FRWA eNews
Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
Flushing Signs
Upcoming Training
B/C WW Certification Review/Panama City Beach
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/West Palm Beach
System Maintenance And Safety/Edgewater
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/St Augustine
 1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Santa Rosa Beach
B/C/D DW Certification Review/Lake City
Online Training
Vaccine Distribution
In an effort to call attention to the water and wastewater operators role as essential workers, FRWA sent a letter to Governor DeSantis this week requesting that due consideration be given to assigning high priority for all water and wastewater personnel in the Florida COVID-19 Vaccination Plan.  
The letter noted that "critical water utilities personnel are first responders in emergency events at their utilities and in mutual aid efforts to help other damaged water utilities to restore full services as soon as possible.  For water utilities to recover quickly, those from within the water utilities are the best to help other damaged utilities in Florida and Florida water utility personnel are the best in the nation."
This is just another example of FRWA efforts to protect the safe drinking water of Florida by protecting essential workers.  To read the complete letter that was sent to the Governor, click here.

I read recently that "You don't have to shovel sunshine."  However as you can see by the photo above that was taken on January 3, 2018, we do get our share of cooler weather.

Now is a great time to do that maintenance that you have to "sweat" in hot weather.  Do you need, leak detection, mapping, etc.? Its a lot easier while the weather is cooler to search for leaks and start planning repairs.  Maybe your storage tanks need cleaning.  It will be easier to do it now.

What about your plant as a whole?  Could it use a new coat of paint or just a good cleaning?  Take advantage of the cooler weather to do some housekeeping.

Even though Hurricane Season is (hopefully) over, you may want to take the opportunity to update your Emergency Response Plan so that it will be ready for next year.

If FRWA can assist you in any way to get your system into shape, let us know at or contact the office at 800.872.8207.
National News
Hazard Mitigation -Why Now?  EPA will conduct a free 1.5-hour webinar on hazard mitigation funding opportunities for the water sector to mitigate damage from natural disasters.  more

The EPA National Drinking Water Advisory Council is the federally chartered council responsible for making recommendations to EPA on all drinking water policy.  The council will convene on Wednesday to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic, pending new standards and regulations, revisions to DBPs rules, etc.  NRWA is represented on the council by Wilmer Melton (NCRWA) and has nominated Jana Littlewood (AkRWA) and Kevin Mraz (WiRWA) for the council for 2021.

EPA Disinfection Byproducts Stakeholders' Forum - More Regulation Proposed Under Disinfection Byproducts Rules: EPA recently convened a stakeholder forum to evaluate expanding the DBP regulations to cover additional compounds, storage tanks, bio-films, and sanctuary surveys.  NRWA was represented by John Choate (ArRWA) (EPA).

USC §1926(b) is continually under attack in the courts and in Congress.  Currently, TRWA is defending two member utilities against hostile attacks that will be adjudicated by their federal appellate court (Rockett and Green Valley).  TRWA's advocacy is beneficial to everyone because it ensures no erosion of 1926(b) protection in the courts.  At the suggestion of legendary 1926(b) attorney James Herring, MsRWA is considering how to advance an advocacy network with rural water.

The national Lead Service Line Replacement Collaborative will meet this week (agenda). Randy Pleima (IaRWA) represents NRWA on the panel which will discuss full lead service line replacements, the Denver variance, virtual town halls, etc.

The EPA Environmental Finance Advisory Board met in October to consider EPA policy for stormwater credit trading, water affordability, water prioritization, etc. (agenda)  John Jones (NMRWA) was appointed to the board this year to represent NRWA.

AWWA's Water Utility Council's board of directors includes a seat for NRWA that is filled by Paul Fulgham (RWAUt).  All the national water associations also participated on the council and recently collaborated to make a joint appeal to Congress for additional COVID relief funding for water utilities (statement).

PFAS Receivers' Coalition (factsheet).  Early this month, representatives of state associations attended the EPA  Biosolids Program considering formulation for biosolids risk assessment from PFAS.  We expect to report on the details of the event next week.

Fourteen state association representatives sit on the NRWA Regulatory Committee which frequently makes policy recommendations to the NRWA board of directors (3Q 2020 Report).

Representing our interests in Congress typically requires several state associations with Members of Congress in leadership positions to testify before each Congress (recent examples).  Thanks to our grassroots network, these states build critical relationships with their Representatives and Senators that benefit all of rural water.

Coastal harm from invading saltwater 'happening right now' Four Native American tribes on Louisiana's Gulf Coast requested United Nations assistance this year to force action by the U.S. government on invading salt.  more
State News
Public meeting to review Aquifer Storage and Recovery Science Plan | Okeechobee News  The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) will be host a public online meeting on Dec. 8, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. to present the details of an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Science Plan.  more

Alan Dodd: Battles sea level rise and seeks stormwater gains for Miami | Miami Today
  Shoring up Miami's vulnerabilities to climate change is just one of Alan Dodd's responsibilities as director and chief resiliency officer for the city's Department of Resilience and Public Works. more

Guest Commentary: New threat to water quality in Southwest Florida | Lehigh Acres Citizen  We want to thank everyone who responded to our call-to-action to oppose federal permits for the Ocean Era Inc. aquaculture project proposed in the Gulf of Mexico.  more
This Week in Water History

Britain Selling Waterworks

November 25, 1988: New York Times headline-Britain Planning to Sell Its Waterworks. "The British Government today began the latest and most contentious step in its sweeping privatization program by presenting its plans for selling off the nation's state-owned water industry.

'We shall be freeing into private hands yet another important industrial sector,' the Environment Secretary, Nicholas Ridley, said in setting out the Government's proposals to sell Britain's 10 public water authorities.

He predicted that the water privatization bill, which was included in the Government's legislative agenda announced in Queen Elizabeth II's address to the new session of Parliament on Tuesday, would result in more efficient management of water resources and tighter environmental safeguards.

But many economists, politicians and union officials are skeptical about the presumed benefits of selling the water industry.  more

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here.
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309