From the Office of the Bishop


My beloved, we are People of the Story - God’s meta-narrative of Redemption, the meta-narrative or larger story within which there are numerous pericopes or minor narratives serve to illuminate or spotlight the validity, authenticity, and effectiveness of the meta-narrative. Anamnesis is the Greek and Zakar is the Hebrew – ‘do this in remembrance of me’ is the English translation. The people of God live their faith through the lens of FAITH in God. The Old Testament is replete with the call of the prophets to the chosen people of Israel to ZAKAR – remember what YAHWEH – God had done for them through God’s promise made to their ancestors/patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Exodus experience, God’s commands given to order life in the post exilic experience in the wilderness and possession, occupancy, and settlement in the promised land. ZAKAR is a fundamental quality in the life of God’s people. When you read the prophets and psalmist you recognize the cry and passionate plea to the principle of ZAKAR as a strong case for return to the place of holistic living in the spirit of gratitude to God.

As such, as modeled by our Savior, the church does not ‘enflesh’ any notion of ‘surrender’ or ‘defeatism’. We are the resurrected people of hope in the presence of utter despair and that, my beloved, is one of the irreconcilable scandals of our faith – death is only an entrance into new life and new beginnings. The Book of Revelation chapter 21 verse 5 reminds us, “See, I am making all things new” and in the prophet Isaiah chapter 65 verse 17 God says, “For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind.”

The Passion of Jesus, that found its pinnacle at the Cross of Calvary and met its conqueror in the Garden of Gethsemane, both ends and begins anew with an empty tomb underlined by the command to Mary Magdalene and the women – “…go tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” (Matthew 28: 10) The rest is now our faith history.

The New Testament people of God are likewise cautioned and summoned by biblical admonitions to ZAKAR or ANAMNESIS. The character of God isn’t defined by hopelessness or despair, but the abundance of promise for a more resplendent future grounded in God’s covenantal promise in Jesus. He will renew the hope and redefined the future of his Church. The Diocese of Easton is witnessing tangible signs of this promise as the Spirit continues to rewrite the narrative of this church. As we continue on this holy pilgrimage, we do so in humility and grace, guided by the principle of ZAKAR.

(Look out for Part II in the next edition)
Excerpts from Bishop’s 153rd Annual Convention Address

Readers’ Note: The E-News will carry excerpts from the bishop’s address to Diocesan Convention. You may read the entire address on our website.

The Diocese of Easton in its vision is called by God to be a Proleptic Witness of the Church’s articulation of God’s mission. A Proleptic Church is defined as one that pulls the future into the present, always moving to the future for the kingdom of God. It is about a future in Jesus; for in Jesus all actions are about drawing the kingdom of God closer to us and all the parables tie into the resurrection motif. The essence of the resurrection church is built around transformation and not reformation, because transformation is synonymous with resurrection. Paul in his Letter to the Romans chapter 12 teaches the early Christian community in Rome about the transformation that happens in resurrection. This present time calls us towards that same path of transformation and resurrection.
My beloved, I now turn my attention to what I would like to term, Seeds of Growth and Channels of Hope. As a diocese we have collectively discerned three fundamental roles:
  • Bear witness to the Gospel of Jesus
  • Be in service to the servants of God (people we are called to serve)
  • Provide pastoral oversight that enhances and strengthens unity in mission

Four years ago, we embarked on a holy pilgrimage with the Holy Spirit to renew, revive, restore and recalibrate the life, vitality and viability of this collective Church ‘God’s little gem’ on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I refer to this encounter as a holy pilgrimage because in every pilgrimage there is an element of the unknown - uncovered and unexpected surprises, renewal, transformation, revival, embellished with new and unexpected discoveries in the form of ‘hidden treasures.’ These hidden treasures included the joys of experiencing the grace of God in some unfamiliar places with a new appreciation of where we have been before as well as an appreciation for that which lies in store for us beyond the horizon. (see Psalm 139).

 2019 Statistical Report of the Diocese from the Episcopal Church
The 2019 Statistical Report from the Episcopal Church revealed that the Diocese of Easton has shown 0% decline in membership for the year 2019. This is exciting news! It is proof positive that our diocese has begun to shift away from the long and steady decline in membership of previous years and is heading in a new direction of spirit-filled growth. And we are giving hope to a majority of our neighboring and peer dioceses in the Episcopal Church and Province III, that are yet to experience this shift from decline to this ‘channel of hope’. The Diocese of Easton is one of fourteen (14) dioceses among the 110 dioceses of the Episcopal Church that has showed signs of growth and/or stability. This news certainly gives us every reason to be confident to believe in our future. Ideally, we are not where we should be, but certainly have made a shift in the right direction. It will do us enormous good to strive to maintain this level of dedication, commitment, and enthusiasm, knowing in faith that God is with us, and to recommit and devote ourselves to maintaining our focus, intentionality, and energy

