsicle sticks
stickers - all kinds
washable paint for finger painting

It is time to sign up for belated Salt Shakers 2022! This is a great way to know people in your church family with whom you might never spend an evening otherwise. There would normally be four dinner dates scattered throughout the year, but we'll just have three this year due to our later starting date. These dates are not set in stone. Alternative dates can be determined by the participants of the group, and if you still can't make it on the date chosen by your group, a sub can easily be found.  Each individual or couple that signs up will be assigned to a dinner group with three other individuals or couples, and the groups will change for every dinner. You will only host once (if at all due to our shortened year), and don't let hosting keep you from participating - if that is not an option for you, we will easily figure that out. Go to the church website by April 13 to sign up.

Many of you have asked me at various times during our COVID experience, "When are we going to resume regular Thirty-Niners meetings?" You have said that you missed the opportunity for social interaction and the entertaining, informative, and FBC-supportive programs that were part of our activities. Dr. Chapman has asked me about the degree of interest there is in restarting our FBC Senior Program. I have agreed to discuss this with those of you who were previous Thirty-Niner participants and also see how other FBC members over 50 feel about a new FBC Senior Adult program.
My present thought is to host a few group organizational meetings in April and May, maybe on Wednesdays, in the afternoon or evening at the church. If you are interested in helping to re-establish an FBC Seniors group, give me a call (919-797-0202) or send me an e-mail over the next several weeks and we will schedule meetings to develop a consensus of the group. - Carl Bailey


As part of our emphasis on remembering our heritage with a view to the future, Bill Leonard will join us via Zoom on April 6 at 6:15pm to talk about our Baptist heritage and how we might translate the principles that shaped our forebears into a vibrant form for the present day. Known to many of our members, Dr. Leonard is the retired Dean of the Divinity School at Wake Forest University. He has spoken at our church on numerous occasions, including as the preacher for Dr. Chapman’s installation service. He is an engaging speaker and a highly respected church historian with keen insights into future trends. We will record his presentation and the following dialogue, but you will want to make every effort to participate in this conversation.

Join us for a live broadcast of the Centerpoint adult program, every Wednesday night via Zoom with this link! To view the speaker throughout the presentation, click the three dots on the right portion of the screen and choose "pin this video." If you would prefer to call in, use 646-558-8656, Meeting ID: 842 9426 6630 Passcode: 478112

Wednesday night Children's Missions & Music schedule:
6-6:40pm • Mission Friends/ RAs/GAs
6:45-7:30pm • Music for children
**Childcare provided from 5:45-7:30pm for babies to two-year-olds
For questions about our Wednesday night program offerings for children, please email Lynn Lingafelt.

We invite you to join us for a mid-week fellowship meal every week from 5-6pm. We have returned to requiring reservations; reserve your spot at this link to the page on the church website or by calling the church office. 

The menus for Wednesday night suppers are as follows:
April 6: shrimp and grits with okra
April 20: pork tenderloin with spanakopita
April 27: salmon with lemon dill orzo
May 4: orange chicken with fried rice

Mark your calendar for the following 2022 dates for Church Conference:
May 25, August 24, September 28,
October 26, November 16, and December 14.


Housing All started in October 2020 to help our neighbors in need of rental and utility assistance. The need for help remains great, and we are continuing to grow and improve the program; consequently, we are in need of additional volunteers. As a volunteer, you will undergo a brief training and will receive a resource guide. Volunteers will be on duty for a week at a time, providing input and responding to calls. Although it varies week to week, expect to make about ten phone calls, at times convenient to you. If you would like more information on volunteering, please contact Leah.


As we approach warmer temperatures, the Clothing Ministry could use your spring and summer donations! We are currently packing up all of our winter clothing, clearing the racks for spring and summer. As a reminder, please place your donated items in the bin by the back parking lot doors in labeled bags (ie: "women's summer"). This helps our sorters keep your donations organized, so we can keep our racks filled with seasonally appropriate items. The Clothing Ministry will be closed April 11 - May 30 for maintenance to our building, and during that time we will not be accepting donations. We appreciate your generosity that allows us to keep serving our community through clothing!


