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“Leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift”
Matthew 5:24
As we know, forgiving and reconciling with others is not always an easy thing to do, especially when we believe that we are right and they are wrong. Yet, as we read in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus wants us to be reconciled to each other, for His sake and ours. God knows if we do not seek to remove anger, bitterness and resentment, these toxic emotions can ironically do more damage to us than the person with whom we are angry or against whom we are holding a grudge.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in a South African prison. In one of the most amazing turn-arounds in history, his captors set him free and later elected him President of South Africa. Heads of state from around the globe came to his inauguration. There, Mandela astonished everyone by inviting his prison guards to sit in the front row, the very place of honor. Mandela knew that returning evil for evil would only perpetuate more evil. So instead, he chose to break that cycle by showing kindness, even to those who did not deserve it.
Now, this is not to say God condones evil or that we should not hold people accountable for their actions. Yet, unlike those in the world who only show love to those who love them, as God’s children we are called by our Heavenly Father to love everyone, including our enemies and those with whom we disagree.
Reconciliation is hard work, but it is essential if we are to experience the peace that God desires for us. So, today—with God’s grace—may we remember the good news that we have already been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. And with God’s grace, may we be reconciled with one another and experience His peace which passes all understanding.
The Rev. Dr. Chad T. Martin
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