Summary Quarterly Member Meeting [QMM]

Meeting Highlights & Materials... September 15, 2022


Thank you for joining EEBC's September 15th Quarterly Member Meeting [QMM]. Please find the recap of the meeting below. Members can find prior EEBC QMMs on the websiteWe appreciate your membership and valuable input. Please send topics you’d like to see at future EEBC QMM to patricia@eebco.orgGet Involved! EEBC Is YOUR Organization.





Thank you to the University of Denver, Burns School of Business for hosting EEBC in their Realestate/Construction Department’s Collaboratory Room and providing audio-visual services.  If you are interested in using their Collaboratory

for meetings, planning sessions, hybrid meetings, and/or podcasts, etc, please contact Eric Holt at

KEYNOTE SPEAKER Associated General Contractors [AGC], Michael Gifford 

Colorado's Need for More Workers Means Need for More Training  The looming need for more skilled workers in construction trades is leading to new training solutions. Michael Gifford of AGC, which represents 680 commercial construction members, explained research projects a need for 220,000 employees by 2027, up from 185,000 today. Because baby boomers are retiring, means his industry needs to hire 70,000 new workers in that time frame.

The solution, Gifford said, is more training. Currently, his organization and the HBA work in 47 high schools, training 2,000 students on the national curriculum. With increasing code requirements, the organization is ramping up apprenticeships. They are creating three new 2-year construction apprenticeship programs to teach rough, finish, and superintendent training, where students will be eligible for an associate degree from a community college. 


  • Overview of construction industry outlook for the next10 years – what it means to your business. “Potential downturn is a dip not full-blown.”
  • By 2027, Colorado's construction industry will be short 220,000 employees!
  • Why? Because baby boomers are retiring. The construction industry needs to hire 70,000 new workers by 2027.
  • Where do EEBC contractors find a pipeline of skilled, unskilled, and upskill their own employees?
  • Good Green Jobs – EEBC's Hiring Pipeline for EEBC Contractors. New hire available Nov 2022! | FLYER
  • AGC Hiring Boards |

Speaker Presentation Resource ACG PPT


  • Thrive Home Builders, Bill Rectanus, Chief Operating Officer
  • McStain Neighborhood, Rick Lambert, VP Purchasing & Operations
  • Build Tank, Inc, Robby Schwarz, Principle, EnergySmart's Marshall Fire New Home Building Advisor

High-Performance Builders Need Contractor Partners  Building high-performance homes requires an ever-closer partnership between builders and contractors, according to two long-time high-performance builders. “ We need partners with a desire to innovate and believe that training crews for what’s coming is important, especially training on WHY you do it, ’’ said Rectanus of Thrive Home Builders.

Rick Lambert of McStain Neighborhoods notes that his company has been building all-electric homes for more than a year, but not at a large scale. This allows the company to try things out and learn. “What wins bids for work is showing me you are willing to collaborate,’’ he said. “I am not a mechanical or electrical expert – I need vendors who are willing to. . .make sure we are doing it right.’’


  • Specifics the builders are looking for from contractors when moving to higher performance building practice, such as Energy Star, Net Zero Energy Ready, Electrification, etc. includes: [Examples of opportunities for insulation and air sealing contractors]
  • These contractors “pay more attention to details” that ensure the structure passes the testing we need to certify the home.
  • Contractors with installers who understand “The Why” of what product or equipment they are installing and know the techniques that they install will impact the blower door test scores we need.
  • Examples of what makes a contractor’s bid for work stand out from their competitors, such as the salesperson/estimator's questions about the job that demonstrate their understanding of the higher performance requirements of their work.
  • Discussion of the niche available for contractors working with high-performance small to midsized builders.

Long-time energy expert Robbie Schwarz who is now helping Boulder County with the Marshall Fire rebuilds notes that code officials need as much education as contractors on verifying new energy code requirements. Besides, he noted that many builders have not used new energy code certifications and thus are not familiar with how to build them. “The incremental costs to get to a higher level is not that great,’’ Schwarz said. “But we need to do education to help people understand the incremental differences.’’

Schwarz also said the contractor labor shortage and education shortages are ``huge’’, especially with heat pumps and electrification. “We don’t have enough trade contractors who understand how a heat pump works and how it integrates with a thermal envelope. It comes back to training.’’

UPDATE | Xcel Energy Strategic Issues and 2023 DSM [REBATE] Plan Settlement Process

  • Howard Geller, EEBC Expert Witness & DSM Consultant
  • Mark Detsky, Dietze & Davis, EEBC Legal Counsel

Time is Now to Get Involved in New Rebate Programs  DEADLINE for Your rebate proposals September 30th

The EEBC is involved with two important regulatory proceedings which will help shape the industry for years to come. The short-term Demand Side Management goals and rebates are being set very soon, and the longer-term DSM Strategic Issues [Rebates] legal proceedings [docket] will set new policies on the electrification of homes and existing savings on natural gas and electric programs, among other topics. See Xcel Energy/Public Utilities Commission [PUC] procedure schedule released as of 9/23/22.

