I have been going down the rabbit hole of eBay YouTube and trying to get ideas. To that end on a live video I chimed in and got a free month of the cross posting service ListPerfectly. While the idea of posting Boy Scout stuff on other platforms like Etsy sounds tempting it's a road I've been down before.
I have tried many times to find an eBay alternative whether it be my own website or Facebook and others. At one time I had my Shopify Store and eBay tied together but those crossposting of items can get dicey. So even though Etsy is tempting (yes there is some BSA stuff there) I am not going to make that plunge. The time wasted is not worth the effort. Every time I've gone down this rabbit hole it ends up not working and I have to pull out....so finally I've learned my lesson.
Tomorrow I am going to try and batch film some unboxing videos. It has taken me a while to get my equipment and set up right in the warehouse. I think I've finally got a system that will work and tomorrow I'm going to film 1/2 dozen videos to test it out. The key aspect is I need to be able to edit the videos myself while still having some different camera angles etc.
I have 142 live auctions on eBay featuring OA pieces from Georgia and camp patches. On my OApatch account I have settled into a plan to have 10 auctions starting/ending every day with mostly flaps up for sale. Meanwhile, on Santeeswapper Store I have vintage camp neckerchiefs up for bids.
Well today while tuning into one of the LIstPerfectly zooms I did learn a valuable tip about a way to set up an eBay markdown sale that i was not familiar with. So even though I have been on eBay for coming up on 25 years I am still learning.
Jason Spangler
SANTEESWAPPER LLC www.ScoutPatchCollectors.com
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