Volunteers Needed to Light the Advent Wreath during Zoom Advent Worship
The season of Advent begins on Sunday November 29 this year. Advent is a time of preparation for the comings of Jesus Christ- in his birth in Bethlehem, in his continuing presence in the Church and the World, and in his coming in Glory to usher in once and for all God's Reign of peace. It is a time when the Church invites us to slow down, reflect on our lives, and become more aware of how and where Christ is with us. This Advent brings with it an increased desire for wholeness in our lives and in the world. The pandemic has upended our lives and many of the rituals and practices that make the holiday season special for us will be absent this year. And yet Christ is still present with us, and the Spirit continues to call us to discover new ways to pray, to serve and to be together.
This year our Advent worship on Sundays will continue on Zoom. Our worship will include beloved Advent hymns- and maybe a few new ones, as well as the lighting of the Advent Wreath. For centuries Christians have used the advent wreath as a way to express our longing for God's Reign of peace, and as a way to mark the passing of time as we await for the Coming of Christ. I encourage you to create an Advent Wreath for your own home this year. You may use any greens that you desire along with four candles, traditionally three purple and one rose. Some also include a white Christ Candle in the center to be lit on Christmas Eve. Light your candles each evening as we hold one another in love and prayer.
I am also looking for three volunteers (after the first week)- family groups, a couple or a single person- to volunteer to light a candle on their wreath and to say a short prayer on one of the Sundays of Advent, as a way of calling us to worship.
Email Fr. Rob at FatherRobLaws@yahoo.com.
Thanks, Fr. Rob
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. During this time when we are not able to be in our building, members of the parish have been taking turns caring for the light in their own home and then passing it on to another member for the next week, until we can all be together again in the church building. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at philip.muniz@gmail.com.
Advent Wreath Pick-up and Saying Goodbye
to Fr. Tim
Next Saturday at 2 p.m., Fr. Tim will be on the church steps giving out Advent Wreaths with some helpers. You can park in the parking lot and come pick up your wreath, and at that time, give thanks to Fr. Tim. Please remember your masks and to social distance. We ask that you try to get there as near to 2 as you can.
Since the church is not physically open, plate offerings are not occurring. In years past we could count on a certain amount for the budget coming into the church through plate offerings. This has not been happening. Please, please consider making a pledge this year to help us better create a budget and keep St. Martins a viable resource to the community. Currently we have a little over $127,000 in committed pledges from about half of our congregation. If you misplaced your pledge card you can contact Kelly Slye at: kelly@slye.us or go to the church website and make your pledge online.
Adult Fellowship
Advent: A Time of Waiting in The Time of COVID
You are invited to take part
in a four-session Advent series on Wednesdays at 7:30 starting December 2nd in conjunction with St. John's
How does Advent, the first season of the church year, cause us to reexamine our desires as we prepare to welcome Christ, the Desire of Nations? The series focuses on that question, with the theme of Advent Ethics. We will meet virtually on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sessions includes prayer, a scripture reading, reflection, study questions and sharing.
Dec. 2: Redeeming Time: Being pushed back to Christ and to the Eucharist
Dec. 9: What Are We Waiting For? Examining how Isaiah’s oracles are employed in Advent liturgies to interpret Jesus’ birth, ministry and suffering
Dec. 16: The Three Advents: Looking at Bernard of Clairvaux’s account of Christ’s “threefold coming”
Dec. 23: Advent of the Heart: Focusing on the Prison Mediations of Alfred Delp, SJ
Zoom link will be coming soon!
EMAIL ALISON at randyali@aol.com if you have anything to put in this newsletter.
St. Nicholas Fire Pit Celebration
Sunday, December 6th
4 pm to 5 pm-ish
The Kellam’s backyard (900 Ardsley Lane, Bridgewater)
In lieu of our traditional potluck dinner, enjoy some hot cocoa by the fire as a way for Saint Martin’s children to gather together and celebrate the holiday season. We will read our traditional Saint Nicholas story and rumor has it that Saint Nicholas may make an appearance!
Mask required unless drinking hot cocoa or eating yummy treats as we want to make this safe for everyone! Just bring yourselves wrapped in warm clothes. The event is weather dependent.
The Outreach Committee will be holding a collection for the Food Bank Network on Sunday, December 13th. We will be in the church parking lot from noon until 2:00. This collection is focusing on personal care products. The Food Bank is receiving more and more requests for items such as toothpaste, deodorant, etc. and they run out of these items quickly. A more detailed list will be provided next week. Happy Thanksgiving!
Update on Fr. Laws
As mentioned last week during service, Fr. Laws and his family will not move into the rectory until the end of the year.
We would like to provide Fr. Laws with a "Best of Bridgewater" list upon his arrival. If you have a favorite business that you can recommend, please fill out the survey using this link:
Eagle Scout Project
by Aidan Haddad
My project is to improve the picnic area by the playground by installing a paver patio. This will make the area aesthetically more pleasing as well as easier to take care of. I started last week cleaning up the area, but will need help purchasing the pavers. If 40 people donated $20 each, I could reach my goal.
Please consider donating to my project by using the GoFundMe button below: