Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Important News for You
Gov. Inslee Signs $64.1 Billion Budget
Published by the Association of Washington Business (AWB)

On Thursday Gov. Jay Inslee signed a historically large supplemental state budget. The $64.1 billion spending plan is a $5 billion increase from the $59 billion budget he signed less than a year ago. In addition to spending a surging surplus of tax monies, the budget also spends more than $1 billion in remaining pandemic-related federal relief funds.
Chamber News
Check out and like the
Tickets on Sale Now for April Gala
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Join us as we honor the businesses, organizations and individuals who made 2021 a great year to live and work in Central Kitsap. Finalists will be announced April 6th with awards handed out on April 21st at the Kitsap Golf & Country Club.

The 2022 Business Awards Gala serves as the Chamber's primary fundraising event for the entire year - it allows us to honor local businesses, organizations and individuals who are making a real difference in our community. Join us as a sponsor as we recognize your business and others at the 2022 Business Awards Gala!
Click HERE to download information.
Please contact David with questions or to become a sponsor now!
SPECIAL EVENT: Coffee with the Commissioner
Thursday, April 7, 2022, 8:00 am
Please join the Bremerton and Silverdale Chambers as we host "Coffee with the Commissioner" on Thursday, April 7th. Commissioner Ed Wolfe will be sharing a State of the County update and will be discussing important issues for Central Kitsap businesses including: homelessness, police reform, affordable housing and Kitsap County permitting.

Coffee with the Commissioner
@ McCloud's Grill House
Bremerton, WA

This is a free event for all
Chamber members!
April Membership Luncheon
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 11:30 am
Chamber Celebrates Opening of Kitsap Regional Library's New Silverdale Branch
Member News
New Members - Welcome to the Chamber!
New Members & Renewals for March
Thank you for your support of the Chamber!
West Sound Workforce Hosting Open Interviews
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 10:00 am
GSBA Tourism Roundtable: Kitsap County
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 9:00 am
This roundtable welcomes community leaders and small business owners across Kitsap County to discuss needs for local small businesses, the tourism and hospitality industry, and LGBTQ+ community. Our discussion will center on building bridges for Kitsap County's tourism industry, working together for our collective economic recovery, attracting tourists from Seattle and beyond, and expanding these opportunities throughout the County - all through a lens of inclusivity and equity.

Our Roundtable Facilitators:
  • Ilona Lohrey (she/her), GSBA VP of Membership & Programs
  • Rachael Brister (she/her), Owner of RCB Communications, specializing in connecting your business to the LGBTQ+ community
  • Rob Leslie (he/him), Director of Partnership & Destination Services at Visit Seattle
This event is proudly presented in partnership with GSBA, Washington's LGBTQ+ and allied chamber; Visit Bainbridge Island; Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce; Bainbridge Island Downtown Association; Silverdale Chamber of Commerce; Bremerton Chamber of Commerce; and South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce.

Thank you to our Host Sponsor, Suquamish Clearwater Casino!
Peninsula Home & Garden Expo Returns
May 13-15, 2022

Do you have news you'd like to share about your business or organization?
We'd love to share! Please send information to Irene at the Chamber!

Member Spotlight
Seaport Salon & Spa
Seaport Salon and Spa is a local, community-driven, and family-owned serene escape located in Old Town Silverdale. We started small and have built an award-winning team that offers a full range of salon and spa
services designed to replenish and renew the body, mind and spirit. Innovation that moves the industry toward holistic treatments and create natural ways of supporting life motivate the team at Seaport. Our commitment to being environmentally responsible by continuing
to carry AVEDA™ products and using recycled and sustainable materials maintains our belief in good health for success.

The Silverdale Chamber Board of Directors is thrilled to
honor long-time Chamber member since 2007, Seaport Salon
and Spa, as April's Member of the Month.
Be sure to check them out in Old Town Silverdale!
9130 Washington Avenue
Old Town Silverdale, WA 98383
(360) 698-0781
Education Committee
Kitsap Business Forum
Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 8:00 am
Member Education & Training Resources
The Small Business Digital Alliance (SBDA), a new public-private co-sponsorship between the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and Business Forward, Inc., published a comprehensive suite of free resources to help small businesses expand their customer base, manage their growth, find and retain talent, and enter new markets. These resources are being provided by some of America’s most respected leaders in business, government, economic development, and other aligned spaces. 
South Kitsap & Washington ESD Host
Online Webinar Series
Join this crucial business webinar series hosted by the State's employment department with our partners at the South Kitsap Chamber.
Sessions take place from March to September with topics such as: 

  • Local Planning
  • Labor Market Information
  • Tax & Wage
  • Paid Leave
  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) & Federal Bonding
  • Washington CARES Act
Top Automation Tools and Technology
for Small Businesses
Thursday, April 7, 2022, 1:00 pm
The objective of this workshop is to provide you, the small business owner, with a comparison of the top technologies and automation tools available and help you determine which of these is best for your business. The workshop focuses on the following tools and systems:

