Greetings from Tom Spataro and Kelley Christie!

We have exciting news to share with you all: Kelley Christie will be taking over the K-4 Faith Formation program here at Apple Valley Catholic. I (Tom) will remain on staff with a new focus on launching our LIFT (Living in Faith Together) initiative as well as collaborative communications and other special projects. (You can still reach me at It has been pleasure to work with the young families in our collaborative for the last two years and I am so pleased to have Kelley stepping into this role. The rest of this email will be from Kelley!

Hi Everyone! I'm so excited to introduce myself as the Coordinator for Faith Formation for Grades K-4. I'm Kelley Christie, a mom of two young girls, Finley (2nd grade) and Piper (5th grade) and wife to Taylor Christie. My family has been members of the Apple Valley Catholic community for about 5 years and has generally be found at the 8:45 a.m. mass at St. Isidore's. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone at both St. Isidore's and St. Elizabeth's.

But first the important information:

Our Faith Formation kick off will be on September 25th at noon (right after the 10:45 a.m. mass at St. Elizabeth's). This is a great opportunity to connect as a community over food (we'll have lunch provided) and outdoor games.

We have some fresh new ideas and opportunities to bring engagement and energy to our K-4 programs that are interactive and focused on building community with opportunities for parents to connect as well. Schedules are still being finalized as this is my first week. Just know, you can reach out to me with any questions as I'll be your point person for K-4 Faith Formation.

My email is and my cell phone is 802-999-7839.

Below is the link to register for our Faith Formation Programs for 2022-2023