A Message from the Director
Dear Parents and Families of The Burke Foundation Early Childhood Center and Princeton Public School Pre-k 3 General Ed (Hybrid), Pre-k 3 & 4yr old DLI classrooms,

What a year it has been! Thank you for being a part of our YWCA Princeton Family the past year and for trusting us during these uncertain times. As we get closer to the end of the school year and start of our summer program, once again we thank you for allowing us to be part of your child's learning development.

We truly appreciate all of your support and loved having your children back at our newly renovated childcare center. Having children transition from daily home life to childcare is sometimes challenging and then for some children having to wear a mask… my staff and I truly see our parents as HEROES.
If your child is moving onto Kindergarten – CONGRATULATIONS! We wish you the best of luck and we hope you drop us a line or send us a pic of how you and your child are doing after you move onto your child’s next level of development.

If you will be continuing with us, Our Burke Foundation Early Childhood Center at YWCA Princeton 10 week summer program begins, Monday, June 21- August 27. Our 9 week summer enrichment programs for Ballet & Robotics (ages 4-8) begins Monday, June 28-August 27. Registration is on line at https://www.ywcaprinceton.org/programs/summer/.

Also, Fall registration is now open to current YWCA families ONLY! Registration for the public will open on Monday, June 21, 2021. Enrollment is filled on a first come, first serve basis and we are unable to guarantee a space for your child once registration is open to the public.

As always, your feedback is important to us. Please drop us a line or call if you wish to share your comments with us.

Be safe & stay well!
Tara O'Shea
Director, The Burke Foundation Early Childhood Center
Email: toshea@ywcaprinceton.org
Phone: 609-497-2100, Ext. 325
Cassandra Mendoza
Assistant Director, The Burke Foundation Early Childhood Center
Email: cmendoza@ywcaprinceton.org
Phone: 609-497-2100, Ext. 311
Myra Rabanales
Administrative Assistant, The Burke Foundation Early Childhood Center

Family Liaison, Princeton Public School Preschool Expansion
Email: mrabanales@ywcaprinceton.org
Phone: 609-497-2100, Ext.336
A Year in Review
Sprouts (Infants)

This school year has been amazing. The Sprouts classroom started with two little ones and now we have grown to four Sprouts babies. We have done so many things this school year. Some of the Sprouts have learned to walk, some have started to roll over from side to side and some have learned to crawl. Sprouts have also completed many holiday activities and crafts for parents like our beautiful Mother’s Day bag. The Sprouts babies have learned how to hold and color with markers as well as crayons to create some beautiful masterpieces. Every day in the Sprouts classroom we learn something new in our group activities or reach a new milestone with the help of the Creative curriculum. We have had a blast this school year.
Rose Buds (Infants-Toddlers)

A Year in the Rosebuds classroom has been filled with the teachers making the children feel comfortable and safe in and out of the classroom. The teachers have been working hard on teaching the children how to be independent and follow simple directions; for example the children will listen to verbal cues and follow simple directions when creating art in order to complete the task given to them, strengthen their finger muscles by doing various activities such as lacing, learning to paint with different tools, and cooperating in small groups.

During music and movement, Ms Maya uses some ASL while singing various children’s songs. The children have picked up on some of the sign language and try to imitate the movements when Ms Maya signs.

Ms Maya, Ms KK, and Ms Gloria
Cherry Blossoms (Toddler 1)

A year in the Cherry Blossom classroom

It was a great pleasure to have your child in our classroom, we enjoyed watching them grow and learn everyday! We are very proud of their accomplishments!

Throughout the school year, we sparked their imagination with the books we read.
They played educational games like puzzles and connectors. We also enjoyed making science experiments and doing lots of arts and crafts!

Social and emotional
They learned to interact with their peers, how to form relationships with their teachers and how to be kind to their friends.

The Cherry Blossom friends learned how to jump on one foot, they practiced balance coordination on balance beams, and they followed a series of obstacle courses to go through. During the warm weather, going to the playground and on our nature walks was one of our favorite outdoor activities.

