August 2023 - Volume 62, Issue 8
The modernized Porsche crest:
The evolution of an icon
(Porsche Image)

From The Editor
Mike Willis

Please notice the CRAB sponsor buttons are prior to the advertisers ad.

When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage (link) or a file not to exceed 5MB. Also images have the same limit. (I am able to resize most of them).

Please note text that is blue text is a link.

When we use MSR (Motorsport Registration) all of those events advertised are linked to the specific registration. If the ad is an image then the click on it for the link.

This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also all advertisers are linked to their web page.

Editor Comments
President's Column
Vice President - Calendar Information
Porsches & Pints
August Dinner Meeting
Saturday Lunch Tour
Brookfields Monthly Breakfast
Mendocino Tour
Midweek Lunch Tour
Sacramento Auto Show
2023 SVR Autocross Schedule
My Sport Car Journey
4th of July Parade
Murphy's Tour
SVR Membership
SVR Member Spotlight
In The Zone
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store

Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Skip Quain, Contributor

 Rik Larson, SVR President
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
August 2023

Back to Meeting in Person at SVR Board Meetings?
·      Looks like we will get back to sitting across a table from each other at future board meetings.
·      So tentatively we will get back to meeting in person on Tuesday, September 5th at the Fire Station conference room on Hazel Avenue, Fair Oaks. Members are always welcome at our board meetings.
·      Thanks to Dick MacFarlane for pursuing this facility again for our region.
A Lot of New Events just popping up
·      Eduardo Ortega, Jr. put together a simple dinner for us on Tuesday, August 29th. The info is elsewhere in the DRIFTER.
·      And our tour director has come up with two tours in the next 45 days.
o  August 26th is a tour from El Dorado Hills to Georgetown and then return. A no host lunch will be at the finish.
o  September 13th is a Wednesday tour down to Rio Vista for lunch at the Point. Also a no host lunch.
·      And if you are interested in a TSD Rally (sponsored by SCCA), there are two of them --- August 26 (8 hour trap style event) and August 27 is a Tour style (no traps) that will be about 4-5 hours in length. Details from Richard Wetzel, SVR Rally Chair. Both events start at the Brookfields Restaurant location in Rancho Cordova (site of our 1st Saturday breakfasts).
PCA Digital membership card???
·      I am sure that you saw this announcement made by the PCA National Office.
·      I am not sure what to make of it yet. They said they are planning for the future.
·      I can’t remember the last time that I had to show my PCA Membership card at an event. I do remember the last time I had to show my California Driver’s License when I was pulled over by a motorcycle cop.
Name Badge
·      Remember to wear your name badge at events.
Some new event dates of note
·      SVR goes to the Sacramento International Auto Show on October 27-29. Dick MacFarlane is coordinating this event to display SVR members vehicles out at Cal Expo for a couple of days. He is looking for about 10 cars to be on display. This is a benefit for charity.
·      PCA Tech Tactics West (held in Southern California). 2 identical sessions --- November 18 and 19 ---. I have not been able to find any details yet at PCA.ORG. This event always sells out. Past event programs/schedule are available by searching on GOOGLE for “2023 Tech Tactics East” and then see the schedule that was used in February 2023.
·      The SVR Christmas Party will be on Saturday, December 23rd……….same location as last year……..Sierra View Country Club.
·      Zone 7 Tour by Shasta Region next June. Registration opens on February 1st. The MSR link should be available soon.
·      PCA Treffen Wine Country is April 21-25. Registration for this should open in January. You can monitor This event will be held at the Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn and is sure to sell out in less than an hour. As Kirk Bradford says:  “LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.” The event is usually limited to about 200 cars and is very upscale (i.e. not cheap).
·      SVR Pacific Grove Tour is May 3-5……..hosted by Jim and Linda McMahen.
Formula E
·      The 16 race season is over (so yes, this is probably the last time that I have to write about this series for a few months).
·      The series winner was Jake Dennis, driver for the Andretti Formula E team.
·      The Andretti-Porsche team finished 3rd in the constructor’s championship. Note that this is the first time that I have put “Porsche” as part of the Andretti name. Turns out that the Andretti team was running a Porsche powertrain all year and it seemed to be a little publicized item.
·      First place in the constructor’s championship was the Envision-Jaguar team. Second place went to another Jaguar team, and 4th place went to the Tag Heuer Porsche Formula E Team.
·      Pascal Wehrlein of the Tag Heuer team took 4th place in the driver’s championship.
·      All teams were running Gen3 cars on Hankook tires.
April 21-25, 2024
Registration opens about 3 months prior
You can see what the 2023 event was all about if you go to the MSR link at
The event is limited to less than 60 cars and features tours. In 2023 they had 4 tours with the emphasis on driving……….you did a different tour each day.

