5 Employee Retention Strategies Employers will need in 2022
Employee Benefit News | Deanna Cuadra | December 13th, 2021
An estimated 34 million people have quit their jobs this year — will employers let these numbers grow in 2022?
According to a survey by the job search engine, Monster, as many as 95% of workers have considered quitting their jobs, naming burnout and lack of career mobility as their top reasons. In order to retain employees, employers need to create a company culture that puts the worker first, says Jarik Conrad, vice president of human insights and human capital management advisory at UKG.
Is Your Talent Really Walking Out the Door to Avoid a COVID Vaccine? | Kathryn Mayer | October 25, 2021
One of employers’ biggest hesitancies for mandating vaccination is a fear of losing employees in a hot job market. Is the flight risk concern overblown for vaccine mandates?
While some employers have stepped up significantly on COVID-19 vaccine mandates in recent weeks, many others have stayed the course by encouraging vaccination or incentivizing workers to get them. One of the main reasons employers largely haven’t required workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19, even if they wanted to, is fear over losing employees. 
What's the Real Difference Between Leadership and Management?
Entrepreneur | Tiffany Gaines | September 3, 2021
The distinctions between managing and leading people impact your professional purpose. Here are five aspects that set them apart.
This Will Be HR’s Biggest Challenge in 2022 | Tom Starner | December 13, 2021
With the pandemic dragging on, HR leaders continue to face new hurdles. As the new year approaches and COVID remains center stage for most businesses, HR leaders continue to face talent management challenges. 
Glassdoor Predicts the Top 4 Workplace Trends for 2022
Employee Benefit News | Amanda Schiavo |December 8, 2021
Instability has been the recurring theme of the last 22 months, and that doesn’t seem to be changing as we enter the third year of the pandemic. Employers want to enter 2022 as prepared as possible to take on the challenges plaguing the workforce, including stress, burnout and financial uncertainty, as well as companies’ own struggles with employee attraction and retention.
"Change is constant, and it's really important for employers to be flexible and transparent in order to actually navigate this constantly changing environment,” says Daniel Zhao, a senior economist at Glassdoor.

5 Ideas for Staying Busy During the Slow Season
Entrepreneur | Max Palmer | December 13, 2021
For many businesses, the winter months tend to slow down considerably. Unfortunately, a slower season is a reality for those businesses who depend on seasonal tourism in the summer months...
For many businesses, the winter months tend to slow down considerably. Unfortunately, a slower season is a reality for those businesses who depend on seasonal tourism in the summer months — or reduced activity due to colder weather, among other things. During this time, the challenge for business owners is finding ways to keep themselves and their employees busy until things pick up again.

Luring Back the Comfortably Unemployed: A Compensation-Averse Guide to Hiring Post-Covid
Entrepreneur | Stav Vaisman | 12/13/21
Simply offering higher wages and salaries will be ineffective and a waste of resources.
Job growth last month grew by a meager 194,000 newly employed, about half of the jobs gained in August.
Economists were confused. “Employment is slowing when it should be picking up,” one told the New York Times.
Indeed, there are still about five million fewer Americans working now than before the Covid shutdowns.
A “Startling” Percentage of US Workers Have Been WFH Under the Influence
HR Brew | Susanna Vogel | 12/06/21
A survey of American workers found 22% of respondents said they had used alcohol, marijuana, or other recreational drugs on work video calls.
If you’ve ever emerged from a call wondering, What were they smoking?, Sierra Tucson, an Arizona–based mental health and substance-abuse clinic, might have an answer for you. Sierra Tucson commissioned a survey of American workers and found 22% of respondents said they had used alcohol, marijuana, or other recreational drugs on work video calls.
The Advantages (and Hidden Pitfalls) of Flex Work Schedules
HR Brew | Sam Blum | 11/29/21
Many workers prefer a flexible schedule, but watch out for resentment from those still clocking nine to five. There’s a familiar phrase in organizational consulting that might ring true for anyone who’s ever loathed a boss: People don’t quit companies, they quit their managers. But for those who haven’t recently slammed the door on a micromanaging superior, there remains the possibility of establishing a work schedule that grants more autonomy (and maybe even fewer hours that overlap with the overbearing boss).
Relationship Building is the Key to Good Onboarding: 4 Tips to Improve the Human Side of HR
Human Resources Today | Ben Olson | December 8, 2021

Staffing firms need to focus on the human side of human resources. Human resources involve a lot of relationship building. In today’s world, it is easy to get bogged down with time-consuming administrative tasks. Technology can help take some of those burdens off your plate. The connections and relationships you build Awith others are some of the most important parts of HR. 
5 Qualities of High Performing Talent Acquisition Departments
Human Resource Today | Sharlyn Lauby | December 9, 2021      
There’s no doubt that talent acquisition departments are in the spotlight right now. This doesn’t have to be viewed as a bad thing. In fact, it’s an opportunity to shine and show value to the organization. I think companies recognize the value of finding and hiring talent. But I’m also hearing about organizations not giving talent acquisition departments all the resources they need – both in terms of financial resources and time.
Building a Company Culture Amid Remote Workers
The HR Digest | DIANA COKER | DECEMBER 07, 2021
The pandemic has forced companies to switch to remote working and work from home models. This transition comes with its own complexities and difficulties, the most noticeable being the absence of office socializing and camaraderie.
Building a company ethos and culture becomes difficult when people are sitting apart and communication is restricted to work only.
The Biggest Mistake Companies Can Make with Holiday Parties is Not to Have One at All
Quartz and Quartz at Work | Sarah Todd December 10, 2021
The thing about living through an ever-evolving global pandemic is that it’s very hard to plan ahead, or to feel confident about what is the correct, responsible thing to do. Office holiday parties are no exception. Does the Omicron variant mean that it would be more prudent to cancel plans for company-wide karaoke?
Are Your Office Holiday Parties Inclusive? | Lauren | Dec. 2021 
With the holiday season quickly approaching, employers across the country are beginning to prepare for their annual end-of-year soiree. Traditionally, these events have failed to recognize all beliefs, leaving certain workers feeling excluded and unhappy. HR professionals tasked with planning these festivities can become quickly overwhelmed with all of the considerations that need to be made. 

How To Create An Inclusive Company Holiday Party | December 2021 
Recently on the WorkBright blog, we talked about how to host a company holiday party. While hosting a holiday party is fun, it can be isolating, depending on what your team celebrates.
Today, we wanted to cover how to have a genuinely inclusive holiday party so everyone can celebrate their culture at work.
How to Avoid Compliance Risks as Your Workforce Remains Virtual
Jer HR Group | Matt Cross | HR News + Views
Remote work has become the norm for many organizations and looks to remain so for the foreseeable future. But even though we’ve settled into a fairly routine work-from-home (or anywhere) way of life, meeting HR, safety, certification and regulatory compliance requirements can remain a significant challenge for organizations of all sizes. 
US Department of Labor Extends Comment Period for COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has extended the comment period for the COVID-19 vaccination and testing emergency temporary standard to Jan. 19, 2022.
On Nov. 5, OSHA issued an emergency temporary standard to protect workers from the spread of coronavirus on the job. The emergency temporary standard covers employers with 100 or more employees. Covered employers must develop, implement and enforce a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, unless they adopt a policy requiring employees to either get vaccinated or undergo regular COVID-19 testing and wear a face covering at work.

Final Rule: Increasing the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors (Executive Order 14026)
On November 22, 2021, the Department announced publication of the final rule, “Increasing the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors.” The Department has finalized regulations to implement Executive Order 14026, “Increasing the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors,” which was signed by President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on April 27, 2021. Executive Order 14026 states that the Federal Government’s procurement interests in economy and efficiency are promoted when the Federal Government contracts with sources that adequately compensate their workers. 
REQUIRED NOTICE: Domestic/Sexual Violence Victim Leave
Associated Industries of Missouri
The Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DOLIR) has released a notice of unpaid leave available for victims of domestic and or sexual violence, due to passage of a law during the 2021 Legislative Session.
The new law is effective August 28, 2021, and requires employers with 20 or more employees to provide unpaid leave for such victims AND to post the notice that has now been developed by DOLIR.
Form I-9 and E-Verify Guidance for Those Affected by Natural Disasters and Other Unforeseen Circumstances
Over 950 safety professionals signed up for the Missouri Common Ground Alliance Damage Prevention & Excavation Safety Summit in Springfield, MO on Dec 1-2.

Nan & Sue were thrilled to be subject matter experts covering Strategies for Finding and Keeping the Best Employees.
A special THANK YOU to all of the 2021 Conference Sponsors! Your support of the conference is integral in continuing the growth, quality & integrity of the continuing education unique to this conference year after year. You are appreciated!

Fantastic Value Added to Sponsoring the Conference!
Still thinking about partnering with the Missouri Employment Conference to reach hundreds of attendees?
MEC was here for you during the height of the pandemic with the virtual conference & MEC is here for you NOW in a safety first, in-person format! We are thrilled to finally be seeing your smiling faces at the Spring 2022 Conference!
Stay tuned for the announcement of the expert trainers & keynote speakers for 2022... coming soon!
The IEC article library is growing monthly with valuable information relevant to the ever-changing work environment. Check the website frequently for updates. If you have something important for our readers to benefit from, reach out to us to be included in the next newsletter or article library!

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Safely celebrating the holidays - recommendations by the CDC
In 2021, Missouri Employment Conference & HireQuality Solutions proudly supported these non-profits + more:

We encourage you to click above to support any of these, or another charity close to your heart, during this season of giving.
What you GIVE will come back to you in more ways than you know!
Do you know someone in your HR department (or company wide) who deserves to be recognized for making a positive impact in your company from day to day??
Whether personal or professional, in a big or a small way, we all know those people who go above & beyond for the greater good.
We want to help these everyday (H)eroes be (R)ecognized! Send your nominations to us & one deserving person each month leading up to the spring conference will be selected to receive a free conference registration + a $50 VISA gift card! We will announce the winner in the following month's newsletters.
4 Genius Tips For Decorating Christmas Cookies Like A Pro
Now that you have a perfect sugar cookie recipe that holds its shape impeccably, you'll need a few tips on how to decorate them. There's no need to start out too complicated. These key techniques are all you need to decorate holiday cookies pretty much however you desire. For each of these, you'll want to make a batch of our favorite royal icing. It sounds fancy, but it's super easy to throw together and is ideal for decorating because it not only looks beautiful, but also dries hard while staying puffy. Grab your piping bags and tips and let's get started.

For many, the holidays are filled with laughter, family, friends and excessive amounts of food. We have many traditions to look forward to throughout the year.
As easy as it is to embrace the holiday cheer, please remember this season might also trigger very different feelings and emotions in others.
This year, we challenge you to make an extra effort to reach out to friends, family and neighbors who would love your company.
We wish you JOY!
Nan & Sue