Also they learn how to use their utensils, how to drink from a regular cup, how to peel stickers which help them develop their fine motor skills

They learned about:
Animals, Hibernation, Colors, Body parts, Shapes, Letters, To recognize their names, To spell their names, Planes, Process of the flowers, Bugs, Insects, Numbers, Emotions, Transportation, Balls, Kindness, Family and friends etc..

It was a incredible year! But we couldn't have done it without our Cherry Blossom families.
We are incredibly grateful.
We wish our Cherry Blossom and their families a great summer!
Tigerlilies (Toddler 2)
During this school year my self and Miss Nieves created a safe and healthy environment so children could learn, explore, grow, and enjoy coming to school every day.

In the beginning we were also thinking how the will children respond to returning to school all day with a mask? But surprisingly children did so well (kept all the time on except naptime and while eating), children were even reminding other children and teachers just incase we forget.

We believe that this is the age that children need to learn their basic needs within their social-emotional, physical- fine and gross motor skills, cognitive, and language development. So we always tried to make our lesson plans, according to children needs and interest, we include children opinions in our care.

We have always encouraged, remind, reinforce the classroom routine (class schedule), make basic classroom rules (like in the classroom walking feet, gentle hands with other, instead of taking away ask if you like to play with, and wait for your turn), so in between children could create better social environment around them. We also tried our best to teach children new things weather we are out door or indoor. Even if we're at playground or on the walk we explored, explained what children could see and feel around them depends on season and time. We join with children for most activities and we enjoy joining with children. We could see it is making strong bonding with children and us even though we enforce basic classroom rules.

Miss Nieves also teaching children in Spanish language depends on what we are learning, she explains, and sing songs in the Spanish language.

We are and will be open for parents opinions, because we like open communication with parents to make and keep healthy relationship between parents and teachers. To get potty training, or teaching children their indecency parents support is always important for teacher and children

Once again we like to say THANK YOU PARENTS for putting your trust in us, and your support, we always felt comfortable sharing our opinions about your child.

Thank you!
Miss Nieves and Miss Pratima
Buttercups (PPS Preschool 3-4, Hybrid)

A Year in Buttercups…
As the year comes to a close, we want to take this time to thank our Buttercup families for all their support and collaboration as we ventured the Virtual/ Hybrid learning “wilderness” this year. Virtual learning is tough, especially for our three year old students, and we want to thank you all for your effort and commitment to making this year a success. Being mostly remote this year, our students persevered to complete investigations on trees, boxes, winter holidays, clothing, plants, and buildings. We settled into routines and established a solid classroom rule system. As your child prepares for “big kid classes,” please encourage them to utilize our “Rule of 5”
1.Be Safe
2.Be Kind
3. Be Healthy
4. Use Manners
5.Have Fun
Month by month, number of students in the classroom increased steadily. We realize that making the decision to switch your child from “virtual” to “in person” learning was a difficult choice, and we thank you for trusting our commitment to a safe, healthy, and supportive classroom learning environment. 
New to this year, we added the use of Class Dojo as a way to communicate between home and school. We are thrilled that many of our families were able to connect and share a little more of our student’s home life with us. It’s been a pleasure getting to know your child and family both on the screen and in person. We have seen so much growth and development throughout the year and hope that you can celebrate your child’s accomplishments too! We wish you a happy summer and hope to hear stories of your child’s success in the future!
Ms. Martha and Ms. Carissa
Daffodils (PPS Preschool 3-4 In-Person)

The daffodils have had an eventful year. We spent our time learning about kindness and practicing ways to be kind at home and in school. The daffodils spent time identifying different emotions and practicing using our words. We began our year with a tree study followed by a clothing study and ended our year learning all about gardening and insects. We began learning sign language and continued working on our Spanish vocabulary skills. The daffodils made many different art projects using different types of materials. We made special projects to celebrate important days. They also have been playing lots of letter games and practicing writing names. The daffodils enjoyed participating in some science experiments. Our favorite activity was spending time outside on the playground. During the winter we played with the snow and in the spring planted a class garden. Our class enjoyed being able to take care of our own plants while watching them grow. Throughout the year we focused on identifying our emotions and building friendships. This year was full of new songs, silly stories and new friendships. 
Sunflowers (BFECC Preschool 3-4)

“A Year in the Sunflowers Classroom”

It was a great pleasure to have your child in our classroom, and we can’t begin to tell you how awesome your children are! We enjoyed nurturing and watching them grow. We are so proud of their accomplishments!