Lawyer Mark Detsky is representing the EEBC. “Now is when we need the engagement of members,’’ he said. “Work with us to put together proposals that are effective, and that means come at it with a focus on goals, budgets, and implementations.’’

Howard Geller is representing EEBC as the expert witness and advising EEBC members on rebate proposal development. He noted that electric efficiency goals are similar to what has been approved in the past while natural gas savings targets and budgets are higher. For the first time, beneficial electrification has been split out as a separate plan. Some questions EEBC and its allies will be asking, Geller said, include, ``Are they missing opportunities and low-balling goals? Are the goals reasonable in light of other things going on, especially substantial incentives and rebates via the Inflation Reduction Act?’’  For complete analytics data and procedural information see the speaker slides link below.

Among other important issues, Geller highlighted: How the cost-effectiveness of various programs is evaluated? Is a new more generous shareholder incentive mechanism for Xcel fair to ratepayers? How can Xcel be encouraged to spend the full amount budgeted for these programs?

EEBC’s Action Groups by industry sector are evaluating the specifics of the plans. Please get involved in one of these groups to make your company’s voice heard! 

Speaker Presentation Resource | Speakers PPT


  • Join EEBC Monthly Action Group Meetings to discuss your proposals and overarching Strategic Issues for group submission.  HVAC/HP  | LIGHTING
  • Xcel Energy/PUC released Procedural Schedule Deadlines for 2023 DSM [Rebate] and Strategic Issues settlement processes running in parallel | See above
  • Step-By-Step Instructions | How to Write Your Proposal   
  • 2023 Xcel Energy DSM & BE PLAN | 22A-0315EG_2023 DSM & BE Plan

Below are the sections which may apply to your industry. Please review and fill out the attached proposal instructions, call EEBC for guidance, and/or submit them to Review of your proposal and advice for final submission to follow from Howard Geller and Dietze and Davis.

  • Residential HVAC (pp 136-143)
  • Business HVAC (pp 40-44)
  • Lighting (pp 122-124)
  • Business Lighting (pp 67-71)
  • LED Street Lighting (pp 65-66)
  • Whole Home Efficiency (pp 147-149)
  • Business Custom Efficiency (pp 51-59)
  • Business New Construction (pp 72-80)
  • Small Business Solutions (pp 85-88)
  • Multi-Family (pp 129-132)
  • Insulation & Air-Sealing (pp 125-128)
  • Home Energy Squad (pp 118-121)
  • Energy Star Homes (pp 105-113)

| ANNOUNCEMENT | New BPI 'Decarbonization Credential’ | Speaker PPT

  • BPI, CEO Larry Zarker & John Jones | Anticipated Rater & Contractor Roles


  • EEBC Monthly Action Group Meetings | HVAC/HP  | LIGHTING
  • Good Green Jobs Program | FLYER
  • Hiring Pipeline for EEBC Member Contractors for the next 3 years
  • Scholarships for existing employee upskill training/onboarding
  • Metro Denver Green House Tours • October 1, Saturday | Flyer
  • RM Building Maintenance & Engineering Expo • October 4, Tuesday | Flyer
  • BELCO Leadership Summit [Beneficial Electrification League Colorado
  • Why Electrify? New Homes & Commercial • October 27, Thursday | Register • Flyer

EEBC would like to thank Denver University, Eric Holt, and the student team for the amazing facility and assistance in a successful Quarterly Membership Meeting. The Student Team and their areas of interest:

  • Tucker Charles • Property Development, Acquisitions, Design Build |
  • Travis Goodrich • GIS, Energy Conservation/Enforcement, Sustainable/Green Building, Project Management, Computer Science |
  • Ethan Haag • Construction Management, Tower Crane Operations, Heavy Equipment Operation |
  • Tony Peck • Construction PM, Development, Policy |
  • Jeff Pope • Energy Consultanting, Contractor Education, Electrical, Insulation |
  • Anthony Riggio • Property Development, Sustainable Building, Commercial Brokerage |
  • Zachary Stewart • Property Development, Green Energy Installation |

•  SAVE THE DATE • DECEMBER 15, 2022  •


Inflation Reduction Act — What to expect as it rolls out in Colorado

REBATE UPDATE | Xcel Energy'/PUC Strategic Issues & 2023 DSM Plan Settlement Process