In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Strafford Regional Planning Commission is launching a new initiative in January that will provide direct technical assistance to the region’s municipalities to aid with disaster recovery and preparedness. In the early months of the pandemic, SRPC staff reached out to the communities in our region to ask how we could support them in their efforts to increase efficiency and resiliency. In return, we received the request to help digitize municipal records to allow for improved resilience and effectiveness of municipal staff if required to work remotely. Through this initiative, we hope to promote organizational resiliency, increase the capability of remote work, and provide online access to records for citizens. 

The municipal record digitization program will run through September 2022. Due to the limitations of the funding source, this assistance will be a one-time offer (i.e., providing staff support to digitize records). However, the equipment will be available for municipalities to sign out so they can continue digitizing records on their own. 

This effort will take place with the support of two interns who wills be starting at SRPC in the coming weeks. Those looking for more information should reference our fact sheet and FAQs