I first became intrigued by David Brooks when he provided the conservative commentary on the PBS NewsHour. I didn’t always agree with him but I always admired his thoughtfulness and the kindness that he exhibited to his dialogue partners. 

Later I became acquainted with his written words  appearing in The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times as well as many others. I was impressed by how frequently he referenced theologians, poets, social psychologists as he reflected on our political and civic life. In his most recent book, The Second Mountain:  The Quest for a Moral Life, he becomes more explicit about his own spiritual journey.  Having grown up in a Jewish household he was also profoundly shaped by attending a Christian school and Christian summer camp and at one point he says, “I can’t unread Matthew. The beatitudes are the moral sublime, the source of awe, the moral purity that takes your breath away and toward which everything points. In the beatitudes we see the ultimate road map for our lives.” 

When we pick up our phones/iPads to read the national news or read the morning paper or watch the evening news, we can easily become overwhelmed with the heaviness and despair that seems to grip our national landscape. Sometimes I feel powerless to make a positive difference. But what I hear in Brooks’ astute reflections is that what we do in our own small corners of the world--schools, families, neighborhoods, churches--truly does matter. It may not have an immediate impact, but it does shape the world.  He says “The rot we see in our politics is caused by a rot in our moral and cultural foundations...” 

When I hear Brooks describe how our society suffers from a “crisis of connection” and how our society has become a “conspiracy against joy” I am reminded of how we as a church play a critical role in the world. In our individualistic culture the church offers a place to bond, to learn trust, to experience grace, to give of ourselves without expecting anything in return. Where else can we learn and practice the road map that Jesus described:

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth...Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 

Grace and Peace,
Stories in Glass, Part II
Jan. 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7, 14

Part II of this series continues our detailed look at Country Club Christian Church's stained glass windows. Starting January 17, we'll begin a look at the five large windows on the southern wall of our sanctuary. The stained glass windows shape the beauty of our sacred space but more than that, they tell us the key stories of our faith and inspire us to live in the light of God’s beautiful love and grace. Do you know who is in each window? We will remember our founding members who built these windows and reflect on their meaning. As we are bathed in the holy light of these colorful images, we are called to live as those shaped by these biblical stories.

Sun., Jan. 17 - Luke, based on Luke 6:27-38. Rev. Carla Aday preaching.

Click HERE to worship with us.

Miss last Sunday's worship? Watch it HERE.

Do you ever have trouble accessing our live stream? Click HERE for some helpful hints.
Thurs., Jan. 28, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom Webinar

What makes for a life worth living? And how do you decide on an answer? David Brooks asked those questions in his best-selling book The Second Mountain. At Yale University, professor Miroslav Volf pioneered the most popular course on campus to wrestle with those questions.

Country Club Christian Church will host Brooks and Volf in a virtual presentation on that very topic. As we begin a new year and think about becoming better people, we invite you to join the conversation, facilitated by Rev. Carla Aday and Dr. Mike Graves.
This event is free but requires registration. You will receive Zoom link upon registration. 

As a follow up to the event with David Brooks and Miroslav Volf, Country Club Christian Church is offering a companion course, led by Dr. Mike Graves.

February 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15 • 7:00 p.m. via Zoom (register below)

The phrase “the good life” has become cliché in our culture, usually indicated by prosperity. What does the good life actually look like? How do people decide for themselves? In this exciting launch of a new course, we will explore different approaches to these questions, focusing on three areas: self and others; pain and pleasure; and work and rest. This would be a great opportunity to invite people from outside of our congregation, even from outside of a Christian context.

This class is free and open to anyone, but registration is required.
Re-membering Mary Magdalene

Jan. 25, Feb 1, 7:00 p.m.
via Zoom
Led by Rev. Tyler Heston 

Throughout Christian history, the character of Mary Magdalene has been largely misunderstood, even confused with the story of a repentant prostitute in the Gospel of Luke. This misreading is especially ironic given she’s the first disciple to proclaim Christ’s resurrection and a key figure in the birth of the Jesus movement. Largely inspired by feminist readings, this two-week study will help us to re-member who Mary Magdalene might have been and to consider the implications for our faith today. 

January Sampling Social
Sat., Jan. 23, at 5:00 p.m.

We’re having a special social in which we’ll do a special sampling of drinks and/or snacks from local businesses— think a virtual wine tasting except not necessarily with wine. We’ll ask $20-30 per person and have boxes of goodies to pick up at the church during the day on Saturday, and we’ll join together on Zoom at 5:00 p.m. to taste each of the things that’s included. Click HERE to RSVP via evite.

Each year, churches around the world meet in January for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and for the past two years, clergy from churches in our neighborhood have gathered for a January ecumenical prayer service to recognize the worldwide celebration. This year, leaders from churches in the Plaza and Brookside area are gathering virtually for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 18-25) through daily video meditations on this year’s theme, John 15:5-9. You are invited to join in spirit and in prayer with other communities of faith in our neighborhood. Watch these reflections on our Facebook page starting Monday.

Jan. 17, 5:00 p.m.

Third-fifth graders are invited to join us for some games on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 915 5007 5517
Passcode: Kids

More information on Children's Ministry HERE.

Youth are invited to join us for a social-distanced movie night at the AMC Ward Parkway 14 (8600 Ward Pkwy, KCMO 64114) on Sun., Jan. 17, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. We've rented out an entire theater so that we can safely spread out, keep our masks on, and enjoy the classic Disney movie The Emperor's New Groove together. Cost is $5/youth and an RSVP is required; we only have capacity for 18 people total to ensure for safety regulations. RSVP to Tyler and let me know if you have any questions!

More information on Youth Ministry HERE.

We are hopeful that the 2021 Christian Community Camp in Estes Park, CO, scheduled for July 17-24, will happen as planned this year, and assuming it does, there are a couple of rooms still available! Join other families and individuals from our congregation for a week of hiking, horseback riding, fishing, crafting, relaxing and fun at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado. The group of 60-90 folks from all generations stays in a lodge with lovely mountain views and enjoys the home cooked meals provided by volunteer chefs from our church.

Click HERE for more information, or contact April with questions.

The Metro Mission Team is asking for donations for the church's sewing and knitting groups. Donations can be dropped off at the church on weekdays or left in the Collection Connection bin at the east entrance. 
  • White all purpose sewing thread
  • 4 ply yarn 

Our prayers are with the family of Louis Campbell "Cam" Schutte who died earlier this month.