Diocesan Financial Status
Due to the skillful and prudent work of the Diocesan Finance Committee, the fiscal state of the diocese remains financially stable and sustainable. In the early stages of this pandemic, the Office of the Bishop realized the exigencies in addressing anticipated shortfalls in income across the parishes of the diocese. The bishop and Art Kendall developed a proposed preliminary budget in early September 2020 that proposes to offer parishes a one-time ten percent (10%) reduction across the board on 2021 apportionment. This percentage corresponds with the principle of the biblical tithe. This decision was made possible because of the need to suspend expenditure on targeted line item in the budget. Mission and Ministry line item was the most affected because of the decision to suspend large in-person gatherings until late 2021 or 2022. Additionally, the staff in the Office of the Bishop join the bishop in sending a moral statement by consenting to forgo any increase in compensation including cost of living adjustment or COLA for 2021. At a time when so many of our people are losing their livelihood and jobs, and in witness to the suffering of so many because of the pandemic, we felt it was a small price to pay in comparison. Hopefully, next year will bring the promise of greater financial stability for those so adversely affected and, we sincerely pray the diocese may be able to redress this matter. The Diocesan Finance Committee was asked to design a budget with the aforementioned considerations. I am pleased to report that members have risen skillfully to the task in producing a balanced budget, supported by the faithfulness of our parishes toward to their 2021 apportionment.
Your compassionate and caring diocese, to my knowledge of the 110 dioceses of the Episcopal church, is the only one that has responded in this way to its family of churches. We are doing so while honoring our full apportionment of $117,000 to the Episcopal Church and full apportionment of $2,677 to Province III. Mindful of the fact that we are one of the least resourced dioceses in the province and Episcopal Church.
The Board of Managers of the Easton Episcopal Funds should be commended for its work in managing the financial assets of its thirty (30) shareholder parishes of the diocese. The Board of Managers was able to navigate a difficult period with positive results. To date, the fund has approximately 33.5 million as against 21 million at the end of March 2020. Mr. Al Smith demitted office after over ten years (10) as Vice-Chair. The board recommended to the bishop and Diocesan Council the appointment of Chris Maxwell to be the new Vice-Chair.
My beloved, this good and faithful ministry is evidence of the remarkable and sustaining ministry of each and every Episcopalian Christian, clergy and lay. This collective and collaborative work comes from a diocese determined to ‘turn the corner’ in our common life – God’s Seeds of Growth and Channels of Hope.

(Follow the next issue of E-News or read the full address on the diocesan website.)

Convention Thank You

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of the clergy, delegates, alternates, committee members, guests, nominees, and others for their part in making our first virtual Diocesan Convention a success. The patience and flexibility exhibited by our members, particularly with new technologies, was greatly appreciated.

"There is nothing ‘God’s little gem on the eastern shore' can't achieve. Every year our diocese has risen admirably to every new challenge despite encountering new realities and navigating extraordinary situations posed by ‘fate’ that has caused our ‘faith’ to emerge deeper and more resilient." - Bishop San
Bishop’s Lenten Reflection
“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness
to be tempted by the devil” (Matthew 4:1)

The Season of Lent has a significantly crucial role in the advancement of deepening the faith within the individual Christian and corporate church. All through the history of the church, the act of contrition, repentance, spiritual transform, charity toward the other and almsgiving have defined the character of the church. As we are in this solemn penitential season, we as disciples of the risen Lord are called to robustly embody our Lord’s model by paying careful attention to and understanding the ramifications of the devil’s lure to distraction and attempts to redirect our focus from God unto things that are secular and mundane, earthed in our own ego or sense of self-importance. The TRUTH is that it is patently difficult to stay riveted to the virtues distinguishing Christ-like ideals that this season invites us to incorporate and practice. This reaffirmation of mind, body and soul toward the things of God calls forth a deliberate and determined sense of WILL to remain attentive to our Christian faith formation.

Jesus’ first act after baptism was to wrestle with his inner self; to figure out the direction of his life his Father in heaven was calling him to incarnate. To obtain a deeper sense of this call, he chose to enter self-isolation, what John of the Cross would later term in his own spiritual awakening, “Dark Night of the Soul.” Continue Reading Here.
Bishop's Blog is Virtual During Lent!!
Faithful Fridays
Bishop San will be creating and posting a devotional video every Friday during Lent. The videos will be available via the Bishop’s Blog on the Diocesan website as well as on our Facebook page. Be sure to bookmark these links and tune in every Friday for inspiration and spiritual reflection.

Bishop's Spotlight
Bishop San recently visited St. Paul's by-the- Sea in Ocean City and celebrated Eucharist with their parishioners - marking the first in person worship service in that building since March of last year. It was a very joyful celebration and Bishop San encouraged and supported them as they search for a new rector while continuing to offer God's ministry to their parish. Bishop San commissioned Paul Rogers, Amy Rothermel and Debbie and Tom Shuster as Lay Worship Leaders during his visit. They were recently trained by the able staff of the Bishop's Institute under the leadership of Rev. Laura Dorsey and Dee Rinehart. They have been leading Morning Prayer at the parish on Sundays since November 2020.  The bishop highly commended the newly commissioned lay leaders for their remarkable leadership during this time of Covid-19 without a rector. Bishop San also thanks Father Ron Knapp for offering his ministry as a supply clergy to the parish.

