Dear Hoban Families and Students,
We have been informed of two Hoban students who have tested positive for COVID-19. Each students' test results were reported to the school within the last 24 hours. These positive tests are not related or connected.

We are working with Summit County Public Health and following their protocols for investigating possible exposure. Every adult and student who was within six feet of the students for 15 minutes or more has been contacted at this point. They, along with the students who tested positive, will quarantine for 14 days from the point of contact.

Privacy laws preclude Hoban from releasing additional details. As the year progresses, you may learn about a "confirmed" COVID-19 case through friends, word of mouth or social media, including specific names; however, Hoban will not be sharing any specific names due to HIPAA and FERPA laws.

We will continue to keep the Hoban community informed of any future cases and updates. Please remain diligent in safety procedures on and off-campus.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Dr. Tom Curry
Dr. Emily Ramos