  • Accounting
  • Payroll Processing
  • Employee Timesheet
  • Point of Sale
  • Customer Invoicing
  • Accounts Payable
  • eCommerce
  • Project Management
  • Email Communication
  • Web Hosting

By the end of this workshop, you’ll have a short-list of the technologies and systems that you’ll want to implement for your business. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Workshop Fee: $55
Business News & Resources
Start. Run. Grow: Weathering Financial Uncertainty (Part 2)
Thursday, April 7, 2022, 9:00 am
Hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Please join us Thursday, April 7, 2022, for the second episode of CO— Start. Run. Grow: Weathering Financial Uncertainty, in partnership with Oracle NetSuite. In this program designed specifically for small business owners, you will learn from your peers and hear from entrepreneurs and experts who have been in your shoes handling issues like supply chain, inflation, and other potential financial challenge. 
What Happens When the
L&I Inspector Comes Knocking
From the Washington Retail Association

Our Retail Services team has seen a recent increase in unannounced L&I visits to stores. Fisher & Phillips Law has confirmed the drop-in inspections in their compiled data.
Audits can be triggered for several reasons, such as a complaint from a current or former employee, a customer, or following a significant accident at your store location. Audits often lead to citations, including fines—an unexpected business expense.
If you get a visit from an L&I inspector, they will expect you to provide several items in a timely manner, including:

  • Accident Prevention Program
  • Safety Meeting Minutes for the last 12 months
  • Training records (First Aid, Forklift, specific tool operation, etc.)
  • Accident Investigations

Our automotive members have reported inspectors requesting lift inspection records as well.

If your inspection is due to a complaint, inspectors may request other relevant documents, including your Job Hazard Analysis, Hazardous Chemical Plan, Shop Safety Walks checklists, and COVID training log.

When an inspector begins their review and verifies you have these items in place, the rest of the visit usually goes much smoother. If these are not readily available, the inspection might broaden to include other topics, likely resulting in additional citations and fines.

Here is a checklist template that can assist you with what items you should ensure are in place. 

If you want help with this preparation, check out our free Safety Ambassador Program, where we can help you get back up to speed on safety, Return to Work, and employment standard programs.

Rick Means, Director of Safety and Education, is available to help members with safety. Contact Rick at 360-943-9198, Ext. 118 or email directly at
Landlord COVID Relief Program Ending
Commerce will close the Landlord COVID Relief Program on April 29, 2022. New applications will not be accepted after this date.

The landlord must approve all adjusted claims and provide any missing documentation to Commerce before April 29 for the claim to be considered.

The Landlord Damage Relief and Tenancy Preservation Programs will remain open.
Registration for the 2022 National Small Business Week Virtual Summit, “Building a Better America Through Entrepreneurship,” is now open. This year’s NSBW Virtual Summit will feature access to federal resources, educational workshops, and networking to help small businesses pivot, grow, and seize new opportunities. The event is free, but registration is required.
Kitsap County News
Kitsap Transit Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 8:30 am
The Kitsap Transit Board will hold a virtual Zoom meeting on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 8:30 AM. The meeting is being held virtually in accordance with the Governor’s Proclamation 20-28 to reduce the spread of COVID-19. 

The meeting packet will be posted to the Kitsap Transit Board page no later than 4:00 PM on the Friday prior to the meeting. You can access the meeting packet by visiting the Kitsap Transit Board page – CLICK HERE.

The public is invited to listen and/or view the Board meeting using the following electronic and/or telephone options:

  • Join by phone (audio only): 1-253-215-8782
  • Webinar ID: 886 9489 6380 / Passcode: 745683
  • LIVE Stream via Bremerton Kitsap Access Television (BKAT) by clicking HERE or copy and paste the URL below into your web browser:
  • On Demand: Bremerton Kitsap Access Television (BKAT) will host the video on their website along with past Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioner’s Meetings. Please allow 24-48 hours for posting. 

Public comments must be submitted in writing or by phone no later than 4 PM on Monday, April 4, to be included as part of the meeting record.

Written comments can be submitted as follows:

  • By e-mail: Send your note to Jill Boltz, Clerk of the Board, at with "Public Comment [date] Board Meeting" in the subject line.
  • By phone: Call 360.478.6230.

To provide Public Comment(s) during the meeting please visit the Kitsap Transit Board page for more information or contact Clerk of the Board, Jill Boltz.
Kitsap Public Health Board
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 10:30 am
Central Kitsap Community Council
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 5:00 pm
The Central Kitsap Community Council meets virtually at 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 6 to learn about local forest management and get an update on the Kitsap County recycling program. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. There will be opportunities for questions and comments.

To view the meeting agenda and find a link to the Zoom meeting, click here.

Guest speakers include Mark Mauren, chief operating officer of Ueland Tree Farm; Adrian Wolf, stewardship coordinator of the Great Peninsula Conservancy; and Lauren Liming, program coordinator in the Kitsap County Public Works Solid Waste Division.