Bishop San continues his Lenten Bible Study on Living Reconciliation each Thursday at noon and will continue to post his Faithful Friday devotionals every week during Lent. He and the Convention Committee along with the Brayhouse staff, wish to thank all those involved in making our 153rd Diocesan Virtual Convention a huge success!

Lenten Book Study with Bishop San
"Living Reconciliation"

The Bishop in his roles as chief pastor, spiritual leader, and teacher of the Diocese is hosting a Book Study on Zoom every Thursday at 12 noon, during Lent. We are discussing the book "Living Reconciliation" and all are welcome. The study started on Thursday, February 17th, but new arrivals are encouraged to join us at any time. Simply click the Register link below to get a link for the upcoming Thursday.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the meeting.
Purchase the book online here.

"Living Reconciliation" also serves as a foundational book for the Difference Course that will be offered by our church communities in the coming year. Anyone interested in leading a Difference Course is also encouraged to register for this book study.
Noonday Prayers During Lent
Pray With Us

The Diocese of Easton will be offering noonday prayer every weekday, Monday thru Friday, during Lent (February 18th - April 2nd) on Facebook. Please join us by visiting our Facebook page daily at 12:00pm. Please take a moment in order to join with others from around the diocese as we lift our thoughts and concerns to God in prayer.
Sign Up to Lead

Anyone interested is welcome to sign-up to lead noonday prayers (pre-recorded or live streamed) during lent. Send us an email if you are interested in being on the list.

We thank all those who have signed up and have shared their prayers at noonday with all of us.
More From the Office of the Bishop
Bishop’s Epiphany and Lenten Appeal 2021
Read the Bishop's Full Letter Online Here.
Excerpt: "In the Seasons of Light, Hope, Self-emptying and Penitence, the gospel is clear and poignant in its admonition to “love our neighbors as ourselves” and reach out with a ‘helping hand’ to those who need our assistance, and that when we do so for ‘the least of these’ we are doing so for Christ, our Savior himself. As faithful baptized Christians, we are sanctified to live out this call “to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself.
"My beloved in Christ, I implore your generosity and encourage you to give lavishly to this remarkably noble and hopeful cause. You may do so through your parish or send checks to Diocese of Easton, 314 North Street, Easton, MD 21601, with a notation indicating “Bishop’s Epiphany and Lenten Appeal”. You may also choose to give online by clicking here."
Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.

HURRY! The last day to apply for and receive a PPP loan is
March 31, 2021

The Federal Government is providing another round of assistance through the SBA with PPP loans.

If you did not file for the first round last year, YOU CAN STILL FILE. The same rules will apply as they did initially.

If you received a loan last year, YOU CAN APPLY AGAIN for a second draw amount. Not all recipients of previous loans will qualify. You will have to be able to show a reduction of income for a 2020 quarter compared to the same corresponding quarter in 2019 by 25%. There may be other factors that apply.

But HURRY! The last day to apply for and receive a PPP loan is March 31, 2021. We advise you to talk to your banker as soon as possible.

Attached is a document form the SBA concerning this program.

If you have questions about this please contact Art Kendall at
IONA Collaborative - Deadline is April 5, 2021

The Diocese of Easton is beginning a partnership with the IONA Collaborative. "Iona Collaborative provides high-quality theological education for the formation of priests and deacons in their local diocesan settings, educating a new generation of ordained leaders who for various reasons cannot attend a residential seminary." If you are feeling called to ordained ministry please contact your parish clergy person (or Senior Warden if you do not have a clergy person) so that they can forward your interest to Bishop San. You may also email Bishop San directly. Candidates must have an undergraduate degree. Please be sure to indicate your intention to apply no later than April 5th. Classes will begin in the Fall of 2021.

Congregational Self-Care Sessions Offered

The Diocese has offered to sponsor, for any interested church, a two-hour session with The Rev. Dr. Ileana Lindstrom (ELCA) on the subject of mental health. This session can be offered, for a group of up to 20 people, at any point in the coming year either on Zoom or in-person following COVID re-gathering protocols.
"While certain factors might make some individuals more resilient than others, resilience is not necessarily a personality trait that only some people possess. Resilience involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that anyone can learn and develop. Resilience is ordinary, not extraordinary. Like building a muscle, increasing resilience takes time and intentionality."
Church leadership should contact Illeana directly in order to learn more details, and to take advantage of this offer.
Presiding Bishop’s PSA for the COVID-19 Vaccine

The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations has developed a toolkit for individuals, congregations, and ministries to facilitate and promote COVID-19 vaccine distribution in the United States. This toolkit promotes the ongoing work that parishes and dioceses have already been doing, shares best practices, and offers ideas for ways that communities can help U.S.- based Episcopalians to facilitate vaccination, overcome vaccine hesitancy, and find information from state and local officials. Churches and church leaders (lay and ordained) can serve as an important trusted bridge between public health officials and communities.

