Grace Under Fire

August 6-27

Life brings seasons of testing and difficulty. These are often times that show us what is on the inside. But God’s grace is always with us and for us. It always sustains us and steadies us. When life gets hard, God refines us and helps us to see who we really are. 

Daniel, the Old Testament profit, is a case study for what it looks like to be in a season of difficulty. Join us for an unforgettable in-depth look into his life of Grace Under Fire. Visit for more information.


Baptism Sunday

August 20

If you have never been baptized, or perhaps have a child that has never been baptized and want to express your acceptance of God’s salvation through baptism, you can sign-up to be baptized on Sunday, August 20 at either the 9:30 or 11 am service. You can be baptized by sprinkling, pouring or immersion (11 am service only). CLICK HERE to express your interest.

Called Church Conference

August 27

Our congregation has requested to vote on the matter of disaffiliation from the United Methodist Church. A Called Church Conference has been scheduled for Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 11:00am. Our Forward in Faith webpage is a resource concerning this critically important time in the life of our church. 

Prior to the Church Conference, all are invited to participate in one worship service at 9am in the Worship Center. Worship experiences for kids Birth-5th grade will be provided.

Fall Groups Launch

Fall 2023

Are you tired of merely slipping in and out of church on Sundays without really feeling connected? At Church on the Hill, we are creating a community where you can truly Be Part of Something Bigger! We believe that finding a supportive community provides a sense of belonging, and encourages growth in Christ. We were not meant to be on an anonymous journey.

Join us this fall as we embark on this exciting journey of building a community together. We have four ways that you can get involved.

  1. Join a current Life Group - We have several long-term groups that are currently meeting on various days of the week and we’d love to get you involved in one of these communities of believers.
  2. Join a Grow Group - We have four Grow Groups launching this fall in September! These groups are designed to help you take a step of faith and grow in your relationship with Jesus. Each is a 6-8 week, short-term commitment.
  3. Join a Small Group - These short-term groups meet for 6-8 weeks and are designed to give you a taste of group life through guide discussion and studies.
  4. Attend a Connect Group - Once a month we have gatherings for men (Men’s Wing Night at Tannery Row Ale House), women (The Gathering at Cantina Loca), and anyone 55 years and older (Keenagers) for the purpose of connection with others. 

Visit to learn more about the opportunities and to sign up.


Interested in receiving the GPS scripture reference as a daily text message?

A daily scripture will be sent beginning August 7 at 6AM.

Text "GPS" to 678-324-4360 if you are interested in this resource.

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