Greetings, and hurray for summer! Stop by the Library and enjoy this beautiful weather on our comfortable porch, or in our rustic Outdoor Reading Area. Too hot for you? Spend some time inside in the air-conditioning browsing books & magazines, playing in the Children's Area, taking advantage of wifi & technology, or just relaxing in our cozy, inviting ambiance.

Save the date! On Saturday, August 5th, the Barrett Paradise Friendly Library will host our 2023 LOL Comedy Night at Buck Hill Falls’ Tennis Tea. This Library fundraiser includes dinner, a live auction, a silent auction, and a hilarious evening of entertainment with comedians from New York City (arranged by Carla Johnston). Details coming soon; registration begins in early July.  

Calling all girls entering grades 2-5! Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania is offering a "Summer Day Camp" program at the Library June 12-16, 12-2:30pm each day. Learn life skills while having fun through hands-on crafts and games. The program is free, and a free Girl Scout membership will be given to all new girls who participate. Registration is required. Click here for details and registration instructions, or contact Haley Main: hmain or 717-216-7192.

State Representative Maureen Madden now offers satellite office hours at the Library. Upcoming dates are Wed & Thu, June 7 & 8, and Mon & Tue, June 19 & 20, 10am-3pm. For questions about services, please call 570-894-7905 or visit her website.

Our National Library Week contests ended in early May. Congrats to all who participated in the book hunt and comic contests for kids, especially the happy prize winners. Sincere thanks for the kind words from those who wrote about what the Library means to them. And last, but not least, we had a tie in the Guess How Many Candies in the Container! The number of Hershey's candies was 347, with two guesses equally close--346 & 348, so we awarded a second chocolatey prize :)

Our first Local Author Meet & Greet held last month was a success! A big thank you to authors John Abel, John Cafarella, Mary Funari, Danny Marvin, Suzanne McCool, and Jackie & Darryl Speicher for sharing their time and talents with everyone who stopped by. Their writings cover fiction and non-fiction in a variety of genres & topics--realistic, historical, adventure, paranormal, parenting, avian, and more! Search their names in our online catalog to view info about their books.