National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and tribal transit solutions through free training materials, technical assistance, and partner collaboration.
New National RTAP Best Practices Spotlight Article on Transportation to Scenic Destinations
This National RTAP Best Practices Spotlight Article on Transportation to Scenic Destinations provides guidance to transit agencies seeking to develop or expand transportation options to scenic destinations for their community members and visitors. The article includes case studies from three transit agencies: Nassau Transit, The Lift, Winter Park, Colorado, and Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS) (pictured at left) who have developed successful transit solutions for people to travel and enjoy their leisure time outdoors. The article also provides information on benefits and challenges, funding opportunities, and best practices guidance for implementing transportation to scenic destinations.
Help Us Select a Book for a National RTAP Book Discussion Group
National RTAP will be launching a Books in Transit Book Discussion Group this summer. The group will meet (virtually for now) twice a year to participate in a facilitator-led book discussion about fiction books focusing on buses and bus drivers. Please take our survey to select the first book we will read.
National RTAP Webinar Today on Electronic Grant Management Systems
Please join us on March 4, 2021, from 2:00-3:00 PM ET for an Electronic Grants Management webinar. Join this webinar to learn how three State DOTs use technology to manage grants. Procurement, customization, training, and compatibility with TrAMS are a few of the topics that will be discussed.
Celebrate Earth Day with a #ClimateTransit Twitter Chat
Our #ClimateTransit Twitter chat on April 20, 2021, from 2:00-3:00 PM ET, will discuss how climate change could impact rural communities and transit agencies. We will also discuss how transit agencies can prepare for the potential effects of a changing climate and tackle emissions to mitigate potential climate impacts. The chat will be moderated by Josh Goldman, Associate Director, Climate Nexus. Panelists are Jimmy O’Dea, Senior Vehicles Analyst, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Camron Gorguinpour, Director of Sustainability Solutions, ENGIE Impact. RSVP for an invite.
Join our Upcoming Tribal Transit Managers Peer Roundtable
Tribal Transit Managers are invited to a Tribal Transit Manager Peer Roundtable on March 17, 2021, 3:00-4:00 PM ET. Topics may include COVID-19, National RTAP updates, new grant programs, new Tribal Transit Peer Forum, Tribal Transit Mini-Conference tentative schedule, and National RTAP Tribal Transit Training Scholarship Program.
National RTAP Alternative Fuels Topic Guide Updated
National RTAP continues our annual update of topic guides. Our Alternative Fuels Topic Guide was updated in February 2021. The guide offers resources to help transit agencies lower emissions and improve the air quality and environment. The resources in this topic guide will assist them with planning, decision-making, and funding.
New resources include:
Participate in a National RTAP Intercity Bus Peer Roundtable
National RTAP is working with FTA and TRB’s AP055 Rural, Intercity Bus, and Specialized Transportation Committee to support national and regional networks. Join our Peer Roundtable on March 9, 2021, from 2:00-3:00 PM ET to develop webinars, peer roundtables, technical briefs, and/or other training formats.
Upcoming Transit Manager's Peer Roundtable
Join National RTAP staff, Review Board members, and your peers on March 25, 2021, from 2:00-3:00 PM ET for a Transit Manager Peer Roundtable and discuss issues affecting your job, your agency, and your community. Topics may include COVID-related challenges, employee leave, Public Transit Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) development and implementation, Internet access issues on rural roads and workarounds, and planning for the new normal.
TACL - The Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library Webinar Recording Posted
New Tribal Transit Peer Forum
The Tribal Transit Peer Forum is a place for sharing questions, information, and resources with peers about Tribal Transit related topics. National RTAP staff monitor the forum and help provide answers to questions that are not fully addressed by peers. Tribal Transit Managers who would like to join the forum can send an email to
Training Available from National RTAP on Creating Accessible Documents
The TACL Task Force was recently trained in creating accessible documents by the Rocky Mountain ADA Center. The training included a question and answer session with Rocky Mountain ADA Center Director Emily Shuman. We are able to share the recording with those who would like to see it. If you would like to view this training, please contact us at
FTA posted new Frequently Asked Questions about mask wearing. Answers include that FTA has amended the Master Agreement to incorporate the requirements of the CDC Order and that the order applies to administrative facilities that are housed within transportation hubs. Those with additional questions about the implementation of the order for public transit can send them to
The FTA February 2021 issue of the Transit Safety and Oversight Spotlight Newsletter is available. The issue includes a message from the new Acting Administrator, Nuria Fernandez, an article about the update to the FTA Crashworthiness/Crash Energy Management for Transit Bus report, and a data spotlight on Bus Rear-end Collisions.