In his public service announcement encouraging vaccination, the presiding bishop says, “This vaccine can prevent the COVID-19 virus. It can help you. It can help those who you love. It can help us all. The Bible says you should love your neighbor as yourself. And getting this vaccine, as well as wearing your face mask, and keeping social distanced, and out of crowds, these are some simple and real ways that we can love our neighbor as ourselves. To love our neighbor, and while you’re at it to love yourself.”
Covid - 19 Vaccination Deployment Update

Based on the state’s accelerating vaccination rate and an anticipated increase in supply from the federal government, Maryland will enter Phase 2 of its vaccination plan early next week. Eligibility continues to expand: the vaccine will soon be available to all Marylanders over the age of 16.

We encourage parishes to help get the word out about dates and distribution centers of the Covid-19 vaccine as a service to your parishioners. Currently, the State of Maryland continues to be in Phase 1C - Adults age 65 and older, clergy and other essential support for houses of worship. Workers in lab services, agriculture, manufacturing, postal service and many others.

In order to get a listing of approved vaccination locations, please visit this website. This site has links to the state’s mass vaccination sites, pharmacies, county health departments etc.

If you have a smart-phone, Text “MDReady” to 898-211 to get alerts from the State, including notices of when there are available appointments at mass vaccination sites. 

There are reputable pharmacies in the area who are distributing the vaccine right now in addition to the health department and the hospital. Unfortunately, there are also scammers who are sending emails and making phone calls trying to get people to give them money in exchange for a COVID vaccination. If you ever get an email or a phone call from someone telling you to send them money or a gift card – it is a scam. Do not send anyone any money for a vaccination.

To read more about Maryland’s Phased COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and frequently asked questions and resources click here.
Prayers of the People

Please continue to keep in your prayers those infected with Coronavirus, those who have died as a result of the virus, and medical personnel and first responders.

Please continue to include over the next several Sundays prayers for healing, reconciliation and unity among all God's beloved people in our nation and particularly for those involved in government work.

Let us pray:
Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered together under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one God and Creator of us all; to whom be dominion and glory, now and forever.
– For Peace, Book of Common Prayer, p. 815

Oh God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your son. Look now with compassion on the entire human family; and particularly this part of the family, in the United States, and those in our nation’s capital; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
– For the Human Family, Book of Common Prayer, p. 815

We ask God to heal us, to show us the way to healing, to show us the way to be one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Welcome back to Camp Wright!

Registration for our 2021 season is now open. We have reduced our session capacity in all programs, so please register early to secure your spot. Registration information and our summer camp brochures can be found here. We have a few updated policies and procedures for 2021 that we would like to share: 

  • We have added a Ready, Set, Camp session for campers ages 6-10. This is a 3 night resident camp session perfect for first timers or families who prefer a shorter week. New dates and rates can be found here.

  • Tiered pricing is now in effect for all of our camps. More information about tiered pricing can be found on our registration page. 

  • All paperwork and payment is due by June 1. This will help us best prepare for the needs of all our campers.

  • We are implementing a 100% refund policy for this summer. A camp family may cancel registration at anytime and receive a full refund. 

  • Information about our COVID protocols and infection prevention can be found here. Please check back often as we will update this page as information and guidance become available. 

  • Resident campers who would have been 14 last summer and would like to join us for a final traditional session this summer are invited to register for Session 1, 2, and/or Senior Camp.

  • Be on the lookout for more information from us regarding preparing for camp, virtual information sessions with our admin team, and Camp Wright’s COVID safety plan as session dates get closer. 

We cannot wait to welcome campers back to Camp Wright this summer. We are committed to offering a safe, healthy, and fun experience for all our participants and look forward to partnering with you to make it happen!

As always, feel free to reach out to our camp director, Julia Connelly, if you have any questions or need any additional information.

More information is available on our website.

Camp Wright is working to be a Covid-safe place for fun, growth, and learning this summer. Up-to-date information about our Covid protocols and infection control plan can be found here. Please save this link as this page will be updated frequently.
Happenings Around The Diocese
St.Mary Anne's in North East made
national news in the ENS!!

Blooming during a Pandemic
Ten thousand crocus bulbs are now in bloom at St. Mary Anne’s historic churchyard in North East, Maryland. Their blossoms remind parishioners of a treasured community event, a beloved and recently deceased parish member, and the yearly promise of Resurrection.
On the banks of the North East River, at the top of the Chesapeake Bay, the 315-year-old parish bloomed each spring with a Garden Market. For 22 years, the festive two-day May event, featured spring flowers, vegetable plants, delectable treats, and 50 garden-related vendors. Over 4,000 visitors from the community and tristate area (Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware) enjoyed the yearly fundraising event that celebrated God’s creation. The event provided a yearly opportunity for parish members to give church tours and highlight their ministries, too. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the church canceled the 2020 and 2021 Garden Markets. Read more here.
Trinity Cathedral, Easton The Very Rev. Gregory L. Powell, dean of Trinity Cathedral on Goldsborough Street in Easton, is delighted to add two new members to the cathedral’s staff. In January, the Rev. Sandra Casey-Martus and the Rev. Nathaniel W. Pierce began their ministries with the cathedral. “I am thrilled to welcome Sandy and Nathaniel who bring a combined 60 plus years of ordained ministry to Trinity Cathedral,” said Powell.

