Community Health Advisory Coronavirus (COVID-19)
weekly message from the Executive Director
By the Numbers
This was a good week by the numbers. Overall we reported a 26% reduction from last week with a total of 28 reported positive cases (25 consumers and 3 DSPs) and no deaths reported. Though we have still not moved out of the Purple Tier yet in any of our counties, our mountain counties are getting close. Statewide our positivity rate for developmental services continues to steadily drop, coming close to where we were on December 6th (data as of two weeks ago). Our 14 day positivity rate average for California has now dropped to the levels we were in during the beginning of last fall. Governor Gavin Newsom held a press conference in our region on Wednesday with Asm. Carlos Villapudua, Sen. Susan Talamantes Eggman, and Stockton Mayor Kevin Lincoln, where he committed to set aside 40 percent of vaccine doses for the most impacted communities (listing Stockton on the top of that list) and "seeks to reach 2 million vaccine doses in these communities to move counties through tiers and open more activities safely".
Last week we completed our Testing and Vaccination Plan and submitted it to the state. We encourage you to check out the plan as it describes many of the activities and events that have occurred so far in order to help our community get vaccinated. It also includes future plans, plus a description of how each of our five counties are managing the vaccination dissemination. The national and state government have put forth the vaccination priorities, but in many ways the vaccination rollout is still locally driven, and each county may be at a different capacity and local governments are still able to define some groups within the broad parameters of state and federal regulators. Each county has a little different approach and our plan encourages everyone to visit their county websites as we have listed, but as the month goes on the state will manage this process through their agreement with Blue Shield using the system called MyTurn: Some of our counties have already transitioned to MyTurn but the change is seamless. Moving forward, many policy changes will occur and one might include a need for a letter confirming your regional center status to get vaccinated in the next priority list. VMRC will be able to provide a personalized letter confirming your eligibility under the following provision provided by the California Department of Public Health:
"Beginning conditions:…If as a result of a developmental or other severe high-risk disability one or more of the following applies:
- The individual is likely to develop severe life-threatening illness or death from COVID-19 infection.
- Acquiring COVID-19 will limit the individual's ability to receive ongoing care or services vital to their well-being and survival.
- Providing adequate and timely COVID care will be particularly challenging as a result of the individual's disability…"
Down syndrome, severe obesity, Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 or above, Chronic pulmonary disease, oxygen dependent, Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant, Pregnancy, Sickle cell disease, Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies (excludes hypertension), and Type 2 diabetes mellitus are also qualifying conditions.
This Week's Directives from DDS
The Department of Developmental Services Director, Nancy Bargmann, released a directive this week waiving the requirement for regional centers to hold public meetings this month and on service disparities data and to submit a report by May 31, 2021 and post on our website by August 31, 2021. VMRC is now required to tell the community about the upcoming event by May 31st and hold our meetings by June 30, 2021. We now are to send in our reports by August 31, 2021 and post on our website by October 31, 2021.
Senator Eggman just introduced SR 14 in the California Senate recognizing March as Social Work Month. A few of highlight of Senator Eggman’s resolution are:
- WHEREAS, March 2021 is recognized nationally as Social Work Month, and this year’s theme is “Social Workers Are Essential,” which embodies the heroic contribution of the social work profession to our nation, including the work social workers have done to heal our nation during these times of pandemic, racial unrest, economic uncertainty, and political divisiveness; and
- WHEREAS, Social workers have always been present in times of crisis helping people overcome issues, such as death and grief, and helping people and communities recover from natural disasters, such as fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes; and
- WHEREAS, Social workers play a crucial role in our nation’s health care system and have played a key role in this nation’s response to COVID-19 and helping individuals, families, and communities cope with the pandemic;
Tony Anderson
Executive Director
Valley Mountain Regional Center
Case Management Update
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
Each March, a campaign is created to highlight the many ways in which people with and without disabilities come together to form strong, diverse communities.
The March 2021 campaign seeks to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all areas of community life, as well as awareness to the barriers that people with disabilities still sometimes face in connecting to the communities in which they live.
Vaccine Priority for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
People with developmental and other disabilities will be given vaccine priority, beginning March 15.
