TO: Northwest ISD Students, Parents/Caregivers, and Staff

FROM: Ryder Warren, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Weather Decisions

I hope everyone stayed safe and warm this weekend. I sent an update to all staff yesterday, and we have just watched the latest weather forecast for the week. For this update, I need to include our students and families because we are very much likely going to make adjustments to our school schedule this week. We are going to see snow, challenging road conditions, and bitter cold for the next several days, so I want to make sure everyone is planning accordingly.

I completely understand we make things tough for our working parents when the schools are closed, but we do not want anyone out until these weather conditions have passed us. As the plan exists right now, the following is what everyone can expect:

  1. NISD’s emergency staff will be meeting with the Fort Worth Emergency Response Team every day this week to get the very latest information on the weather and road conditions.
  2. The district’s Executive Team and all Building Principals will be Zooming together Monday (1:30 PM) to make a decision about Tuesday’s schedule, and that will be communicated out. If we do cancel school on Tuesday, this will be a “Snow Day” – meaning there will be no In-Person nor Remote Learning that day.
  3. The Executive Team and the Principals will Zoom on Tuesday (2:00 PM) to make any necessary decisions about Wednesday. We will meet together every day at 2:00 PM after Tuesday if the bad weather continues. If the need to close our schools persists past Tuesday, we will go to 100% Remote Learning beginning Wednesday. Our teachers, principals, and instructional support staff will get all of the information to students and families to do this.

Again – everyone stay safe through this, and you will be getting more updates over the next several days. Thank you for everything you do to support our children and our schools!

Ryder Warren
Superintendent of Schools