Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP
header with photos of various children
November 10, 2021 | Volume 12 | Issue 45
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), visit time and cost of care for infants with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)

“DDH is the most common pediatric orthopedic condition in newborns” with a reported incidence of approximately 5.5% (with a wide range probably associated with variability in screening methods). Unfortunately a missed diagnosis of DDH leads to accelerated hip joint degeneration which can result in total hip arthroplasty earlier in life.

Recently POCUS has become the most common screening method utilized, and as this can be used in the hospital or outpatient setting, or in the Orthopedic surgeon’s office there is potential to improve efficiency and lowering costs.

A retrospective review of prospectively collected data of 532 patient encounters (over a 2-year period) of infants <10 months of age (mean 4.4 months) assessed whether the duration and cost of care for a diagnosis of DDH differed when POCUS was performed in a surgical office vs. a radiology suite.

Office POCUS significantly reduces costs and the time required to diagnose infant DDH, while also demonstrating the potential benefits for both patients and healthcare systems. 
"Racial Bias in Medicine"

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