The California Department of Public Health announced that as of that date, healthcare providers may use their clinical judgement to vaccinate individual 16-64 who are deemed to be at the very highest risk for morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 as a direct result of one or more of the following severe health conditions:
· Cancer—current with debilitated or immuno-compromised state
· Chronic Kidney Disease—Stage 4 or above
· Chronic Pulmonary Disease—oxygen dependent
· Down Syndrome
· Immuno-compromised state—weakened immune system from solid organ transplant
· Pregnancy
· Sickle Cell Disease
· Heart Conditions—Heart Failure, Coronary Artery Disease, or Cardiomyopathies (excludes Hypertension)
· Severe Obesity—Body Mass Index (BMI) is greater or equal to 40 kg/m2
· Type 2 Diabetes—with A1C greater than 7.5
If as a result of a developmental or other severe high-risk disability, one or more of the following applies:
· The individual is likely to develop severe life-threatening illness or death from COVID-19 infection
· Acquiring COVID-19 will limit the individual’s ability to receive ongoing care or services vital to their well-being and survival
· Providing adequate and timely COVID care will be particularly challenging as a result of the individual’s disability.
Contact your Service Coordinator for more information and support regarding accessing vaccines.
VMRC POS Expenditure Public Meetings Scheduled
VMRC will present data during two separate Zoom meetings scheduled on March 25, from 2pm -3pm, and a Spanish presentation on March 30, 4pm-5pm.
The public meetings are required by the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, relating to purchase of service authorization, utilization and expenditures. The information will include data pertaining to age of individuals served, race or ethnicity of the individuals served, as well as primary language spoken, and disability. Save the date! Zoom links will be available in an upcoming Health Advisory.
Cafecito Colaborativo on March 18th
VMRC, in partnership with Integrated Community Collaborative (ICC), will be holding a Cafecito Colaborataivo via Zoom on March 18, from 4pm to 5:30pm.
Please join us to discuss various topics about services provided and to help us better meet the needs of consumers and their families. English translation is available.
Meeting ID: 392 777 1534 / Passcode: 20202121
San Joaquin County Diaper Distribution
A diaper distribution event is being held later in the month for families raising children with special needs in San Joaquin County. The event will occur on Saturday, March 27 from 10am-12noon at the Sherwood Executive Center’s North Parking Lot, located at 5250 Claremont Ave, Stockton.
Distribution is by invitation only, and while supplies last. To participate, please complete the registration form and indicate the size needed at:
This event is possible through a generous grant from the Junior League of San Joaquin County and is sponsored in partnership with VMRC, the State Council on Developmental Disabilities and the Family Resource Network.
To view the flyer in English and Spanish, please access the following:
San Joaquin County Free Food Guide
San Joaquin County Public Health Services has compiled a listing of free food distribution sites. The list contains the name of various agencies, their address, day and time of operation, eligibility criteria, and contact information separated by zip code. Look for the distribution site closest to your residence.
Cindy Mix
Director of Consumer Services
Clinical Update
With the campaign to vaccinate as much individuals we can vaccinate to combat the pandemic, another COVID-19 Vaccine has been approved over the weekend. The US Food and Drug Administration has given emergency use authorization to the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine for individuals 18 years and older.[1] It is a single dose vaccine with side effects similar to the other two COVID-19 vaccine. To get more information if you are allergic to any of its ingredients and other facts, check out this link, as well as it’s Frequently Asked Questions website.
With nearly 10 million COVID-19 vaccines administered in all over the state[2], healthcare experts and specialists are still highly recommending the use of masks when one is outside their home. The recent guideline from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is to double mask using a surgical or disposable mask with a cloth mask on top of it.[3] It helps create a good seal around your face providing a good air filtration and giving you more protection. Double masking with a N95 or KN95 is not recommended. Check out this link for details and more examples from CDPH.
Furthermore, the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) has published a study assessing the safety of mask wearing in young children. In their study, infants less than 24 months to 144 months were included and was found that when they wore surgical masks, there was no significant changes in their respiratory status.[4] They did not have any respiratory distress.
The plan to ramp up vaccinations in the state has included the help of Blue Shield who will aid California in the vaccine distribution and a more streamlined process.[5] Some counties including San Joaquin and Stanislaus are slowly transitioning to the centralized vaccine appointment system: or the hotline (833) 422-4255. As early as March 1st, Californians can call or log in to this website to schedule vaccination for those in the priority groups.[6]
In the coming weeks, My Turn ( and the CA COVID-19 Hotline (833) 422-4255 appointment slots will be reserved through an individualized appointment code/ticket system starting at least with the following:
o Child-care workers
o Low-Income Californians over the age of 65
o Agricultural workers
o Regional Center Consumers (serving first HPI quartile zip codes) – starting the week of March 15. [7]
o Independent Living Center Consumers (serving first HPI quartile zip codes) – starting the week of March 15.
o IHSS providers
It is our hope in our regional center that these efforts statewide will benefit our consumers to help keep them safe during this pandemic. I am very happy to share that one of our consumers who live with family, not in a care home, has been vaccinated in Amador County. Our agency is grateful to the partnership and collaboration we have with our local county public health offices and the support they give to our consumers and their families to keep them safe and healthy. Remember to continue practicing all the safety precautions (mask wearing, hand washing, physical distancing, avoiding crowds) even if you have been vaccinated.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy.
