Cornwall Public Library Newsletter - July 2023
From the Director's Desk...
Summer has arrived, and with it comes the Fourth of July, the Summer Reading Program, swimming, biking, and vacations. Yay, Summer!! I usually tell you all to come to see CPL's float in the Fourth of July Parade; instead this year I'm asking you to come to see us on the Library's front lawn for our first-ever Library Lawn Giveaway. It begins at 10 AM. Our Youth Services Department came up with this idea, and I think it's fantastic! If you are one of the first 100 people/families to stop by and say "hello" to Miss Lisa & her Crew, you will receive a bag stuffed with information about what's happening in the Library over the months of July and August along with some yummy treats. We hope to see you there!
Charlotte A. Dunaief
Library Director
Introducing Freegal Music, a free music streaming service available July 1st to Cornwall Library card holders. Enjoy 5 downloads a week, or unlimited streaming access. With Freegal's vast collection of over 18 million songs, you can curate your own playlists (that you can also share with a friend). Or choose from one of Freegal's many playlists already available to suit any mood, activity or special occasion. Any questions, just contact our reference staff for help.
A free-admission pass to the Motorcyclepedia Museum in Newburgh is now available for Cornwall card holders to borrow. Explore the world of motorcycles and bicycles from distinct time periods through the memorabilia, advertising and artifacts in this unique collection. Please stop in or call the library for details.
Library Board of Trustees
Wednesday, July 12
6:30pm - Reorganizational Meeting
7:00pm - Normal Business Meeting
All meetings are open to the public. The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.
"Michael P. Rocco: In Retrospect"
Opening Reception
July 6 @4:00pm
Celebrate the works of the late artist Michael P. Rocco, and hear more about him and his work with watercolors from his son, Gregory Rocco.
A drop-in event
Mr. Rocco's work will be on display from July 6 until August 10 in the Library Community Room.*
*Because this room is also used for programs, patrons are encouraged to call prior to their visit to make sure the exhibit will be accessible for viewing.
The library will be closed on Tuesday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. We will reopen for our normal hours on Wednesday, July 5.
Make a plan to visit the Friends of Cornwall Library table at the next ART WALK - Friday, July 14 from 5-8pm. They will be showcasing their collection of works by local artist Nita Klein. All proceeds go to support great library programs for all to enjoy.
CPL Construction Project Starting this Summer
As we shared last year, the CPL was the recipient of a generous NYS grant that allows us to install a new HVAC system and renovate our bathrooms to ADA compliance. That long-awaited time of construction is now upon us.
Beginning mid to late August, the LIBRARY BUILDING will be closed. During that time we will continue to provide limited circulation service and programs to the public. On or about August 23, patrons can drop off books and pick up holds at our temporary location in Munger Cottage. Please note that there will be approximately one week that the CPL will be completely unavailable to patrons as we transition to our temporary location. Our hours at Munger Cottage will be:
- Monday - Wednesday: 9am—8pm
- Thursday: 9am—5pm
- Friday: 9am—6pm
- Saturday: 9am—4pm
- Sunday: 1pm—4pm
We know any construction project can be inconvenient, so we appreciate your patience with us as we do this important work to maintain our physical space for the Cornwall community now and in years to come.
Midday Matinee
Tuesday, July 11
Enjoy a break in your day and take in a movie. July’s selection is Searching - Rated PG-13.
A drop-in event - no registration required.
Teen Tech Tutoring
Tuesday, July 18
Got tech questions? Let our savvy teen volunteers assist you. Bring your devices and your questions. No appointments needed - first come, first served.
Great Decisions
Thursday, July 20
Join America's largest discussion program on world affairs. July's topic is Economic Warfare and U.S. Policy. Course briefing books are now freely available at the library thanks to the generous support of the Friends of Cornwall Library. For more information, contact Pam Stockton at or 845-534-8282.
A drop-in event - no registration required
6-Hour Defensive Driving Workshop
Thursday, July 27
8:45am - 4:00pm
Sponsored by AARP
Register in person at the library with payment (cash or check) to confirm registration - $25 for AARP members; $30 for non-members.
Make checks payable to AARP, with AARP member number (if applicable) written on check. Cash payments must be exact change only. Participants must bring driver's license and AARP card (if applicable) to class.
Friends Blowout Book Sale
Saturday, July 29
10:00am - 2:00pm
Library Portico
The library construction closure means all inventory must go. Bring $5 and a bag and get busy shopping!
Community Blood Drive
Tuesday, August 8
11:00am - 5:00pm
Working in partnership with the New York Blood Center, the library is pleased to offer community members this opportunity to assist with emergency blood shortages.
Appointments are preferred and can be made by clicking on this link. Walk-ins are welcome if space permits.
Canterbury Brook Academy of the Arts Informational Meeting
Thursday, July 6 @6:30pm
Learn more about this new private educational option in our region.
A drop-in event – no registration required.
Creative Writers
Always open to new members. For planning purposes, we request that participants register via the library website prior to attending. A virtual option can be made available if needed. .
Mystery Book Group
July 20 @2:00pm
Shutter Island
by Dennis Lehane
New members are always welcome. Please call 845-534-8282 if you need a virtual option.
Book Chat & Chocolate
July 27 @7:00pm
The Measure
by Nikki Erlick
New members are always welcome...and chocolate is always served!
Member's Choice
Book Group
August 2 @4:00pm
Master Slave Husband Wife
by Ilyon Woo
New members are always welcome. This is a hybrid group. If you would like a Zoom link, please register via the library website.
