Summer 2023, No. 2
A Note from the Executive Director

This time of year many schools and districts are reporting chronic absence data to state education agencies. When data is publicly available, everyone has an opportunity to see which student groups are experiencing the greatest challenges and to craft strategies that reach those students and families.

Our review of how state attendance policies and practices are evolving shows that 48 states and the District of Columbia are reporting chronic absence data online and more are doing so in a timely manner. We offer recommendations for how states can ensure accurate, comparable and transparent data and leverage it to inform action. Read our new report, Monitoring Data Matters Even More: A Review of State Attendance Data Policy and Practice in School Year 2022-23.

Addressing the scale and scope of today’s chronic absence levels requires the entire community to pitch in. We’ve updated our materials for the fall to help you develop a local coalition or put tools in the hands of other agencies and organizations. Find resources in our Count Us In! toolkit

As you look towards the next school year, consider how you can include responsibility for your engagement and attendance strategy in an ongoing team in your school or district. For specific steps on how to organize a team, the key functions and who should be members, check out our new Teams page. 

Wishing you an amazing summer with lots of time to recharge and rest with family and friends and to do what you love most! Check out the summer resources below.


Hedy Chang
Founder and Executive Director

Sample Tweet!

Monitoring chronic absence data matters more now than ever as more & more students are missing opportunities to learn. @attenanceworks has a new report with recommendations on how to optimize the data to better inform, implement & reflect on solutions:
Resource Spotlight
It’s vital for all kids to keep learning over the summer. Regular attendance at a summer program helps rebuild habits lost during the pandemic. National Summer Learning Association has created fun ways families can help their children tap the power of summer learning.

National Summer Learning Week is July 10-14, 2023! This year’s themes include: Fostering Friendships, Love of Literacy & Learning, Wonders of Wellness, Summer Skill-Building, and Amazing Arts.
Attendance Awareness Campaign
Have you registered for a free Attendance Awareness Campaign 2023 webinar? Join in! Register for the next two webinars, A Welcoming and Healthy Return to School: Ensuring Showing Up, on August 9, and Sustaining Success: Investing in Showing Up!, on September 27. If you missed webinars 1 and 2, you can view the recording and materials found on our website!

Sample Tweet!

What are the keys to establishing a foundation that supports a welcoming & safe school culture? Join @attendanceworks next AAC webinar, A Welcoming and Healthy Return to School: Ensuring Showing Up, on 8/9! #SchoolEveryDay
Corporate Sponsors

We deeply appreciate our Attendance Awareness Campaign corporate sponsors for their commitment to help ensure that every student is engaged and in school every day. Their investment makes it possible for us to provide you with free strategies and materials.
A survey of more than 120,000 Minnesota students in eighth, ninth, and 11th grade identified 18 risk factors that were predominantly linked with students who reported regularly missing school. Find the research in the Journal of School Psychology.

Exclusionary discipline, such as suspensions and expulsions, often implemented with good intentions, doesn’t usually result in improved attendance or engagement, according to research. A new study from Learning Policy Institute finds that students exposed to restorative practices improved students’ academic achievement while reducing suspension rates and duration. Read Fostering Belonging, Transforming Schools: The Impact of Restorative Practices.
Housing agencies are uniquely positioned to reach out and address the challenges families face getting their kids to school. In a June 13, 2023 webinar co-hosted with the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, we talk with three housing agencies about what they’ve been doing to improve school attendance. Listen to the recording, Learning Begins at Home: How Housing Agencies Support Attendance and Engagement.

We consulted with the National Association of School Nurses on an online course. A School Nurse-Led Initiative to Address Chronic Absenteeism is free for NASN members! Learn more.
Professional Development
Classes scheduled for the coming fall are open in our highly-rated, three-part e-training for educators! Learn proven, evidence-based, tiered strategies to promote attendance and engagement using a team approach.

Attendance Works also offers fee-based, high quality consulting services tailored to individual state agencies, school districts and schools, in addition to free resources and strategies. For more information, email or check our website.
News Highlights
Help Get Kids Back in School
Our ability to provide free resources and tools, webinars, technical assistance and guidance depends on our contributions from people like you. Donate to Attendance Works here!
Attendance Works would like to express its deep appreciation to the foundations that are currently funding our work nationally and in communities across the country: Abell Foundation, The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, Heising-Simons Foundation, The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, Open Society Institute–Baltimore, Stuart Foundation, United Way of Treasure Valley.