This morning on the way into work I listened to the latest episode of the Scouting Memories podcast. Chris Brightwell from Alabama leads this project to share audio history of the Scouting movement. Today's episode focused on the 2023 Jamboree and got me to thinking back about my great Jamboree memories. Other episodes include some archived material from Terry Grove and others.
Chris has been a guest on my podcast before recounting the old days of Clothtalk which was the original Scouting memorabilia podcast. It is encouraging to go back and listen to these because it reminds me of one of my north stars in this hobby which is sharing knowledge and passing down the passion for Scouting history and memorabilia to the next generation.
For example yesterday I unboxed a small collection that had a great merit badge sash and Eagle medal in it. I'm going to try and turn that into a quick video today in order to share that history before the sash goes into a box again - thanks Chris Brightwell for the inspiration today to share!!
On Santeeswapper this week I have 190 live auctions featuring Carolina OA, World Jamboree, and camp patches. So far this month I have been able to meet my goal (ok it's only the 5th) of having 100 items go live each day across my three accounts. On OApatch I have 105 live auctions with some of that being from a nice collection I picked up in July. On Santeeswapper Store I am selling neckerchiefs with 70 live auctions running this week.
My next chance to share some Scouting history is in a few weeks at a dinner in Florence, SC to help Camp Coker. I offered to the Scout Executive Doug Stone that I could bring some camp history with pictures and memorabilia. At the event there will be a major donation announced with hopes that this is just the beginning to invest in this beloved camp.
Jason Spangler
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