In her role of assistant dean at Trinity, the Rev. Casey-Martus will invite, educate and accompany parishioners on their spiritual journeys. She will work to prayerfully discern Trinity’s needs and offer spiritual formation programs and that are relevant, meaningful, challenging and fun.

The Rev. Nathaniel W. Pierce, as the cathedral’s first resident theologian, will preach several times a year and contribute articles to the cathedral’s newsletter. “We are delighted that Fr. Pierce’s remarkable gifts will now be included in our cathedral’s ministry,” said the Very Rev. Powell. “His 52 years of experience will be a blessing for us all.”

St. Alban's, Salisbury - Broadway & Beyond Singers' Showcase Veronica Tomanek, organist and choir director at St. Alban’s, is coach and pianist for the Broadway and Beyond Singers’ Showcase Online Concert. This semi-annual performance of classical and musical theater selections features voice students of Dr. John Wesley Wright from Salisbury University. You may use the link below to sign up for this free concert. Viewing is available at your convenience from March 19-21. Three of the featured students have been selected for the NATS Nationals Auditions (national voice competition) next month. Sign up Here

St. Alban's, Salisbury - Asbury United Methodist Church in Salisbury has offered a variety of meaningful music programs during Lent, made available for free on the homepage of the Asbury church website on Wednesdays. These videos will also be uploaded to YouTube for later viewing. On March 24, Veronica Tomanek, Director of Music/Organist at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church will be joined by members of St. Alban’s choir, SU student vocalists, and Dr. John Wesley Wright. Once the service is posted, it will be available for a week for you to view at any time.

St. Paul's, Centreville - Rain Barrel Workshop, Saturday, March 27th 9:00-10:00 am Outdoors & socially distant. ShoreRivers will speak about the benefits of rain barrels, River Friendly Yards, and assist you in putting together your barrel while reviewing installation and maintenance. Contact Michele Miller to sign up. The first TEN people to sign up receive a FREE rain barrel valued at $100!
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add to their local enews.
Spring Quiet Day
Thursday, April 8, in-person
9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
In-person session
St. Paul’s Church, Hillsboro

Thursday, April 22, on Zoom
9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
with Julia Morris-Myers
Virtual session on Zoom

This Seasonal Quiet Day will focus on new beginnings! Join us as we observe the parallels among spring, resurrection, and the gradual ending of the pandemic.

Where do you see a rebirth in your own life and
how is that specifically tied to this year of extraordinary challenges?
What do you wish to leave behind…or carry with you?

We will be guided by scripture, poetry, silence, and conversation, and most of all by Mother Nature.

This socially distanced gathering will take place in St. Paul’s Church and on the beautiful grounds of the Retreat House. Bring your lunch to enjoy indoors or outdoors in the spaces we have prepared. (Masks will still be required indoors.)

VIRTUAL SESSION on Zoom - Register at
Once registered, you will receive the Zoom link.

Conscious Aging Wisdom Circle
Fridays, April 16-May 21
with Beth Knight, via Zoom

In this wisdom circle, we will learn to create a “new vision of aging." During these sessions, you will be guided to:
  • Develop skills of self-compassion 
  • Discover what gives heart & meaning to your life 
  • Minimize feelings of isolation 
  • Cultivate a personal roadmap for your own aging journey 

We hope you will join us as we focus on listening to our own inner wisdom and guidance, cultivating best practices, sharing in an intimate conversation circle, and listening to the collective wisdom of the group. 

The Wisdom Café
Monday's from 12:00-1:00 p.m. on Zoom. It's an hour of friendly companionship--no commitment, no charge. Come and go as you please! 

If you would like to receive an email reminder on Monday mornings (which will include the zoom link) please sign up here

We hope to see you Mondays at noon! Here's the Zoom link  

Come for a Quiet Walk

With spring's slow arrival we watch and wait for the longer days and warmer temperatures. At the threshold of the season, we relish more time outdoors. You are invited to come by the Retreat House and enjoy the beauty of the trees as they awaken. Please come (with your dog, if you'd like) and take a walk beneath the "whispering pines," around the church, within the Labyrinth, or find a bench to be silent or still.

We hold this space for you to come and rest with the spirit. The gates are always open -- we hope to see you soon.

Personal Retreat

The Retreat House offers sanctuary to anyone who wishes to get away and to rest, whether for a few hours or a few days. We invite you to be here for a time, perhaps as part of your Lenten journey.

For a Personal Retreat Day, you set aside all or part of a day to be at the Retreat House by yourself or with a companion.

