The blasting contractor has submitted a plan to EWEB for preventing incidents like what happened on Nov. 2 from occurring again.
The plan includes expanding the footprint of blast mats to extend 20 feet past the last loaded hole, and retraining workers to ensure they mark any drill hole anomalies with visible flags.
EWEB's Safety Office has reviewed the contractor's plan and we are satisfied that these corrective actions are appropriate to prevent future incidents.
At this time, we expect the twice-a-week blasting schedule will resume on Tuesday, Nov. 9. However, there will be no blast on Thursday, Nov. 11 as this is a Federal holiday (Veterans Day).
It's possible that a second blast might be rescheduled for another day during the week of Nov. 8 (to make up for the missed 11/11 blast). If a second blast is planned, we will inform neighbors in advance.
As a reminder, scheduled blasts will occur between 1-1:30 p.m. The actual blast will last only a couple of seconds.
Horn safety signals will sound 5 minutes and 1 minute before the blast and at the conclusion of the blast.
If you are near the construction site and hear a horn signal, please be aware blasting activity will occur shortly and follow instructions of site personnel or any additional signage that may be posted.