For more information, contact Katharine Shaffer in the Kitsap County Commissioners' Office at
Show Your Love for Kitsap County
April is National County Government Month
To kick-off a national celebration of county government, Kitsap County Commissioners issued a proclamation March 28, declaring April as National County Government Month and encouraging young people to submit artwork for the 2023 “Counties Matter” calendar to raise awareness about services and programs that impact people’s lives every day.

“I hope during the month of April we can spark interest in exploration of the role that county governments play each and every day in the lives of local residents. I love having the chance to speak with classes in grade schools or at Olympic College to help demystify the services that county government provides,” said Commissioner Rob Gelder, past president of the Washington State Association of Counties and current board member of the National Association of Counties.

Children and young adults up to age 18 are invited to submit to the National Association of Counties “I Love My County Because” art contest for a chance to be featured in the 2023 “Counties Matter” calendar. The deadline to submit entries is May 1. Send us a copy of your artwork (.jpg, .png or .pdf) and we might feature it on Kitsap County social media! 
Find information on how to submit artwork at
The Kitsap Road Report is updated each week. This latest update was released on April 1, 2022.
Intermittent road closures on Bay Shore Drive NW and Washington Avenue NW for Sewer/Stormwater/Road improvement project. 

Crews are doing various maintenance activities at the locations listed below. Expect moderate delays between 5 and 10 minutes:

  • NE Helm St. - entire length (MO)
  • NE Liverpool Ct. - entire length (TU)
  • NE Spartacus St. - entire length (WE)
  • NW Apex Airport Rd. - entire length (FR)

Blaine Avenue NW will be closed between the entrance at Ridgetop Blvd. NW to NW Bucklin Hill Rd. for private development project. (TH-FR)

WSDOT Project Alert **UPDATE**: Construction crews are working on the SR3 Chico Creek fish barrier removal project. Temporary speed limit reduction to 45mph in both directions on SR3 along one-mile section for the duration of the project. As soon as Friday evening, April 8, southbound State Route 3 travelers exiting to Chico Way Northwest must turn right, or south toward Bremerton. Drivers will not be allowed to turn left, or north to Silverdale. This traffic change will be in place through fall 2023. For details and to sign up for WSDOT electronic updates, visit the WSDOT Project Page.
COVID-19 Updates & Resources
Second Booster Shots Now Available
for Some Residents
The FDA, CDC, and state Department of Health expanded vaccine guidance to allow second booster shots of Pfizer of Moderna for:

  • Everyone 50 and older who received their first booster at least four months ago. 
  • Anyone 12 and older who is moderately to severely immunocompromised
  • Anyone 18 and older who received primary and booster doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least four months ago. 
COVID-19 Vaccine & Testing Resources
Kitsap County Health District is now posting a regularly updated list of COVID-19 vaccine providers in Kitsap County. This list can be found here.

Kitsap Public Health District COVID-19 vaccination clinics are now walk-up only. Please review our clinic calendar and stop by a clinic at a time that works best for you. Advance appointments are no longer available.
Community Information
Blood Supplies Still Low in Pacific Northwest
Blood supplies remain low across the Pacific Northwest. If you are feeling healthy, schedule your donation right away!

Contact Bloodworks Northwest at: or 1-800-398-7888, or the American Red Cross Northwest Region at:
Roadside Herbicide Spraying Begins
Kitsap County road maintenance crews began herbicide roadside shoulder spraying yesterday, Monday, April 4. “We recognize the concerns residents have about spraying herbicides,” said Jacques Dean, Road Superintendent. “We use only environmentally approved products and strict application guidelines to control vegetation,” he added. Kitsap County has discontinued the use of Glyphosate for broadcast spraying by Board of County Commissioner Resolution 085-2019, on May 22, 2019.

Herbicide spraying is an integral part of the County’s vegetation management program. “Maintaining sight distances and ensuring signs aren’t obstructed are essential on our road system. We use mowers and other methods to help control vegetation, and the selective application of herbicides makes the other processes more efficient.

Spraying is done sequentially by geographical area. Location maps and spray schedules are posted at Spraying is dependent on weather and can’t be done during rainfall.
Silverdale Visitor Center
Day Trip from Silverdale:
Poulsbo 2nd Saturday Art Walk
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Join local businesses in historic downtown Poulsbo for an evening of gallery hopping, shopping and dining on the Second Saturday of each month from 5:00 to 8:00 pm.

Front Street Gallery opens a new show every month with the featured artist's opening reception as part of the Art Walk. Come in, meet local artists, mingle and enjoy refreshments.
Easter Bunny Visits Kitsap Mall
March 26 - April 16, 2022
Kitsap Mall is playing host to the Easter Bunny this year, with photos available now!

Monday – Thursday
12 pm to 7 pm

Friday – Saturday
11 am to 8 pm

12 pm to 6 pm
Contact Us
Have something to share? CLICK HERE to submit stories and
events for Tuesday's Community Connections!
David Emmons
Irene Moyer
Director of Member Relations
Brenda Kelley
Tourism Coordinator