August 2023

Welcome to the Fall academic term! Whether you’ve been teaching during the summer, you are a new faculty members recently joining us, or anywhere in between, the CTE is here to help you get ready for class and support your professional development!  

In addition to our ongoing Certificate in University Teaching and Learning and to our one-on-one consultations, we have a new Liaison program for our Educational Developers to work with Schools to identify specific teaching and learning needs. You can expect to see more workshops and resources tailored to your area’s needs. 

We can’t wait to work with you! 

The CTE Team


First Day of Class: “Do I Belong Here?” 

Rose Jaffe Colorado State University, made in collaboration with high school youth, Fort Collins, CO (source

The confidence that comes from belonging helps you try new things that may be hard or scary on their own and nearly impossible without it.” (Wise, S. 2022, p. 18) 

The first week of class is often an exciting time and may evoke some adrenaline for us as instructors. Will I be able to connect with students and communicate everything I need to? How will I ever learn their names? What will be their first impression of the class – and of me?

Click here to read more about creating community and belonging in your class.

New Faculty Orientation 

We encourage all new faculty to attend our New Faculty Orientation on August 22, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm in Library Building LB321. Our goal is to help set faculty up for a successful first year of teaching at Capilano University.

Click here to register

Scholarly Inquiry 

Research by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 

Are you interested in starting a new research project on your students' learning or your teaching? Join our Scholarly Inquiry Workshop (Online) 9:30am - 11:30am, Wednesdays Sep 13 - Nov 15 and discover the keys to formulating a compelling research question and navigating the research process effectively. 

Assessment & Evaluation of Learning

Do you want to develop more authentic and meaningful assessments?

Get ready for the term with three days of generating ideas, building knowledge and refining your skills in planning, constructing and using assessments. You will walk away with a scaffolded assessment for a current or upcoming course, aligned with learning outcomes and including a formative assessment and a rubric.  

In person, Mon-Wed, Aug 28-30, 9:30am – 3:00pm. Click here to register.   

EdTech RoundUp 

Introduction to eLearn 

Looking for eLearn help for yourself or your students? Check your Dashboard for these eLearn sites: 

eLearn Upgrade 

A reminder that eLearn was upgraded in May 2023 to Moodle 4.1 – if you haven’t had a chance to review the changes and updates, please feel to book a one-on-one consultation with Mary or Frank to give you an overview and orientation to the new features: 

Not sure how to get started? Email us at 

Current Inspirations from the CTE Team 

Research is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods 

This book has opened my eyes to the demanding reality of Indigenous scholars needing to be competent in multiple research cultures.(Beev)


Available as hard copy in the CapU Libary 

Connections Are Everything: A College Student’s Guide to Relationship-Rich Education 


From our symposium keynote this year, Peter Felten’s new book is a practical and accessible guide to developing educationally purposeful relationships in post-secondary studies. (Mary) 

Available free online.


Design for Belonging: How to Build Inclusion and Collaboration in Your Communities 


A beautiful book from the on the importance of belonging and how we may create it in our classrooms and communities. (Bettina) 


Available as hard copy and audio book in the CapU Library. 

Find more audio books in the Library’s new

Libby audiobooks collection 


Congratulations to Barry Magrill for being re-elected to the role of Coordinator for faculty in the CTE!

Upcoming Events and Workshops

Offerings in the Certificate in University Teaching and Learning

New Faculty Orientation (in-person)

August 22

9:00am - 3:00pm

Assessment and Evaluation of Learning (in-person)

August 28, 29, 30

9:30am - 3:30pm 

Scholarly Inquiry (Online)

Sept 13, 20, Oct 4, 11, 18, 25, Nov 1, 15

9:30am - 11:30am 

Inclusive Teaching Practices (in-person)

Nov 14, 21, 28

9:00am - 3:00pm 

Upcoming Conferences and Symposia 

ISSOTL23 – International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

November 8-11, 2023 Utrecht, Netherlands

48th Annual POD (Professional and Organizational Development) Network Conference

Nov 16-19, Pittsburgh, USA

Events – BCcampus 

Explore recordings of past workshops and seminars and register for upcoming ones!

BCcampus - Studio23: Reignite Your Teaching and Facilitation Practice

Nov 1, 2, Vancouver, BC

Connect with Us

Looking for a workshop or a faculty learning community on a specific topic? Interested in professional development for your department? Contact us at

We are also available for 1:1 Consultations, in-person and virtually.

Drop by Fir 402 Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm

or reach out to book a specific time from the link below. 

Book your appointment now   

The Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) fosters excellence, innovation, and collaboration in teaching and learning by supporting faculty and staff through programming, mentoring, professional development opportunities, and research on effective teaching.