The old adage “sunshine is the best disinfectant” was reconfirmed recently, when we helped defeat an attempt to create a monopoly for the sole existing medical marijuana dispensary in the City of Warwick.

Other companies, hoping to compete in the marketplace and provide consumers with quality and pricing options, naturally opposed the backroom deal to manipulate the city’s zoning code and benefit the existing business. In two short weeks, working with traditional media, social media and public-spirited opponents of the proposal, we drew public attention and scrutiny to the plan. Ultimately, it was withdrawn before even coming to a vote.

In this case, the sunlight generated by the quick, effective communications work of the New Harbor team proved the old adage right, preserving the marketplace for consumers and benefitting the public at large.
Powerful Social Media
Tailgating from Home

In social media, as in life, sometimes you have to give some to get some. Giveaways are a fantastic way to grow your social media following and engage with your audience.
A great example of this approach is the successful “Tailgate from Home” sweepstakes we recently ran for T.F. Green Airport in partnership with the New England Patriots.

Entering was easy. Contestants were creative. And the response was fantastic, generating almost 300 entries and over 12,000 engagements across Twitter and Facebook.
If you’d like to reach new audiences and generate more excitement for your business, let us know – we’d be glad to help.
Nice Ink!
Eagle Scout Honors his Mom through Service Project

When we first introduced Jake Medieros (right) in our August newsletter, he was collecting essential goods for families in need as a part of his Eagle Scout project. Since then, Jake has achieved Scouting’s highest honor and collected more than 200 pounds of items to help single moms feed and clothe their children in conjunction with Saint Gabriel’s Call.
Growing up the child of a single mother, Jake credits his mother as the inspiration for the project. “My mom told me so many stories when I was a kid,” he says, “how we struggled to get [items like diapers and lotion].”
Now a freshman at Rhode Island College, Medieros already has plans to give back to his mother who gave him so much.
“I want to buy my mom a house,” he says.
WPRI — Ch. 12
HopeHealth Grief Counselor Publishes Her First Book
In times of grief, healing can come in many forms. For HopeHealth grief counselor and newly published author Pamela Goodnes, putting feelings down on paper was the best way to work through her emotions.
In her debut book of poetry, Walking Widowed: Reflections on Loss, Goodness reflects on the loss of her husband of 18 years and her journey to process her grief with the help of a HopeHealth counselor. Now, after a year and a half of writing, Goodness’ poems are hitting the shelves.
“I hope when other people read them they see themselves in them and what they’re going through and know they’re not alone,” Goodness said.
The Valley Breeze
Quonset Plan to Host Wind Energy Jobs Boosted by $11.1 Million Grant 

In the near future, thousands of wind energy jobs will be coming to ports throughout the Northeast – but where?
As Rhode Island’s leading engine of job creation, Quonset Development Corp. is preparing for the future with strategic investments in its world-class infrastructure.
Recently, Quonset added a new piece to the funding puzzle for upgrades at the Port of Davisville with an $11.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration with the support of U.S. Sen. Jack Reed and Rhode Island’s Congressional delegation.
“Four years ago, Rhode Islanders voted to invest in Quonset pier renovations,” said Senator Reed. “Today, I am proud to deliver an additional $11.1 million in federal funding to build on that investment, upgrade Quonset’s world-class infrastructure, and bring more jobs and business to Rhode Island.” 
Providence Business News
American Journal of Transportation
NK Standard-Times
Two New RIPEC Studies Track Rhode Island’s COVID-19 Recovery

How are Rhode Island students faring academically in the pandemic? According to two Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council (RIPEC) reports, economic gaps are widening through remote learning. See below to learn more about RIPEC’s findings and their other critical research.

Turn to 10
Providence Journal
R.I. students from low-income families are most likely to be learning remotely, a new study says
Providence Business News