Claire B. Lazaro, MSN, RN, NP, PHN, FNP-C
Director of Clinical Services
Community Services Department Updates
Quality Assurance News
Weekly Residential Informational Session hosted by VMRC’s Community Services Department EVERY FRIDAY at 9:00 a.m.
Meeting ID: 912 0489 6749
Residential providers are invited to join to learn about important changes and trends as it relates to the COVID pandemic.
VMRC will be hosting an Emergency Disaster Preparedness Workshop in partnership with Community Care Licensing, Cal Office of Emergency Services, SCDD & SAC 6 on March 10, April 14, and May 12th. Invitations have been sent to Residential Service Providers through Constant Contact. If you are interested in attending and have not received a notification, please contact your Community Services Liaison for more information.
· Day Program Information Session in partnership with Community Care Licensing (Adult & Senior Care) to be held via ZOOM on Monday March 15thth from 10-11:30 a.m.
Zoom Meeting Link for Day Program Providers ONLY
· Children’s Residential Information Session in partnership with Community Care Licensing to be held via ZOOM on March 11th from 2:00-3:30
Meeting ID: 933 5316 1661
The Community Services Department
Autism Update
CAPTAIN is currently recruiting participants for a disparities project that focuses on the development of culturally and linguistically appropriate resources for families of individuals with Autism. CAPTAIN is looking for Arabic, Tagalog, Spanish, and Vietnamese speaking family members and community members who support individuals with Autism to participate in a focus group to help inform the adaptation and translation of Autism resources. Participants will receive a $50 incentive to participate and participation is voluntary.
Early Start Update
Using Telepractice to Provide Services to Populations with Barriers
presented by Ryan Landinguin, RL Therapy Group
Monday, March 8 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 pm
Please see the attached flyer for information on how to register. Please feel free to share the flyer with your Early Start families and providers. For questions regarding this training or the Early Start webinar series, please e-mail
Tara Sisemore-Hester
Assistant Director of Clinical Services
North Valley Hills Update
Dena Hernandez, Regional Manager
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month!
March is recognized nationwide as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) works with our local and national partners to highlight inspiring stories and to raise awareness of the barriers that persist in the community. This campaign is a great opportunity to reach out beyond our everyday network and connect with neighbors, businesses, schools, and elected officials. We encourage everyone to share their own story, and for social media include #DDawareness2021 in your posts.
Go to to learn more and see events happening across the state!
Update from Family Resource Network
With a generous grant from Junior League of San Joaquin County, Family Resource Network, the State Council on Developmental Disabilities-North Valley Hills, and VMRC are partnering to offer a Diaper Distribution Event for infants and toddlers with special needs in San Joaquin County, on Saturday, March 27, 2021. This event is by invitation only and requires registration. Please click link on flyer to register. While supplies last.
Lisa Culley
Executive Director
Family Resource Network
Self-Advocacy Council 6 (SAC6)
Join SAC6 for Our Weekly Chat!
Let’s Check In with each other!
WHEN: Friday March 5, 2021
TIME: 11:00 AM -12:15 PM
WHERE: ZOOM - computer, tablet, cell phone
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 0856 0514
Passcode: 713436 (MUST ENTER PASSCODE) OR you can call in:
TOLL FREE NUMBER TO CALL IN 877 853 5257 US Toll-free
ALSO at each CHAT: A VMRC update by Tony Anderson Executive Director and a Mental Health Tip of the Day by Dr. Dave Demetral!
Five County Data Update
as of March 4, 2021
San Joaquin County
· 67,213 total positive cases and 1177 deaths
· 11.6 new cases per 100,000 people and 5.0% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
Stanislaus County
· 50,802 total positive cases and 955 deaths
· 15.7 new cases per 100,000 people and 6.3% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
Tuolumne County
· 3968 total positive cases and 59 deaths
· 5.2 new cases per 100,000 people and 2.1% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
Calaveras County
· 1922 total positive cases and 49 deaths
· 4.5 new cases per 100,000 people and 3.6% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
Amador County
· 1605 total positive cases and 34 deaths
· 8.2 new cases per 100,000 people and 3.1% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
State of California
· 3,587,567 total positive cases and 53,466 deaths
· 10.2 new cases per 100,000 people and 3.7% positivity rate
Valley Mountain Regional Center
· 673 positive consumer cases and 24 deaths
· 34 positive VMRC staff cases
· 4 positive volunteer case
· 271 positive provider cases and 1 death
Local County, State and National Public Health Resources