This year we watched new friendships formed and existing ones flourish. The good mornings as they enter the classroom and the elbow bumps as they left kept us all connected.

Throughout the school year, we sparked their imagination with the books we read and the stories we created together as a class. Their love for learning and books grew over time. As they explored various studies, we engaged them in first-hand experiences, which made learning more meaningful to them. We also helped them discover answers to their questions.

They played educational games, learned rhymes, and sang all the time. We sang in the classroom, hallways, bathroom, and on our way to the playground. The Sunflowers are known for their beautiful singing. Learning took place everywhere. The children always had opportunities to share their ideas and were encouraged to do their best.

It was an incredible year! But we couldn’t have done it without our Sunflower families. You played an active part in reinforcing what was learned at school, donating books to the classroom, and volunteering as guest readers. We are incredibly grateful.

We wish our Sunflowers and their families a great summer!
Butterflies (PPS Preschool 4-5 In-Person)
The Butterflies have had an amazing year! We spent the first few weeks of school adjusting to our new classroom, getting to know our friends, and starting our introduction to Spanish. We spent time enjoying the nice weather, eating lunch outside, and adjusting to our new classroom environment. We worked together to build our classroom rules and schedule, worked on name recognition, and read many stories about families, emotions, and friendship. 
Throughout the year we learned about many different topics but some of our favorites were the tree and building studies! During our tree study, we spent time learning about different types of trees, parts of a tree, measuring different size sticks, playing leaf matching games, and many letter games using our “Chicka-Chicka Boom Boom” story. During our building study, we became “architects” and designed our own buildings, learned about different building materials, and built and painted a tall skyscraper with recycled boxes! We also spent time playing letter sound construction games, practicing our counting with construction vehicles, and talking about the different types of buildings and homes people live in. 
As we continued the year we moved into a few other topics that the Butterflies really enjoyed: the pet and gardening studies! During our pet study we learned about the different types of pets in Spanish and English, where pets live, and how we can take care of different animals. We also had a great time playing in our “Butterflies Vet Shop,” playing pet word-building games, and working together to read some different easy-reader stories. During our gardening study we learned how to take care of plants, talked about living and non living things, and reviewed the names of different fruits and vegetables in Spanish. As Earth Day approached we talked about how important it is to take care of the Earth, different ways to recycle, and created our own recycled flowers for the Earth Day Art Show. The Butterflies planted and took care of various types of flowers, did a bean growing experiment, and worked each week in our science journals to document the changes happening in our plants! 
As we got closer to the end of the year we began our preparations for graduation and for our Butterfly Class to move onto Kindergarten! We have been creating many different decorations, talking about our favorite memories from the year, and spending time enjoying our last few weeks with our classmates! Ms. Heidy and I are so thankful for each child in our class and we couldn’t have asked for a better year. 
Congratulations Butterflies Class of 2021!! 
Dragonflies (BFECC Preschool 4-5)

A year in the Dragonfly classroom we encouraged independence and opportunities to explore and creatively play. The Dragonflies took ownership of their learning and enjoyed a collection of Spanish and Hindi nursery rhymes and songs. We spent more time outdoors connecting music, movement, math, and scientific inquiry skills.
Mark Your Calendars
  • June 11th - 21/22 Priority Registration Opened
  • June 21st - 21/22 Registration Opens to the Public
  • June 21st - The Burke Foundation Summer Program begins
  • June 25th - Last day of school for our Princeton Public School Classrooms
  • June 28th - Summer Ballet and Robotics begins
  • July 5th - Independence Day - CLOSED
  • August 30th - September 3rd - Annual Shut Down Week - CLOSED
To learn more, call (609) 497-2100 ext. 325