For a Hermitage Overnight, you reserve a guest room for one or more nights.
This is a wonderful opportunity to be still, to renew your spirit, to open your heart to God.

Enjoy soothing meditative walks, beautiful St. Paul’s church, sip a cup of tea, peruse the Retreat House library, or put your feet up and close your eyes.

The suggested donation for a Personal Retreat Day is $50, and $75/night for a Hermitage Overnight. But please don’t let finances get in the way!

Learn more about spending time with a Retreat House spiritual director in person or online.

Day's End Evening Meditation Listen, breathe, be still. A peaceful way to move into your evening. Feel free to log in to hear a beautiful prayer or poem followed by just the right amount of quiet meditation time.

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 212 677 840
Password: 944568
Call in/audio only: 301 715 8592

This Friday afternoon message is intended to give you a moment of reflection in the form of a poem, quote, and image. These messages will also be shared via email, in our social media and archived on the website. If you missed last week's edition, please click here to read it.

PLEASE NOTE: All AA meetings will be online only until the weather warms. Click here to attend AA meetings through Zoom.

Fridays: 7:30 pm, AA Big Book
Saturdays: 7:00 pm, AA Women's Candlelight
Sundays: 5:30 pm, AA Step 
Click here for more AA meetings online and in person

At this time, we are not hosting indoor gatherings. Thank you for observing safety protocols while you are here, by wearing masks and maintaining social distance. Please stay safe and be well!

The Retreat House has several trained spiritual directors who are available to help. Learn more in our Spiritual Guidance brochure.

See our calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069, click the buttons below or contact Francie Thayer.
Pastoral Concerns

We pray for the repose of the soul of the following people and for comfort for their families:

John David
Katherine (Kit) Bainbridge 

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for Bishop Parsley as he is recovering from shoulder surgery, for Bishop San's sisters - Padmini (Paddy) Marray and Sandra Marray, both battling breast cancer. Bryan Glancey, Vicar, St. Andrew's, Hurlock. Rev. Kevin Cross, Rector, Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford. The Rev. Dr. Lisa Webb. The Rev. Pete Stanton. Larry Samuels, spouse of Deacon Candidate, Peggy Samuels. Art Leiby. Becky Richardson. Weasie Kamihachi. Jody Farley. Father Ron Knapp. Jefferson Moak.

We pray for the many lives that have been affected by the Coronavirus. For those who have died; for the family members that mourn their loss. For those who continue to heal and for the skilled
caregivers that continue to fight this disease – we pray for you.

Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 
Diocesan Prayer Calendar

Fifth Sunday in Lent
(March 21st)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Mary the Virgin, Pocomoke City, and for their Deacon, the Rev. Stephanie Clayville, and
her spouse, Brooks.

Sunday of the Passion:
Palm Sunday (March 28th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Stephan’s, Earleville, and their Rector, the Rev. Dr. Nicholas Sichangi, and his spouse, Jane, and their sons: Christopher, Dennis and Hudson.

Easter Sunday
(April 4th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people and ministry at Bayleigh Chase, and for their Chaplain, the Rev. Marianne Ell, and her spouse, John. For Deacon Sherry Snyder, and her spouse, John, and all caretakers that minister to its residents.