Out & About
Book Group
August 16 @7:00pm
The Rose Code
by Kate Quinn
Join us in August at Mama Theresa's for some food, drinks & lively discussion. New people are always welcome! To help coordinate with the restaurant, we are asking anyone planning to attend to register via the library website.
The Summer Reading Program Is Here!
"All Together Now"
June 26 - August 9
Hooray! It's time for Summer Reading once again!! Online registration is currently open for both children and adults. Sign up, print your reading challenge sheets (age specific), and get busy reading! Or stop by the library and we will have all the materials ready for you.
Our six weeks of fantastic programming, designed to bring us all together in fun and special ways, has begun. From Family Story Times to Teen Trivia, Dog Tales to Yoga, book groups to guest performers...we are celebrating all these wonderful opportunities to gather together. For more information, including a calendar of events, click here to visit our website.
The Summer Reading Program is generously supported by the Friends of Cornwall Library.
Programs for Kids & Teens
Dog Tales
Select Mondays
July 3, 17 & 31
Grades K-12
Come read independently to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.
15-minute time slot of your choosing. Registration opens one week prior to each program.
Family Story Time
July 11, 18, 25
9:30am OR 10:30am
Enjoy a story time with the whole family. Registration is required and opens via the library website one week prior to the class.
Adults only need to register their
child(ren) - not themselves.
PJ Story Time
July 5, 12, 19 & 26
All Ages Welcome
Wear your PJs, bring a favorite cuddly, and enjoy stories & songs at the library.
Outside, library portico, drop-in event.
Farmers' Market Story Time
Wednesdays - July 5, 12, 19 & 26
Enjoy stories, puppets, songs, fun & giggles on the Town Hall Lawn (weather permitting). A drop-in event.
Family Yoga
Monday, July 10
Build mind-body awareness, positive thinking, physical fitness & overall wellness. Susan Walsh from Rae of Light Yoga leads families in the practice of yoga in a welcoming and comfortable environment for all. Please bring your own mat or blanket.
An all-ages, drop-in family event.
Outside portico; Rain date is July 13th.
Introduction to Babysitting Workshop
Saturday, July 15
6-12th Grades
Instructor Denise Schirmer teaches participants how to be a responsible babysitter. Space is limited. Registration is required and opens via the library calendar one week prior to the program.
YOGA for Grades K-5th
Thursday, July 20
Susan Walsh from Rae of Light Yoga leads this fun yoga class that is great for building mind-body awareness, positive thinking, physical fitness, and overall wellness. Please bring your own mat or blanket if possible.
Space is limited and registration required via the library website. Registration opens one week prior to the program.
Chess Time
Friday, July 21
All ages and skill levels are welcome. Bring a friend or play with someone new. An instructor will be available to answer questions.
A drop-in event - no registration required
Hudson Valley Reptile & Rescue
Tuesday, July 25
Spend an evening connecting with some “cool” reptilian friends from Hudson Valley Reptile & Rescue. Learn about what makes them special, from physical chemistry to favorite diets to special abilities.
A drop-in event for all ages.
Outside portico lawn – rain or shine!
All Together SING
Thursday, July 27
Experience the magic of singing in a large group, regardless of your musical ability!
Jessica Henry, CCHS Class of ’19 and Crane School of Music graduate, shows us how to combine our voices in ways that are sure to delight us and fill Cornwall with beautiful sounds.
A drop-in event for ALL AGES – invite your family, friends & neighbors – the more the merrier!
All Together Fun & Games Finale
Thursday, August 3
Celebrate the end of a successful Summer Reading Program with this night of fun for the whole family. We’ll have lots of different games and activities outside on the library portico for everyone to enjoy.
A drop-in event for all ages.
Writing Wizards
Select Mondays
July 3, 10 & 24
3rd-5th Grades
Summer is the perfect time to dive into some creative writing. Registration required and opens via the library calendar one week prior to the program.
Family Board Games
July 7
An informal time to enjoy an old favorite or learn to play something new. We'll provide the games & puzzles. Invite along a friend!
A drop-in event for the whole family. Games geared toward school-age children.
Family Sculpture Time
July 11
Have some fun creating a sculpture with recycled items. All materials will be provided.
A drop-in event for the whole family.
Family Build-it with LEGOs
Select Fridays
July 14 & 28
Bring the kids and build a master-piece!
A drop-in event for the whole family.
July 12 @4:30pm
K-2nd Grades
The Bad Seed
by Jory John
Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Book Break
July 13 @4:30pm
3rd & 4th Grades
The Puffin Keeper
by Michael Morpurgo
Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Readzza Readzza
July 17 @4:30pm
5-8th Grades
The Ogress and the Orphans
by Kelly Barnhill
Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Teen Book Group
July 10 @6:30pm
9-12th Grades
All My Rage
by Sabaa Tahir
Register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Teen Photo Contest
June 26 - August 4
6-12 Grades
The theme this year is "All Together Now." One winner will be chosen on August 9th. The prize? A $25 Amazon gift card.
Teen Trivia
Tuesday, July 18
6-12th Grades
Test your knowledge of random facts in this fun evening of friendly competition featuring Kahoot! Bring your friends. A drop-in event.
Teddy Bear Picnic w/ Barnaby Benjamin Bear
August 4 @10:30 am
Bring a blanket, snack & your favorite teddy bear (or snuggle friend) and enjoy a live reading by author Loretta Gould. Popular local artist Paul Gould will sketch along for everyone to see while she reads – and you can sketch along on your own too!
A drop-in event for all ages.