Register for a webinar on March 9, 2021 on Data: Collecting, Managing, and Making Decisions. Presenters from the National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT) and Foursquare ITP will discuss the promises and challenges of data, and how transit agencies can harness it to serve their communities. National RTAP’s GTFS Builder will be featured and Chelsea Youngs from Crawford Area Transportation Authority (CATA) in Pennsylvania will discuss her experience developing GTFS data for her agency.
A video recording of the abbreviated National Transit Institute Assault Awareness and Prevention for Transit Operators course is available. The course provides drivers with prevention strategies necessary to reduce the likelihood of assault incidents.
The Shared-Use Mobility Center's (SUMC) Learning Module on Shared Mobility Funding Strategies includes information on traditional and innovative funding sources. A case study is included about rural Florida’s, Move Nona automated vehicle pilot funding.
COVID Mobility Works is a database of COVID-19 mobility initiatives from the National Association of City Transportation Officials, National League of Cities, North American Bikeshare Association, Smart Growth America, and others. It can be browsed by type, purpose, approach, mode type, and country.
Rural communities are invited to share their COVID-19 Innovations on the Rural Health Information Hub's collection of best practices, lessons learned, and other examples addressing healthcare and health-related concerns.
Automotive Fleet is conducting a salary survey to find out what the average salary is for the commercial fleet manager position. Results of the survey will be published in an issue of Automotive Fleet magazine. Responses are due by March 8, 2021.
The Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design is seeking applications for 4 local Design Workshops that address specific community challenges, and an online Design Learning Cohort program that will allow up to 15 communities. Proposals are due March 12, 2021.
The national emergency concerning the COVID-19 pandemic declared on March 13, 2020 in Proclamation 9994, was continued as a national emergency beyond March 1, 2021 by Presidential Action.
All event times listed in Eastern Time. Subtract 1 hour for Central Time, 2 for Mountain Time, 3 for Pacific Time, 4 for Alaska, and 6 for Hawaii.
EPA Office of Environmental Justice
March 4, 12:00-1:00 PM
National RTAP
March 4, 2:00-3:00 PM
March 4, 2:00-3:30 PM
Join link at the bottom of the page
March 4, 2:00-4:40 PM
March 4, 3:00 PM
March 8, 2:00-3:30 PM
National Transit Institute
March 8-11
MCOA, MassMobility, and Alzheimer’s Association
March 9, 10:00-11:30 AM
National RTAP
March 9, 2:00-3:00 PM
March 9, 2:00 PM
Native Learning Center
March 9, 2021 2:00-3:00 PM
Global Mass Transit
March 9-10
Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE)
March 10, 2:00-2:30 PM
U.S. Access Board
March 10, 2:00-3:30 PM
Transportation Safety Institute
March 11
Q'Straint Training Academy
March 11, 12:00-1:30 PM
National Transit Institute
March 14, 2:00-5:30 PM
March 15, 1:00-2:30 PM
Drive Smart Virginia
March 15, 2:00-3:00 PM
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
March 15, 2:00-3:30 PM
March 15-16, 1:00 PM
March 15-19
Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC)
March 16, 1:00-2:30 PM
Cyber Security Hub
March 16-17
March 16-18
Destination Development Association
March 17, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE)
March 17, 2:00-2:30 PM
American Bus Association
March 17, 2:00-3:00 PM
National RTAP
March 17, 3:00-4:00 PM
Washington, DC, March 17-19
March 18, 2:00-4:00 PM
National Transit Institute
March 21, 2:00-5:30 PM
National Institute for Transportation and Communities
March 23, 1:00 PM
March 23, 1:00-2:30 PM
National Transit Institute
March 23, 2:00-3:30 PM
Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE)
March 24, 2:00-2:30 PM
U.S. Access Board
March 24, 2:00-3:30
National RTAP
March 25, 2:00-3:00 PM
International Safe Transit Association (ISTA)
March 30-31
Intelligent Transport
March 30-31
Cyber Security Hub
March 30-31