For additional weeks, please visit our website.
Communication from the
Office of the Presiding Bishop
Presiding Bishop’s sermon to the Episcopal Church House of Bishops which met virtually March 9-12, 2021. Watch Here.
Spring is arriving and with it a new year of Good News Gardens ministry
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Curry describes Good News Gardens as “A way of planting seeds for a new heaven and a new earth,” in this video invitation to join with others in this transformational agrarian ministry that feeds body, mind, and spirit. Good News Gardens is a church-wide movement of individuals, congregations, schools, colleges, seminaries, monasteries, camps and conference centers involved in a variety of food and creation care ministries – gardening, farming, beekeeping, composting, gleaning, feeding, and food justice advocacy. Collectively good news gardeners share their abundance, their prayers, and the Way of Love in their communities and beyond. Listen & learn more here..
Presiding Bishop calls for Good Friday Offering to support ministry in Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East In his Good Friday letter, Presiding Bishop Curry asks each Bishop and congregation to consider providing assistance for the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East.
First gathered in 1922, the initial Good Friday Offering was an intentional response of The Episcopal Church to support Anglican ministries in the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East that were impacted by the devastation of World War I, the Spanish flu pandemic, and social and political unrest affecting Armenian Christians, among others throughout that region.
A lifeline of hope in times of genuine need in years past, the Good Friday Offering continues to support churches, medical programs and schools today.
In his 2021 letter, Bishop Curry writes, “This prior era a century ago reminds us that ours is not the only time in which forces beyond our control affect the lives of God’s people.  We are all aware that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected virtually every person on the planet in one way or another. . . “ Read more here.
Fourth season of ‘The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry’ podcast continues - The Blessing of Mercy with Bryan Stevenson Season 4, Episode 4
In this episode, Bishop Curry talks with Bryan Stevenson – author, lawyer, and founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, a human rights organization in Montgomery, Alabama – about what it means to remember, reorient, and renew an active faith in Jesus and his Way of Love.
Beyond the Diocese
Registration open for upcoming session of Virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency course Aug. 9-13, 2021
Registration is now open for the next session of the Virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course (VELMC), an innovative five-day intensive course designed for diocesan staff, clergy, lay leaders, and seminarians to gain practical knowledge and cultural competency for Latino/Hispanic ministry. Registration deadline is July 30, 2021. Read more here.
Applications accepted for the Julia Chester Emery 2021-2022 internship
In 2015, the United Thank Offering (UTO) Board launched the Julia Chester Emery internship program for young adults in honor of the countless women who served as UTO missionaries. The 2021-2022 internship will be a collaborative effort between The Episcopal Church’s Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care team (RJCC) and the Johnson Service Corp House (JSC), a part of Episcopal Service Corps, located in Chapel Hill or Durham, North Carolina.
“The UTO Board is so excited to continue to deepen our relationship with the RJCC team by working together to provide this unique internship which we hope will encourage a young person to think critically about creation care, justice, race, gratitude and help us grow in new ways from their ideas and questions,” shared the Rev. Canon Heather Melton, staff officer, UTO. Read more here.
‘Sacred Earth’ Website Launched: Finding Hope in Ecologically Challenging Times St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, San Marcos, TX, has launchedSacred Earth,” a new website exploring the interplay of spirituality and nature. The site is an outgrowth of the Sacred Earth Symposium that was scheduled for April 2020 but postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more here.
‘From Many, One’ Webinars to Fuel Practice of Conversations Across Difference Practice sessions begin March 12
A set of upcoming webinars promises to prepare Episcopalians to effectively listen, honor difference, and help to heal families, congregations, communities, and nations.
“From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference” will host three webinars introducing individuals and ministries to what Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry calls “the spiritual practice of love in action” – one-to-one listening and sharing across the differences that separate us. The webinars will cover basics like invitation and attentive listening, as well as the theology, tools, gifts, and challenges related to this critical spiritual practice. Learn More & Register Here.
‘My Way of Love’ offers personalized suggestions for spiritual growth
The Episcopal Church, in partnership with RenewalWorks, a ministry of Forward Movement, is offering My Way of Love, a free, eight-week email series that provides personalized suggestions for spiritual growth based on the seven practices of the Way of Love.
Introduced at the online FORMA gathering in January, My Way of Love is produced by experts in The Episcopal Church on spiritual formation, the Way of Love, and spiritual growth. Each email in the series includes ideas on how to pray, engage with scripture, and practice the Way of Love regularly. Read more here.
Join the Racial Justice Ministry of Province 3 for a Q&A with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, Author of "How to be an Antiracist"
As the capstone of the Province III Anti-Racism and Racial Justice discussion of his book, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi will be joining us for a question and answer session. And everyone in Province III is invited to join us! The event will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, March 24 from 8-9 pm. Register Register Here.
Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps: Application deadline for 2021-2022 extended - New deadline: April 9, 2021
Applications for 2021-2022 placements with the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC), the international missionary program of The Episcopal Church, will now be accepted through Friday, April 9, 2021. YASC offers Episcopalians ages 21-30 the opportunity to follow the Way of Love into deeper relationship with God and the global Anglican Church while spending a year living and working with communities around the world. Read more here.
Episcopal Church scholarship applications for the 2021-2022 academic year are now being accepted for educational scholarships from The Episcopal Church for the 2021-2022 academic year. Deadline for applications is April 11th. The scholarships are derived from annual income of designated trust funds established by generous donors through bequests to The Episcopal Church. The listing of trust funds and scholarships found here includes information related to the intended use of scholarship funds. A number of these scholarships are designated for students enrolled in theological education and training. Others provide modest scholarships for children of missionaries, bishops or clergy, as well as other groups covering a wide range of eligibility. When funds are available, the maximum award is $10,000 per student.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read each trust and identify in the application those trust funds that best fit their own profile. Read more here.
There is still time to apply for Becoming Beloved Community grants for local and regional efforts - Applications due April 12, 2021
The Presiding Officers’ Advisory Group on Beloved Community Implementation is pleased to announce the availability of grants to catalyze the church’s work of racial healing, reconciliation and justice. Allocated by the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, the intent for this funding is to build capacity and increase Episcopal engagement in four primary fields: telling the truth about our churches and race, proclaiming the dream of Beloved Community, practicing Jesus’ way of healing and reconciliation, and repairing the breach in institutions and society.

