Weekly Bulletin
June 24, 2021

June/July News and Notes
Click here to view the June/July News & Notes. Lots of important updates are contained in this edition!

Calling Host Families
As you know, there are a plethora of programs and opportunities at Xavier to make us a school of excellence; one of those is our International Program. 

Did you know that Xavier runs one of the biggest programs for International Students in the region? Students from around the world are looking at Xavier and jumping at the opportunity to learn with our students and experience the Xavier Way first hand. For the 2021-22 school year, we are on track to have 30-40 International students study with us! One of the most amazing things about being an International Student is the opportunity to live with an American family during the school year. As a student back in Wyoming, I did a study abroad trip to Lima, Peru, and my highlight by far was living with a family there. It was such a good opportunity to experience the realities of daily life as well as truly learn those cultures. I have stayed in contact with my host family and we have seen each other since that initial visit on several occasions. 

Now, you have the opportunity to build a relationship just the same. While you will provide immense value to the student who you are hosting, families who have hosted regularly recall its the students who impact them. Many families remark on how appreciative they were to have the courage to say yes to an International Student. We are currently looking for host families for the 2021/22 school year! Most of our host families will receive a monthly stipend to help offset any cost and Xavier will provide a $2000 tuition reduction for families who are hosting. This is really a great opportunity! 

If you have any questions, or are ready to say YES, please reach out to Matt Parish (mparish@xaviercatholicschools.org OR 920-733-6632 x 6902).

Update - Marching Band Camp
For those who have students in band this year, please note a schedule change for Band Camp. It will now be held July 26 - 28, from 8:30 - 3:30 (except on Wednesday, when it ends at noon). Thank you for your flexibility.

July Blood Drive
Join us for a summer blood drive and ice cream social on Thursday, July 8 from
2:30-5:30 pm.

All students, friends, and family age 16 and over are encouraged to donate during this time of blood donation shortage. Those who are 16 will need a parent to sign a permission slip.

To schedule your appointment please click here.

Scrip Summer Hours
Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am until Noon, curbside pick up.