Employee Newsletter
Autumn 2020
Cahoon Care Associates, LLC.
Norwell, MA: (781) 659-1877

133 Washington St, Norwell, MA 02061
Sandwich, MA: (774) 994-2212

141 Route 6A Unit 6, Sandwich, MA 02563
Ellsworth, ME: (207) 667-0870

Our Featured Employees:
Christi Butler &
Ashley Gustafton
We chose Christi Butler and Ashley Gustafson for the "Employees of the Quarter" because of the amazing job they are doing for our clients. They are hardworking ladies and actual powerhouses that are currently working with two clients in Maine. They show extreme compassion and empathy to these folks. It is so touching!

They put in almost seven days a week, two shifts a day with a bedbound husband and wife. We have been receiving excellent feedback from the family as well as from the nurses that work with the clients! We are so proud of them. They are a great addition to the Cahoon Care Associates of Maine team.

Christi Butler took her CNA class 19 years ago when a junior in high school. She has been continuing in this profession ever since.Christi's work history includes doing in-home health care, working at Sonogee Care Facility as CRMA and Team Leader, helping run an adult daycare center at Birch Bay Village, and even helping run a daycare center for a few years. Her heart always belonged to home care, though, and she eventually moved back into working with the elderly again. Christi started with Cahoon Care in July 2020.

Ashley Gustafson started caregiving 17 years ago. Her grandfather had become ill and she assisted her family members with taking care of him. After working with him over the years, she fell in love with caring for people and the elderly. She started with Cahoon Care in July 2020.

One story illustrates exactly what type of care these two ladies provide for their clients. One day they sat outside on the clients' porch and opened a whole cooler full of crabs so they could make them crab bisque, crab salad, and all sorts of good food made of crab that they loved to eat. Christi also made the husband pies, which he loved as well.

One of the clients' sons contacted us with the following accolades: "I want to thank Christi and Ashley for their superb care of [my parents]. [We] saw every day how they both went way beyond in taking care of our parents. Thank you so much for caring for them with such kindness and love. You both are amazing people."

Thank you, Christi and Ashley!!
Our New Maine Office
We have just finished moving into our new Maine office located at 79 Main Street, Suite A, Ellsworth, ME!

The new location is just down the street from our previous spot. We now have the whole suite to ourselves, with a big window overlooking Main Street and including a kitchen and a conference room. (Previously, our upstairs office was difficult to see from the road.)

We look forward to continuing to serve our Maine clients from our new location!
Spread the Word! Employees Give the Best Referrals!
Do you enjoy working for the Cahoon Care team? How would you like to make a little extra money? 

If the answers to these questions are yes, why not refer your experienced colleagues, friends or relatives to work for us, too!

You can earn up to a $115.00 value in referral payout!!

*A $15.00 coffee or movie gift card will be sent to you once your referral is hired and works shifts with no incidents for one full week.
*The $100.00 bonus will be paid out after 90 days of the referral working shifts.

There are a few rules in place to collect the referral bonus:

*Referral must work at least 200 hours in the 90-day period from the date of hire;  (That’s an average of 16 hours per week.)
*Referral must work free of disciplinary incidents;
*Referral must have no unexcused call-outs. (Call-outs with doctor’s note are excused.)
*Referral and the Referrer must still be employed with Cahoon at the end of the 90 days.

Many of our caregivers have made several hundred dollars by referring others. Some of these referrals have gone on to become the top caregivers on our team!

Please call the office today to start earning that extra money!
Video Corner:
How to Comfort Someone with Dementia During COVID-19 When They Want You to Visit
COVID-19 has presented many difficult social situations, not the least of which is isolation for those who are most in need of visitation. Here are some tips on how to comfort those with dementia who are lonely.
New Sick Time Request Form
A new version of the Sick Time Request Form for Cahoon Care employees has been added to our website under the Employee Hub.

Click here to access it.
Need Training?

If you wish to get additional training in any area of caregiving, particularly in dementia or Alzheimer's care, we can sign you up for a class. Just let us know!
November Marks Our 10th Anniversary of Caregiving!
This November marks our tenth year of being in business as Cahoon Care - and what a decade it's been!

Our humble origins go back to November 2010, when Margery Cahoon Parker, her sister Donna, and her daughter-in-law Carolyn Parker decided to make a difference by starting a company to meet a very evident need.

Margery and Donna had recently experienced watching their mother succumb to cancer. As her disease progressed and she started needing more help, they had a difficult time finding good people to care for her.

Visit our blog to learn "the rest of the story!"
New Alzheimer's Breakthroughs in New England!
September is known internationally as Alzheimer's Awareness Month, with Sept. 21 being considered World Alzheimer's Day. This campaign was launched in 2021 to raise awareness about dementia and to challenge the stigma that surrounds it.

While the misinformation that surrounds dementia remains a global problem, inroads are being made, particularly through groundbreaking research being done by renowned scientists.

One such individual with a direct New England connection is Dr. Rudolph Tanzi. He serves as the Vice-Chair of Neurology and Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Mass. General Hospital, as well as the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School.

Visit our blog to learn about Tanzi's most recent breakthrough!
Monthly Drawing for a $50 Gas Card
How do you get your name in the drawing?

*Cover a shift offered for the same day.
*Cover a sick-call shift. (Let's all try to stay healthy!)
*Work a holiday not on your scheduled day.
*Allow flexibility in your schedule to meet clients' needs.
*At the discretion of the office staff.

The raffle begins on the first of every month and the drawing for the previous month happens the same day.

A winner will be picked randomly on the first of every month from all the names entered in the drawing.

*Your name may be entered once or many times for each noteworthy occurrence.
*A new collection of names will begin on December 1st with a winner drawn on January 1st, with the process repeating on the 1st of each month.
*It is at the discretion of the office to continue or end this promotion.
We want to hear
from you!

As valued employees of Cahoon Care Associates, we would like to get your feedback on our new Employee Recognition Program and any ideas or topics you would like to see covered in the next newsletter.
We're Now on Pinterest!
Take a look at our new Pinterest account. Start following us to keep up with our latest pins!
Spread the Word!