We want to make this year a year where we “Serve Together.” Throughout the year, you will have the chance to learn about different nonprofits in our community through church-wide acts of service. Pick up a Passport to Service on January 23 and keep track of all the ways you and your family have helped our community throughout the year! Each project will have a sticker to put on your passport to remind you of your experiences! I look forward to seeing you as we serve God together. 

One of your first opportunities to serve happens Sunday, January 16, from 8:00 a.m. to noon. The church will be holding a blood drive this Sunday in our church parking lot. Gulf Coast Regional keeps our area stocked with life sustaining blood for those who have had an accident, a surgery, a blood cancer and many other debilitating physical issues. But blood also helps the smallest and most vulnerable of us. Stephanie Laskoskie wanted to share her story with you. Read her story below. You can sign up to give by clicking here. If you sign up online, you’ll receive a t-shirt. 

On January 22, we will be participating in our partner Mobile Pantry with Metropolitan UMC and Eastside Church of Christ. Join us in distributing food to 100 families in Conroe. Sign up here to participate or email me at janet@fmconroe.org.


Janet Stilwell
Pastor of Congregational Care and Missions
at First Methodist Conroe