Community Newsletter
March 2021 Edition
Mayor's Note
February is behind us and I am looking forward to Spring. I am excited to share a few updates.

At the February 16th City Council meeting, we introduced an Ordinance that would allow us to update the code governing fences along property lines in Lakewood. The goal of this legislation is to make codes clearer for residents, protect pedestrian traffic, and avoid confusion concerning fence construction and permitting.

The City has stayed hard at work on implementing a multi-phase integrated wet-weather improvement plan to help our aging sewer system meet the EPA’s Federal standards. City Council and I are looking at ways to support the infrastructure necessary to meet these standards affordably and equitably. Updating the City’s sewer system is one of the biggest challenges we are currently facing, but I am hopeful that a solution will be in place by the end of the year.

I have been appointed to the Ohio Mayors Alliance’s Education Advocacy Committee alongside a handful of mayors from other large cities around Ohio. This committee will help me to identify ways to support high quality education and workforce development opportunities in Lakewood and to advocate for education policy improvements at the state level.

Our internal COVID-19 Taskforce, created back in March of 2020, continues to meet monthly to address citizens’ concerns related to COVID-19, and remains dedicated to keeping city services running smoothly during these tumultuous times. In addition, we have a COVID-19 Financial Taskforce that is meeting regularly to address the financial challenges that COVID-19 has created both for individual households and businesses and our community as a whole. If you would like to stay up to date with or learn more about the City’s COVID-19 measures, you can visit

On February 23rd, the City held a virtual conversation about the Cove Church redevelopment project where we heard feedback from community members about what they hope to see at the new facility. Another virtual conversation will be held on Tuesday, March 23rd, at 6:00pm. Please join us!

I hope that you are staying safe and healthy, and hopefully enjoying this increasing sunshine.

Mayor George
City News & Updates
E-File your Lakewood Income Taxes!
Avoid lines - you can do it all online! With public health at the forefront of today’s world, Lakewood is meeting the social distancing challenge while also modernizing our business practices through acceptance of electronic filing and paying of your Lakewood City Income Tax. Last year, we processed a dramatic rise in electronically filed tax returns and began accepting electronic payments. Discover the benefits of E-filing and E-paying, a great no-cost, no-contact way to fulfill your Lakewood tax obligations.
LED Streetlight Conversion Program funded by NOPEC Grant
As a result of their energy efficiency, low operating cost, and reduced maintenance, LED lights are gaining popularity across the country. This is especially true with public street lighting. LED lights are compliant with national light standards that reduce the light pollution or “city glow” that is an unintended effect of older, electricity guzzling high-pressure sodium streetlights. Lakewood is a past and current recipient of the NOPEC Energized Community Grant Award which can be used to fund energy efficient improvements to the City’s infrastructure. The award has been used in part to fund a program to replace the city’s outdated high pressure sodium streetlights on the city’s major corridors. The new fixtures have been successful in reducing the city’s energy costs and light pollution and increasing roadway visibility, which leads to safer streets. Since the City began it’s program in 2019 almost 1,000 streetlights have been replaced, amounting to an annual energy savings of $45,000 and a decrease in energy consumption of 14%. The City will continue the streetlight conversion process utilizing the $197,322 in 2020 NOPEC grant funds from 2020, benefiting residents and businesses by reducing the City’s energy consumption, saving taxpayer dollars, and increasing safety.

Photo provided by First Energy 2019
Call for Artists - Lakewood Fire Department Station #2
Given the positive community response to the city’s ongoing public art initiative, the City is thrilled to release this Call for Artists to enhance the upcoming expansion of Fire Station #2 with a sculptural public art element. With 16,000 building structures in Lakewood’s five-square mile area, the Lakewood Fire Department (LFD) has three fire stations - and some of the fastest response times in the state.
This year, Station #2 is undergoing an expansion to construct an apparatus bay and modifications to the existing building to optimize the facility and improve safety conditions. A public art element is to be located along a portion of the east-facing façade on the 30’x88’ addition. The goal of the public art is to celebrate our fire department. The deadline to apply is March 23, 2021.

It's Not too Late to Start Planning for Spring Planting
Later this month, the City will be embarking on spring tree planting. In conjunction with the City, the Greenleaf Group Inc. will be planting 150 varying tree species on public property throughout the community.

Have you been thinking about planting a tree in your yard?

The City of Lakewood would like to help citizens purchase and have planted shade trees for their private yards to help us increase the urban tree canopy. Interested residents can still place their order through March 10th.

Visit here for more details about the program.
Additional COVID-19 Updates
Vaccines Eligibility and Availability
Governor DeWine announced on March 1, 2021 that Ohio is expected to receive more than 448,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine in the next week. Ohio now offers more than 1,200 provider locations. Ohioans can find vaccine provider locations here.

Those who do not have access to the internet or are having trouble managing the online scheduling systems should call:

  • the 211 helpline center
  • the Area Agencies on Aging at 1-866-243-5678.

Phase 1C and Phase 2 of Ohio's Vaccination plan went into effect on March 4th. Visit here to learn more about which individuals or occupations qualify in this next phase.
Lakewood Small Business and Residential Rent Relief Programs
COVID-19 has affected us all, but especially those who have lost loved ones, those that have lost their jobs, and those who run businesses. The City has been supporting residents and businesses at the heart of our community. There are still funds available for qualifying businesses and residents.

Residential Rent Assistance Program
If you are a Lakewood resident who is having trouble paying rent as a result of COVID-19, you may qualify for rental assistance if you meet the program’s eligibility guidelines. To assist in the administration of this program, the City of Lakewood has formed a partnership with Lakewood Community Services Center (LCSC).

Visit here for program details and income eligibility or call (216) 226-6466.

Small Business Rent Assistance Program
The City has recently expanded its Small Business COVID-19 Assistance Grant Program, which provides emergency assistance to eligible Lakewood small businesses that have experienced a reduction in revenue as a result of the current public health emergency. The City is also providing assistance to city businesses (up to $7,000) to cover rent and eligible payroll expenditures, and for those business owners who own their building can apply for payroll support.

Visit here for more details or to fill out an application.