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August 2023

National Breastfeeding Month | Black Breastfeeding Week | Black August

PTBi Director of Discovery Research Named on Forbes 50 Over 50 List

Laura Jelliffe-Pawlowski was honored as part of Forbes' third annual 50 Over 50 list for her work as the co-founder and CEO of EGG Healthy Pregnancy, a startup providing pregnant people and new parents with personalized health data. Jelliffe-Pawlowski, a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco, also leads the HOPE study, which investigates the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on pregnant women and infants.

Read more at Forbes

Happy Breastfeeding Awareness Month!

The UCSF California Preterm Birth Initiative, contracted by the City and County of San Francisco, recently released a new report on the state of human milk feeding in San Francisco. Developed from informant interviews and focus groups, the analysis outlines the strengths, resources, and needs of the families and charts a path forward for the revamping of the San Francisco Breastfeeding Coalition.

Read the report

Watch the Juneteenth and Pride Month Live w/ Conscious Lee

In case you missed it, PTBi was joined by Conscious Lee for a discussion on the intersections of performative capitalism, its threats to community across identities, and how the Black community can seek collective safety in the face of division.

Watch on YouTube

Register for the 2023 California Black Birth Equity Summit

The Summit program will feature dynamic keynote speakers, interactive concurrent sessions, strategic planning for policies and programs impacting Black families, meaningful dialogue, and networking opportunities. In-person registration is sold out, but virtual registration is available.

Register for the summit

New Black Baby Equity Clinic At UCSF

UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland launched BLOOM: Black Baby Equity Clinic, where Black babies, newborn to 3 years old, can be matched with a Black healthcare team. Former PTBi community advisory board member Hope Williams-Burt shares how receiving racially concordant care made her last birth different than her previous.

Read more about the clinic

Fellowship Spotlight:

Bridgette Blebu, PhD, MPH

Bridgette, a 2021 graduate of the PTBI two-year fellowship program, focused her work as Faculty Investigator “on how we can improve perinatal care and support services in health systems.”

She now is the Faculty Investigator at the Lundquist Institute of Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and a SPIRIT K12 Scholar at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

Connect with Bridgette on LinkedIn

Job Postings

Expecting Justice is Hiring ABP Program Managers

Expecting Justice is hiring two program managers for the Abundant Birth Project (ABP) in Alameda County and Contra Costa County. The CA ABP is a pilot program that will provide pregnant people with a monthly income supplement during their pregnancy and post-natal periods. 

The ABP Program Manager will be responsible for managing the daily operations of their corresponding ABP county site, including budgeting, reporting, grants management, and coordination with other local support service programs; supervises local Abundance Coaches, ensures compliance with HIPAA; coordinates outreach; supports data collection and research.

Learn more about the Alameda role

Learn more about the Contra Costa role


The Heart of Access Community Screening 

August 17, 2023

6:00 - 8:00 p.m PDT

Brava Theater Center

2781 24th Street San Francisco, CA 94110

The Latino Task Force, Excelsior Strong, Excelsior Works and PODER invite community partners and DPH colleagues to attend the Mission & Excelsior Community Screening of "The Heart of Access" film featuring the COVID Response & Neighborhood Vaccination Efforts in the city of San Francisco. Registration is free.

Register via EventBrite

Get the August Voices for Birth Justice Zoom Background

Spruce up your Zoom game with the August Voices for Birth Justice background featuring Gifty Kwofie, Fresno County Perinatal Equity Initiative coordinator.

Download the Zoom background

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