How to Use Sacred Music
as a Resource for Faith Formation
A Lunchtime Conversation with
Dr. Delvyn Case & Debbie Gline Allen
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
12 noon – 1:00 pm (Eastern) • via Zoom
We hear great works of sacred music in corporate worship, in the concert hall, and on the radio, but none of these contexts allows Christians to intentionally explore how sacred music can contribute to our faith and to our understanding of our tradition. During this lunchtime conversation pastors, educators, and lay leaders will learn how to develop and lead sessions that use sacred music as a resource for faith formation in their own communities. No musical experience is necessary. Led by Dr. Delvyn Case, professor in the music department at Wheaton College in Massachusetts and founder of Deus Ex Musica, and Debbie Gline Allen, Associate for Faith Formation & Youth Ministries at the Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ.
Delvyn Case is a composer, conductor, scholar, and educator based in Boston. His music has been performed by over 80 orchestras across the world, as well as by the numerous Grammy-winning artists. He is the composer of the opera The Prioress’s Tale, which toured New England for three seasons as part of a unique initiative promoting Jewish-Christian dialogue. He is the founder of Deus Ex Musica, a global ecumenical organization that promotes the use of sacred music as a resource for faith formation. Dr. Case grew up in Cumberland, Maine, then studied at Yale and the University of Pennsylvania. He serves as Associate Professor of Music at Wheaton College in Massachusetts, and is a member of Old South Church in Boston (UCC).
Debbie Gline Allen
Debbie Gline Allen is a Minister of Faith Formation for the Southern New England Conference United Church of Christ.
Before graduating from the Presbyterian School of Christian Education (now Union Presbyterian Seminary) in Richmond, Virginia with a Masters degree in Christian Education and Sacred Music, she earned a Bachelor’s degree in music education from Keene State College in Keene, NH. Her dual loves of faith education and music are a part of her ministry both within and outside of the church setting.
Debbie is married to Dani Gline Allen. They live in Derry, New Hampshire, and have two sons and two cats. When not involved in a church somewhere, Debbie enjoys reading, playing soprano recorder, cooking, trail walking, and snowshoeing.
“How Long, O Lord?”
A Musical Exploration of Lament and Deliverance for Lent
in partnership with Deus Ex Musica
On February 24, 2021 we offered an online session during which participants were invited to dive deeply into the richness, beauty, and mystery of the psalms in a unique and memorable way. Participants gathered to listen to three brand-new musical interpretations of Psalm 13, each written by a contemporary composer representing a different Christian tradition. Prof. Delvyn Case from Wheaton College in Massachusetts led a moderated conversation with the composers, exploring how the different musical settings help us experience, understand, and appreciate the depth and subtlety of this powerful psalm of lament and deliverance.
Developed by Deus Ex Musica, an ecumenical organization that promotes sacred music as a resource for learning and spiritual growth, versions of this unique event have been hosted by a variety of churches, seminaries, and organizations, including the national conference of the United Church of Christ, the Parish of St Martin in the Fields (London), Eden Seminary, Boston University School of Theology, and Gordon College.
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