• Attendance: 65. 59 voting members; 6 non-voting participants.
• Welcomed into membership, Rev. David Aber, serving as Interim at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Akron; and Rev. Sue Ann Schmidt, Honorably Retired.
• Rev Luke Choi reported on Board of Pension updates. A recording of updates can be found HERE.
• Motion prevailed to amend the Manual of Operations: Sections 3.3 and 3.2 regarding succession of the Presbytery Moderator, Presbytery Vice Moderator, and Council Moderator; and Section 3.6 Presbytery Council Chair. In anticipation of these approved amendments by presbytery, Rev. Carolyn Griffeth was confirmed as Council Moderator for 2022.
• The Rev. Mark Ruppert delivered the message: "I Believe
in … the Communion of Saints”.
• Vital Congregations report included that the hiring team for the position of Associate for Vital Congregations is posted on CLC and is in the process of interviewing candidates and checking references.
• Motion prevailed brought by Committee on Nominations and Representation (CNR) to nominate RE Greg Weber (Canfield) to Beaver Creek Camp Board and RE Della McPherson (Poland) to Committee on Ministry, Class of 2024. In light of our Teaching Elder GA Commissioner unable to attend GA, motion prevailed to elect Rev. Fritz Nelson to serve at the 2022 General Assembly.
• Following introduction and Q&A by the presbytery, motion prevailed to move Sarah Bhatia from Inquirer to Candidate at the recommendation of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry. Sarah is a member of First Presbyterian Church in Hudson and has been an Inquirer under care of the presbytery.
• The Resource Committee reported that three Zoom Round Table Talks have been scheduled, the first May 5. Topics will be related to Christian Education for all ages and there will be a time to share and learn about our sister churches. Christian educators, committee members, youth leaders, and anyone interested in Christian Education is encouraged to attend. DiscipleFest 2022 is scheduled for October 15. Theme: Sharing Faith in a New Age. Keynote: Rev. Graham Standish.
• Elmarie & Scott Parker reported on the crisis in Lebanon. The Parkers are now in the states and available for Zoom gatherings throughout Eastminster Presbytery. They are also hosting a weekly Zoom Lenten study, details in weekly E-News
• The Administrative Ministry Committee reported that the Zoom Pro subscription reimbursement is again offered in 2022 as well as the Covid-19 Church Assistance Grant. Requests for the assistance grant are to be submitted to John Pogue.
• Council reported that a task force was formed to design a plan for Cathy’s replacement following her announcement to retire in February 2023. In short, the Nominating Committee will nominate five members of Eastminster Presbytery and TE Chip Hardwick will serve as support to the committee.
• The General Presbyter and Stated Clerk reported that the award for the first church to submit the statistical report goes to First, Columbiana and they will receive an original John Calvin bobble head! Unfortunately, at the time of the meeting, we did not meet our goal of 100 percent statistical reporting from our churches so no “happy dance” was performed. If yours is one of the churches that has not submitted its statistics, please contact Cathy before March 15.
• Rev. Chip Hardwick and Synod Commissioner Jim Bennet brought the synod report and updates. A lot is happening in the synod and folks were encouraged to visit synodofthecovenant.org.
• Presbytery honored the saints who joined the church triumphant by reading the names of the ruling elders and one teaching elder submitted by churches.
• TE Patti Moats (Goodyear Heights & North Springfield) presided over the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
• RE Mary Ann Bromley pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m.