“During and since General Convention, leaders from dioceses throughout The Episcopal Church have shared their desire to develop and put forth programming, action, and education around racial reconciliation that comes from and makes sense in their various contexts,” said advisory group chair, the Rev. Edwin Johnson, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. “We are excited to empower and partner with churches, dioceses and communities to do just that, as they know their people and contexts better than anyone else. In the end, we are hopeful that the work we support throughout the church will enable the work of racial reconciliation on the local level while growing our collective wisdom and will to engage it more broadly together.” Read more here.
Deadline extended for Care of Creation Grants
Application deadline April 16, 2021
The deadline to apply for 2021 grants from the Episcopal Church’s Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism has been extended to April 16.
Created by the 2018 General Convention of The Episcopal Church, the Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism is charged with supporting and expanding The Episcopal Church’s loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with Creation. That year, the General Convention allocated funds to this task force to support local and regional eco-ministry efforts. This is the second and final granting process for this Task Force during this triennium.
“Through this grant program, we seek to support long-term ministries which focus on the inequitable and systemic impacts of environmental racism, regional and local ecojustice concerns and the pressing issues arising from the climate emergency,” noted the Rev. Stephanie M. Johnson, chair of the Task Force. Read more here.
Task Force announces next round of missional investments The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on Church Planting and Congregational Redevelopment announced that its sixth set of grants are now available for Episcopal dioceses and mission developers who are envisioning, planning, or growing new worshipping communities and missional enterprises throughout the church. The grants are part of a $2,500,000 initiative funded by the General Convention in 2018 that seeks to celebrate and strategically support emerging communities in The Episcopal Church and that builds partnerships within and beyond the church, expands our language of ministry, and creates new ways for the church to engage the people of God. The deadline for this round of grant applications is March 15, 2021. Read more here.
Ministry Architects - How to Celebrate Easter In a Pandemic
You can have a creative, well thought out, and engaging Easter season. In this blog, Brandi Kirkland shares how you can create an Easter plan that engages both visitors and members, and does not let the current climate hinder the celebration. Read more.

The Sustainable Ministry Show - Listen to These Podcasts
It's not too early to start looking ahead - especially given the times in which we're doing ministry. On this podcast episode, the team talks about preparing for Easter, and how the changes that will come this year can still make Easter fruitful. Listen here.

How are you using this unique Lenten season to prepare your congregation for this year's Easter? On this podcast episode, the team talks about the advantages of planning for Easter now, as well as discussing the types of needs your congregants might be feeling during this Lenten season. Listen here.
Episcopal Migration Ministries offers daily Lenten devotional series
Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), in partnership with members of the Episcopal Asylum Ministry Network, is offering a daily Lenten devotional series. Written reflections will be released daily beginning Ash Wednesday, February 17, through Easter Sunday, April 4. Reflections will also be available on the EMM website blog.

“EMM’s Lenten devotional series offers daily reflections on Isaiah 58 by EMM supporters, friends, and ministry partners through the lens of migration,” said Allison Duvall, EMM manager for church relations and engagement.

Sign up here to receive EMM Lenten Devotions via email.

Episcopal Migration Ministries is a ministry of The Episcopal Church and is one of nine national agencies responsible for resettling refugees in the United States in partnership with the government. Episcopal Migration Ministries currently has 12 affiliate partners in 11 states. In addition to its long-standing work in refugee resettlement ministry, Episcopal Migration Ministries is The Episcopal Church’s convening place for collaboration, education, and information-sharing on migration. To directly support EMM and its life-changing work, visit or text ‘EMM’ to 41444 (standard messaging and data may rates apply).
Life Transformed - The Way of Love in Lent revised for 2021
New and updated resources available for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter
New and updated Lent and Easter resources for congregations, dioceses, and communities of faith are available from The Episcopal Church, with additional offerings coming soon. Available and upcoming resources include: Updated Life Transformed – The Way of Love in Lent curriculum; Sermons That Work for Holy Week and Easter; a new podcast series, Prophetic Voices: Preaching and Teaching Beloved Community. Find resources here. Read more 2021 Lent Resources
Episcopal Relief & Development Focuses on Lament in 2021 Lenten Meditations In response to the unprecedented events of the past year, Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2021 Lenten Meditations share deeply personal reflections on the theme of lament from a diverse group of writers. Many of the authors share experiences related to a variety of issues including disease, violence, racial injustice and poverty.
“2020 was a deeply challenging year for many, filled with losses,” said Sean McConnell, Senior Director, Engagement, Episcopal Relief & Development. “We hope our supporters will use the 2021 Lenten Meditations to guide them through the four steps of lament and to help them heal and grow.” Read more here.
Archbishop of Canterbury Continues Lambeth Conference prayer journey - sharing prayers of Hope for the World. At a time where the world still faces the challenge of COVID-19 alongside ongoing issues like climate crisis, poverty, economic injustice, conflict and inequality, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has launched a Lambeth Conference prayer journey to share “prayers of hope for the world.” We invite you to join with our global Anglican Community in prayer.
Save the Date SUMMA Theological Debate Summer Camp, July 20–28, 2021
The SUMMA Theological Debate Summer Camp brings together high school students from across the country to one of the largest and most beautiful college campuses anywhere – the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. By exploring life’s biggest questions through theological debate, we broaden students’ understanding of Christianity and its enduring power to speak the truth in love.
SUMMA Camp will be held July 20–28, 2021 at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.
Welcome to For People, a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on his For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions. Listen Now