John Leet
Vice President
We have another busy month in August! In addition to the numerous SVR events on the calendar, a number of members are heading down to Monterey for the Werks Reunion on the 18th, and all of the other activities that are part of car week, which concludes with the concours at Pebble Beach on that Sunday. For those not going to Monterey, we have the 6th autocross event at Thunderhill on the 19th.

Porsches and Pints will be held at Jackrabbit Brewing in West Sacramento this month. Kent Langendorff will step in to chair this event in my absence. And, Eduardo Ortega will be chairing a dinner on the 29th at the Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Cordova.

There are a number of events of interest hosted by other Zone 7 regions or other clubs. GGR has a concours on the 6th, as well as autocross on 8/26-27 hosted by GGR/LPR as part of the Zone 7 Series. And for those of you who are up for a rally, our rally chair Richard Wetzel would like to highlight that SCCA is hosting a rally on the 26th and 27th as well!

Looking out to September, Steve Long and I are planning a family oriented tour that will end at the Red Hawk Casino, for lunch, video games, and karting for parents and kids. This will be tons of fun! Pencil in the 9th on your calendar, and stay tuned for details as they become available.
Click on the image to register for the dinner
Above in linked to MSR just click anywhere
Mark your Calendars
Sacramento Auto Show 10-27-2023

SVR will be able to put some cars in this.

Additional information in the next issue.

My Sports Car Journey
#1, The MG Midget
By Jim Robison
Redwood Region-PCA
“I can give you a lift home, if you don’t mind riding in a sports car.” Those were the first words I spoke to my future wife. The car was my new 1962 MG Midget. It had a 948 cc, inline 4-cylinder, pushrod engine, pumping out a whopping 46 HP with a 5500 redline. It was identical to the Austin Healey Sprint Mark II, except for the more elaborate grill and the side strips. (The Sprite “mark I” was the iconic “bugeye sprite” and there was no MG counterpart.) By-the-way, the “full size” MG sports car at the time was the MGA 1600 Mk II (1622 cc). My MG Midget had a 4-speed manual transmission, which will become important later in this story.
Lori and I started dating, which included drive-in movies in her parents Chrysler 300 or rallies and autocrosses in my MG Midget. I don’t remember any time-speed-distance rallies in those days, just gimmick rallies where we usually got lost. After several bad experiences, I vowed to never enter another rally in my life. I would focus on autocrosses. One day, after an autocross, I suggested Lori learn to drive the stick-shift. She enthusiastically agreed.
We started in an empty parking lot, where Lori quickly got the hang of it. She was doing fine, and we continued onto side streets. We then agreed she might as well drive all the way home, and we headed for the freeway onramp.
Traffic was brisk on the freeway and we were in the left lane. Suddenly, all the cars ahead slammed on their brakes. Lori reacted by doing exactly what she had always done in the Chrysler, she slammed her left foot to the floor. Unfortunately, the left peddle in the MG was not the brake pedal, it was the clutch pedal. We were flying toward a bunch of stopped cars at probably 60 an hour with the clutch pedal fully depressed and no braking whatsoever. We were both in full panic mode. If I said (yelled) anything (I don’t remember) it would have been “STOP!” 
To be continued…
4th of July Parade
by Robert Hrabak
Photos Collin Fat

