A New Era in Minnesota: Legislative Session Closes with Record-Setting Investments and Policy Impacts
The ink is still drying on the 2023 state budget bills signed into law this week. A record $17.5 billion budget surplus coupled with a DFL trifecta produced one of the most impactful legislative sessions in decades. Everyone has their own take on whether the impacts are good, bad, in-between, or whether it remains to be seen, but calling it “historic” is not hyperbole when it comes to the number of bills introduced and passed, and is true for AGC of MN’s top priority issue – infrastructure investment. A late Friday night agreement on May 19 - just three days before the legislature had to adjourn- set into motion a strong bipartisan $2.6 billion dollar capital investment/bonding bill. The package provides for a $1.5 billion general obligation bonding bill, $1 billion cash capital investment bill, and $300 million for nursing homes. Additionally, the transportation budget bill released on Saturday contained unprecedented levels of ongoing investments in road, bridges, transit, airports, and more.
AGC of MN Board President Brent Wilber of Ames Construction released the following statement:
"Just like in construction, it takes a strong team to see a project through. We are thankful for the leadership from the key committee chairs- Representatives Frank Hornstein, Erin Koegel, and Fue Lee, and Senators Scott Dibble and Sandy Pappas- for putting in the work this session. We deeply appreciate minority leads Dean Urdahl and Karin Housley for their partnership and getting to “yes” on a bonding bill. The capital investments made in infrastructure this session are truly historic and without precedent. Our public building and transportation systems are the mainstay of a strong public infrastructure network and support communities throughout Minnesota. AGC of Minnesota members recognize Speaker Melissa Hortman, Minority Leader Lisa Demuth, Majority Leader Kari Dziedzic, and Minority Leader Mark Johnson for their commitment to funding our state’s most utilized and most basic need- our infrastructure."
Tim Worke, CEO of AGC of MN, released the following statement:
"The Minnesota Construction Community is well positioned and excited to put shovels in the ground, and get to work building the underpinnings of a strong and sustainable economy for Minnesota’s future. AGC member contractors are among the country’s most sophisticated, economical, and safe contractors that have provided quality and value construction services for more than 100 years. We are grateful to Governor Walz, Lt. Governor Flanagan, and legislators for promoting the vision and having the courage to support investing in our State’s most fundamental assets - our building and transportation infrastructure."
Watch your inboxes! A full legislative summary for the MN Construction Industry and funding breakdown will be available next week.