September 2022

Alliance Innovations
A collaboration between OMAFRA and the University of Guelph
Stories of the Alliance people, places and programs generating impact in the agri-food sector in Ontario and around the world.
In this issue:
  • Alliance Tier 1 Research Program Call for Proposals
  • WATCH: Inside the Precision Feed Facility
  • READ: New peach-thinning product could transform the tender fruit industry
  • Skills for Research Impact Workshop Series
  • Alliance people, places and programs in the media
  • Upcoming events
Alliance Tier 1 Research Program Call for Proposals
The Alliance Research Program funds research projects that support strong rural communities, help keep our food safe and develop a prosperous, environmentally sustainable agri-food sector in Ontario.

The single-stage call for proposals for project operating funding is open until 1 p.m. on Monday, November 7, with an intent process deadline of Friday, October 14.
Proposal Quick Tips
Click below for key tips on writing a quality proposal.
KTT Workshop
Become familiar with knowledge mobilization and how to apply it. Join the first session in the Skills for Research Impact Workshop Series on Sept. 27.
WATCH: Inside the Precision Feed Facility
The Precision Feed Facility is the latest addition to a world-class platform at the Elora Research Station.

Look inside the facility and hear how it's making a difference to research at the Ontario Dairy Research Centre and the Ontario Beef Research Centre.
READ: New peach-thinning product could transform the tender fruit industry
An orchard of Harrow Dawn peaches
An orchard of Harrow Dawn peaches
Dr. John Cline, a professor at the Ontario Agricultural College, is evaluating a new spray product that will reduce the need for hand-thinning on orchards. A labour-intensive process, hand-thinning is normally required to remove smaller fruits from peach trees so that remaining peaches can reach commercial size at harvest.

With Alliance funding and access to the Ontario Crops Research Centre - Simcoe, Cline is de-risking the technology developed by Valent BioSciences to prepare it for commercial use. If successful, the new spray product will help mitigate labour stress in the tender fruit industry.

The research project, which began in 2021, will continue for four years and will be conducted on commercial peach tree orchards in Beamsville, Vineland, Jordan and elsewhere in the Niagara Peninsula.
Dr. John Cline
Support from the Alliance
Dr. John Cline uses several Alliance resources to conduct his research.

Tier 1: Research project operating funding

Research Centre: The Ontario Crops Research Centre – Simcoe

Highly Qualified Personnel: The research is training two graduate students - tomorrow's workforce
Skills for Research Impact Workshop Series
Join us online this fall for one or multiple sessions from the Skills for Research Impact Workshop Series!

Faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research will learn how to successfully plan, execute and evaluate knowledge mobilization activities. Sessions will cover key topics relating to effective research communications and engagement of non-academic audiences.

This workshop series is a collaboration among the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute and the Research Innovation Office at the University of Guelph.

For more information, contact us at
A selection of Alliance people, places and programs cited in popular and trade media.
Three U of G professors weigh in on the federal government’s plan to cut fertilizer emissions by 30 per cent by 2030.

Dr. Ali Dehghantanha, School of Computer Sciences in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, and Dr. Ryan Prosser, School of Environmental Sciences, receive Research Excellence Awards.

Canadian farmers have long fought off crop and livestock threats from diseases and pests. Now add to that the growing threat of cyber-attacks, as producers in Canada and abroad adopt more on-farm smart technologies.

Researchers surveyed 1,200 farmers in early 2021 and found higher rates of stress, emotional exhaustion and burnout than in the general population.

Ontario Agricultural College economist Dr. Alfons Weersink discussed the implications of a changing agricultural landscape with national media outlets.

Listen in as McDonald talks about her role with the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance (around 10:30), as well as trying new things, rolling with the punches and seeing research in action. 

Alliance-funded researcher Dr. David Renaud, veterinary epidemiologist in the Department of Population Medicine, speaks to Farmtario about how properly identifying diarrhea severity in calves can lead to better health outcomes.

Dr. Joshua Nasielski, professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture, talks about the impacts of an "abnormally dry" year in southwestern Ontario on farmers and yields in this article from the Observer.

Hear from a veterinarian who chose the rural community practice (mixed) stream for her 2021 externship, allowing her to work with both small and large animals.

U of G researchers are developing solutions to drought in Ontario with the help of the Ontario Crops Research Centres in Elora and Ridgetown.

U of G students will face off against some of the most prominent schools in the U.S., including Cornell, Pennsylvania State, Rutgers, Virginia Tech, and North Carolina State.

Dr. Manish Raizada, a professor in the Department of Plant Agriculture at the Ontario Agricultural College who studies the development of low-cost technologies and natural biological resources, calls for governments worldwide to subsidize fertilizer. 
Canada's Outdoor Farm Show
September 13 - 15, 2022
Woodstock, Ontario
Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show returns as a full-scale, in-person outdoor farm show on September 13, 14 & 15, 2022. Look for U of G researchers showcasing their work.
Guelph Turfgrass Institute Opening Field Day
Friday, September 16, 1 p.m.
Guelph Turfgrass Institute
This free event officially marks the opening of the new research location and celebrates the 35th anniversary of the Guelph Turfgrass Institute. The Public Opening Field Day will include research plot tours and the opportunity to meet current turf students and the research staff.
Animal Biosciences Research: Graduate Student Symposium
Friday, September 30, 9 - 5 p.m.
University of Guelph Arboretum Centre & Virtual (Zoom)
Come learn from graduate students about the latest advances in Animal Biosciences Research at the University of Guelph!
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