CBF has established a relief fund in response to the global crisis in Ukraine, following the Russian invasion last week. Twenty years ago, CBF commissioned Gennady and Mina Podgaisky to serve in Kyiv. They established Village of Hope a year later, and their ministry has flourished in collaboration not only with our partner congregations but Baptists and other Christians in Ukraine. The first funding commitment with any contributions received with this relief fund will be to provide resources to those served by Village of Hope. There are also local partners of that ministry that serve under the leadership of the Podgaiskys and CBF Global Missions. Beyond that, funding will be directed to The Baptist World Alliance Forum for Aid Development (BFAD), the international disaster response work of our partners at the Baptist World Alliance. They are working actively with Baptist leaders in Ukraine and others in that country to identify the most essential use of funds. Because the situation on the ground is changing rapidly, and the crisis is mounting, it is imperative that we give generously and support the work of trusted friends and partners, not only among CBF field personnel but in the Global Baptist community. Give here!

  • Tuesday, April 5Psalm 20; Judges 9:7-15; 1 John 2:18-28
  • Wednesday, April 6: Psalm 20; Habakkuk 3:2-15; Luke 18:31-34
  • Thursday, April 7: Psalm 31:9-16; Isaiah 53:10-12; Hebrews 2:1-9
  • Friday, April 8: Psalm 31:9-16; Isaiah 54:9-10; Hebrews 2:10-18
  • Saturday, April 9: Psalm 31:9-16; Leviticus 23:1-8; Luke 22:1-13
  • Sunday, April 10: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; Luke 19:28-40; Isaiah 50:4-9a; 
Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 22:14-23:56 or Luke 23:1-49
  • Monday, April 11: Isaiah 42:1-9; Psalm 36:5-11; Hebrews 9:11-15; John 12:1-11

April 3-9 • Dolores Bailey (910-590-8908 m or 919-900-7799 h)
WEEK AT A GLANCE • April 5-11
Tuesday, April 5
10am Staff meeting (CR)
10:45am WMU Group 2 (Springmoor)
7pm Properties Committee Mtg (301)

Wednesday, April 6
5pm Meal/Centerpoint (FH)
6pm Handbell Rehearsal (S balcony)
6:30pm MS Small Group (Blue Rm)
6:45pm Children's Music
(302/Choir Rm)
7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
(Choir Rm/S)

Thursday, April 7
7am Band of Brothers (Zoom)
12:30pm FBC Preschool Easter Egg Hunt (Capitol Grounds)
6:30pm HS Bible Study (Wade home)

Saturday, April 9
10am Easter Egg Hunt (S/Capitol Grounds)

Sunday, April 10 Palm Sunday
9:45am Sunday School
11am Worship (S/YouTube)
11am Japanese Worship (226)
5pm Youth Choir (Choir Rm)
6pm Youth Supper (FH)
6:30pm Youth Program (FH/Blue Rm)

Monday, April 11
10am Clothing Ministry Closed
6pm MMiH Rehearsal (302)
6:15pm Finance Committee Mtg (CR/Zoom)

Each week, we post And Also With 'Cue's weekly schedule here in Rose Window Weekly as well as on our Facebook page to let you know our lunch schedule and if there will be outside events on the weekend for you to attend.

Come eat with us this week,
April 5-8!
Lunch - Tuesday-Friday
(11am – 1:30pm, church parking lot)


A link to the entire prayer list may be found below.
Please use your church directory for mailing addresses.


Capital Repair and Replacement Fund
In Memory of Dorothy Geraldine Harris
In Honor of Mary Powell and Bob Rhodes, on the occasion of the wedding
of Ian McLeod and Jess Luckett

Church Maintenance Endowment Fund
In Memory of Marvin Mann

Clothing Ministry Fund
In Memory of Penny Frisbie

Global Missions
In Memory of
Dorothy Geraldine Harris
Dr. W. Randall Lolley

Ukraine Relief -Village of Hope  
In Memory of Ed Vick

As of March 31, 2022:
Current Week Revenue: $36,842.22 
Month-to-Date Revenue: $122,232.93
Year-to-Date Revenue: $425,532.64
Month-to-Date Expenses: $121,486.76
Year-to-Date Expenses: $345,740.22
Global Missions: $7,048.00

Do you have an announcement that you would like to include in the Rose Window Weekly? All information must be submitted by Thursday at noon, to be included in the following Tuesday's edition. Just fill out the Google form in the link below, and we'll make sure to include it in next week's publication. For any questions concerning the Rose Window Weekly, contact Jennie Herrick. Email Jennie here.