HOVC Scouter Newsletter | September 9th, 2022

🍿 Things are popping at the Leadership Center!  Popcorn and Peanut distribution begins TODAY through Saturday!  We've added a new resource to our Popcorn Virginia page.  The Show & Sell Inventory and Balance Sheet is helpful for keeping track of sales, inventory and money at your booth sales.  We have more than enough product on hand for units who haven't yet registered to sell!  If you're interested in fundraising this fall, reach out to Heather Dunton at

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Welcome to Jakob Nipper!

The Heart of Virginia Council is excited to announce Jakob Nipper as the Council’s new Program Director. Jakob is a native of Blacksburg, Virginia who has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Radford University in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Outdoors. He was a Venture Scout in Crew 152, Blue Ridge Mountain Council. Jakob’s wife, Emma Claire Nipper, serves as the Retail Manager with Redemption Thrift. Jakob has a great deal of experience with summer camps and outdoor programs.

[Learn More]

Save the Date:

One Day of Service

Save the Date for a Council-Wide Day of Service!  We're performing service projects around Central Virginia, including trash collection at local parks, sprucing up school grounds, and collecting food for Feed More and partner food banks.  Mark your calendar for May 13th, 2023 for One Day of Service!  More details, including a Black Pug registration, will be shared soon.

Fall Outdoor Leadership Training Opportunities

Scouting is a GREAT ADVENTURE!  We are here to prepare you for outdoor events and activities that will elevate your program and give Scouts the experience they deserve.  Trained Leaders are an integral part of our commitment to the youth in Central Virginia.

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation

October 14 - 16 October 15 - 16

Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills

October 14 - 16  |  November 5 - 6

Merit Badge Camporee Hosted by the

Battlefield District

The Battlefield District is hosting their annual fall Merit Badge Camporee at Hanover Courthouse Ruritan Park the weekend of October 14th - 16th.  Over 20 merit badges, many Eagle Required, will be offered.  View the registration for prerequisites and other details.

[Register Your Unit]

Take the Mystery out of Den Meetings!

The Cub Scout Leader Forum is a new learning opportunity offered by The Heart of Virginia Council’s Roundtable team. This series of virtual meetings will help Cub leaders find the resources to lead fun and memorable den meetings, and will demonstrate technology tools to simplify den management. Take advantage of two special sessions featuring guest speakers and veteran Cub Scouters who will cover a range of topics and answer your questions. Join us virtually on October 11th and November 8th.

[Solve the Mystery!]

“It's worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.”

- Queen Elizabeth II

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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