Issue 11
October 2020
The leading source for refinery safety, new technology, & best practices for Delayed Coking, Fluid Catalytic Cracking, Solvent Deasphalting and Sulfur.
Watch the Video Re-Cap of "Anti-coking Solution for DCU Fired Heater Tubes"

If you missed RefComm's webinar from 16 September, here's your chance!

Sanjay Lodha, from Tubacex Spain, facilitated this discussion on their new innovative disruptive technology - advanced ceramic-coated tubes.

You can even download his presentation - Click here.
Meet the Staff of RefComm® Global 2020!!

The Staff of RefComm® would like to welcome you to our premiere event - RefComm® Global 2020. Please visit our Staff Page and read our messages!
Sulphur + Sulphuric Acid 2020 - Operators Attend Free!

RefComm’s parent company, CRU Group, will run their annual Sulphur + Sulphuric Acid Conference and Exhibition as a fully virtual event from 9-11 November 2020. 

The technical agenda for 2020 will feature 14 technical papers plus additional technical showcase presentations.

Operators attend free!
Eligible engineers, operators and plant personnel from refinery, gas processing, and sulphur production facilities can join the virtual conference free of charge. 
The full agenda will be announced shortly, sign up for updates at

Check out W.R. Grace's video - "Combating the Negative Effects of Iron in the FCCU at Philadelphia Energy Solutions"

Here's a re-cap of the 19 August webinar presented by W.R. Grace's Doc Kirchgessner and Tom Burgess

Did you miss Hemendra Khakar's second SDA Technology webinar? He discussed the basics of the whole process of SDA technology and how it fits into the residue conversion complex and the whole refinery. He explains how it's a great tool to improve the refining margins.

Preparing for a Presentation at RefComm® Global 2020?

We're here to help!

RefComm® has created some videos to help support you in your efforts to put together your presentation.

(Need further help! Email us.)

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Delayed Coker Fundamentals,
Coker Operations, and Reliability
2-3 November, 2020

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