November E-News
Hey Neighbor!

Welcome to November. This month we welcome the start of SE Uplift's Grant season, celebrate SE Uplift successes, and we share opportunities for trainings, workshops, community news and resources.

-SE Uplift
SE Uplift Grants are Back!
Applications are Open!
Community Small Grants
Community Small Grants program offers the opportunity to engage community members across the city. By offering seed-money, training, and technical support, the program enables people and organizations to identify community needs, develop collaborative projects, and see ideas through to completion. The Community Small Grants program builds the skills and capacity of project leaders to shape the place where they live. Increased capacity creates confidence and from confidence grows ongoing engagement of new community leaders.

The goals of the Community Small Grants Program are to increase the number and diversity of people who are involved and engaged in the broader community; strengthen community capacity to create change by building community leadership, identity, skills, relationships and partnerships; and increase community impact on public decisions and community life.

DEIA Capacity Building Grants
Applicants can request up to $1,200.00

Each year, SE Uplift provides community groups with a small amount of funding to be used for communication and outreach efforts. Our priority for communication and outreach funding in 2021 is to make funds available to our diverse SE Portland community and to ensure funds support strategies and best practices for effective and accessible outreach and community engagement. The DEIA Capacity Building grants will be awarded to projects that support outreach and engagement strategies that focus on inclusion and accessibility with the intent of increasing diversity and equity.
Applications open on November 1st, 2021

To learn more visit
Passion Impact - Translations
Students in PI Programs speaks Russian, Vietnamese, Spanish, Nepali, and Chinese at home. Passion Impact was awarded a Communications Grant to translate the organizations DEI, Values, Mission, and Vision statements and Volunteer Registration to be more inclusive and support students & families.

*The Translations are live!*
-click the links below-

Russian - Vietnamese - Nepali - Español - 

"We were really grateful to have the support from SE Uplift to translate our DEI, Values, Mission and Vision Statements as well as our Volunteer Registration forms for students. We value being transparent with all of the communities of students and families in an effort to build community with each group. All of our translations are accessible on our website and can be printed out to make them accessible to students and families in need. We translated each document into Russian, Vietnamese, Spanish, Chinese, and Nepali as those are languages besides English most spoken by students in our programs. Through working with IRCO's translation department, we learned that the Nelapese translations take longer due to the family who supports in translating the materials. It's great to know that we, including SE Uplift, are able to support local families and empower them to use their native language. Thank you again SE Uplift for the opportunity to make this possible!"
SE Uplift 6-Month Grant Report: Let's Celebrate!
SE Uplift Overview
SE Uplift is one of seven coalition offices which is part of the city-wide district coalition system. SE Uplift (SEUL) serves a geographic region of 20 neighborhoods in southeast (and small portion of northeast) Portland. SEUL has received ongoing funding from the City of Portland Office of Community and Civic Life (Civic Life) since 1974 as part of a mutually beneficial relationship where the nonprofit -
coalition is contracted to provide vital services that contribute to the City’s civic engagement goals at a cost much lower than the equivalent services provided directly by the City. SEUL fulfills our Civic Life contract obligations consistent with how it has met requirements in previous years, via our core programming and services. 

The mission of SEUL is to collaborate with the Southeast Portland community to build informed, inclusive, and participatory neighborhoods that support our social and ecological well-being. 
Successes: SEUL has successfully partnered with local communities of identity and geography, as well as city government, to address our mission of collaborating with the SE Portland community to build informed, inclusive, and participatory neighborhoods that support our social and ecological well-being. Please review the featured work outlined below, which includes:  
  1. Anti-hate and justice work 
  2. Community Resiliency & COVID-19 
  3. Program and Organizational Updates 
  4. Trainings and Skill Building  
  5. Partnerships 
Don't Miss Out!
Events, Community News, Resources and More!
Are you a SE Portland Fiscally Sponsored Project and/or a Neighborhood Association?
SE Uplift understands that insurance can be a barrier to great work happening in the community. Therefore, we strive to make this complicated issue as easy and accessible as possible. SE Uplift provides insurance coverage for most neighborhood association board members, and fiscally sponsored projects & community events. 