After a long weekend with oppressive heat, Tuesday the 4th arrived. It was a beautiful day with a slight breeze. Shortly after checking in the club and finding our staging area, members starting arriving and decorating their vehicles.   Good ole Al Price was his normal early self. David from Rocky Mountain Auto Works arrived with his red 997 Targa already decorated.  Jody Rosner with his 912 and daughter arrived. The Fat family (Collin, Elaine, granddaughters and Weyland) once again turned out in force. The Cayenne looked very “presidential” (see photo). Ron and Ellen Ishimoto brought out their GT4 with a mascot (see photo).

The rookies this year were Mardi and Skip Quain. George Okamoto, past parade chair, and his wife Lisa arrived “dressed” and ready to go. Mike and Deb Dunn brought out the Macan. As I was double checking the roster an unknown car arrived. It was a stunning racing yellow 2018 GT3. As I walked up to ask who they were, the window opened and it was Ed and Terri Parra. Sweet ride!! 12 cars this year!!

The parade route was lined with more spectators than in years past. The kids were very “thick” near the judges’ stand. I could not toss out the candy quickly enough. I ran out of candy just over halfway through the parade. (L) All members were busy flinging candy to the kids and having a grand time Collin and I traded turns revving the RPMs.

Thank you to all participants!! I hope to see all of you and other members at next year’s event.

Below is a link to more photos from the event

Rick Duste
Tour Chair

July was another good month for SVR road tours. A hearty group braved the 100 plus temperature on July 15th and drove down to Murphy’s for lunch at fellow PCA member Raleigh Morrow’s Highway-4-Diner. Two groups traversed the backroads through Ione, Sutter Creek, Jackson, San Andreas and Angels Camp before the last leg up Murphy’s Grade Road to the diner on the south side of town.  The food was excellent and top notch service from the staff.  Be sure to check it out if your in the Murphys area in the future.
Nice turnout of cars ready to depart Salernos

We capped off the month with the tour to Fawnridge Winery in Auburn on July 29th. Departing from Salerno Motorsports in Roseville we weaved our way up to Penn Valley, around Lake Wildwood and then back down to the winery just northeast of Auburn completing our 101-mile journey. The first half of the route was through the rolling hills east of Marysville. After our stop at Penn Valley, the second half was twisty forest lined roads leading to our ultimate destination.

Many thanks to Chuck, Ben, and Janet Salerno for providing us with their shop as a launching point. The group were treated to donuts, bagels and juice while we viewed what I think is the most immaculate maintenance shop I’ve ever seen.  The owners of Fawnridge provided lunch for the group as we were entertained by the musician on the covered patio.   Great fun for all.

The next two Tours are listed on the calendar and flyers with information can be found in the newsletter and on the website.  Hope to see you on one of our future tours.
 Driver briefing before departing on the Tour inside the exceptionally clean Salerno Motorsports facility.
Owners Chuck, Ben, and Janet Salerno of Salerno Motorsports in Roseville along with
SVR President Rik Larson,
and Tour Chair Rick Duste and wife Linda
 Porsches gathered outside Highway-4-Diner in Murphys

Steve Long
Membership Director

Our August member of the month
Rafael Barbalho
And also is our July Member of the Month -
"forgotten by Me Editor"

Gary Griffiths and Judy Griffiths
New to SVR or just need a new name badge
-- you can order a badge--
and send to:
Membership Director, at:

Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.).
Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
How do you join the Porsche Club? Go to: -This is an online system that will request a credit card for payment. If you would rather fill out a paper form, contact 2023 SVR Membership Director, at
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at

Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director,
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge.

Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.

Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.

Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Sacramento Valley - Element 095

Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.

Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
Please NO embedded photos in the submission.

To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Steve Long

All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.

However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and also The Drifter is cited as the source.
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