To learn more on who is covered, and what is covered, and FAQs please visit our updated Insurance webpage here.
Interested in being part of SE Uplift's Grant Review Committee?
Now that the grants application has opened, SE Uplift is looking for community members to join the grant review committee! Help us make recommendations on projects that fit the scope of the grant and will positively impact the SE Portland community.
Grant Review Committee Timeline:
  • December 15th - Finalize Committee Members
  • January 13th - Grant Review Committee meet via zoom (time tba)
  • Grant Review Committee receives scoring sheet, applications and an overview of the review process
  • February 3rd - Score Night: Review Committee members meet via zoom to make decisions on final awardees to be approved.
If you are interested in joining the Grant Review Committee contact:
Want to stay engaged in Portland's Fall Budget Monitoring Process Conversation?
The City’s budget surplus of $62M
The Budget Monitoring Process (BMP) takes place three times during the fiscal year. The BMP’s goal is to provide City Council with information on revenues and expenditures and allow for urgent and unforeseen changes to the budget.
In this case, it was reported in early October that the City has a budget surplus of $62M. This money came from business taxes last year, and it was far more than the City anticipated. As part of the Fall BMP process, City Council now decides how to direct about half of these budget surplus to other City bureaus.
However, before they weigh in, there is an opportunity for public testimony. This is your time to share with Council your thoughts on how the City should direct these surplus funds.
How you can participate in the budget monitoring process?
The City Budget Office collects online testimony year-round via email and via a budget testimony collection form on the City’s MapApp site. Community members can use these communication platforms to provide written comment on the Fall Supplemental Budget. Interested members of the public may use MapApp to provide their feedback on how to direct the surplus budget or via email to
You can also view the budget comments anytime on the publicly accessible MapApp testimony reader. The City Budget Office made the Fall BMP recommendations and analysis public on Friday Oct. 8, and more than 30 public comments were submitted on MapApp and four emails were turned in when last checked. The City Budget Office will continue to collect online community feedback throughout the Fall BMP process and sends weekly summary emails to Council each Monday leading up to your vote on the Fall Supplemental Budget. Council is still scheduling the hearing date however comments for the Fall BMP are due to the City Budget Office in November. For more questions, please email

If you’re interested in receiving updates from the office of Mayor Ted Wheeler, subscribe here for updates.
Landlord/ Tenant Mediation Program
Minor Issues typically escalate into serious matters such as eviction, biases, feelings of unwelcomeness, fear, and aggression.

With our trained mediators, both parties are encouraged to participate in an honest discussion in hopes of resolving any existing conflicts.

For more information, visit:

or contact:
Give!Guide is the Willamette Week's end of the year effort to raise funds and give attention to local organizations.

"November 1st is the kick off of the Give!Guide 2021!

All the nonprofit profiles are open for viewing and their donate buttons are active. We encourage you to give generously and often through midnight on December 31. Give!Guide is the easiest way to donate during the year-end. We hope you find incredible nonprofits doing work that matters to you."
To look through and donate to local non-profits click here!

Donate to one of SE Uplift's Fiscally Sponsored group Black & Beyond The Binary here!
Portland Charter Commission
The Portland Charter Commission is inviting you to their virtual Community Listening Sessions!

The Community Listening Sessions are part I of a two-part series of listening sessions. The upcoming November sessions are an opportunity for community members to learn more about charter review and the issues currently being researched by the Charter
Commission (form of government & city council elections) and join breakout rooms to have a community discussion on Portlanders’ lived experiences with City government. Part II of our listening sessions will take place in January 2022 and focus on options for reforming our government and elections.

Community members are invited to attend either of the Part I Community Listening Sessions. The sessions will have the same content just offered on different days to accommodate more community member: Saturday, November 13th from 12-2pm, OR Tuesday, November 16th from 6-8pm Learn more about Charter and register here:
SE Uplift
(503) 232-0010
Background Photo from Pexels