Welcome to RVCC Moments, a monthly electronic newsletter that provides information about the latest developments at RVCC.
Summer Classes

It’s not too late to register for RVCC summer classes, with sessions beginning June 13 and July 11. Summer offers a great opportunity for college students to earn extra credits and save money and for high school juniors and seniors to jumpstart their college education.

Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 (Select Option 2)
Information Sessions

RVCC is holding both in-person and virtual Information Sessions in June, including an ESL/Bilingual Information Session and special sessions focusing on the College’s Beauty programs and Paying for College.
Instant Decision Day

Take steps to enroll for the Fall Semester all in one day at RVCC’s Instant Decision Day, June 28, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., at the College’s Branchburg campus. In one session, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Speak with an admissions specialist and learn about the steps to enroll
  • Explore financial aid options, including loans, grants, scholarships, and the Free Tuition Program
  • Submit admissions documentation
  • Meet with an Academic Advisor
  • Complete the New Student Registration Request Form, if you’re a first-time college student

RVCC’s Fall Semester Begins August 31.

Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 (Select Option 2)
New Supply Chain Management Program

RVCC is offering a new Supply Chain Management Certificate of Completion program beginning this fall. The fully online program, which is designed for those new to the industry or currenting working in the field, can be completed in two semesters.
Commencement 2022

RVCC awarded associate degrees and certificates to more than 1,200 graduates at its commencement on May 14. The event also honored 84 graduates from the classes of 2020 and 2021.
Honors College Capstone Projects

Seven students in RVCC’s Honors College students presented their independent Capstone Course projects during a recent symposium.
Engineering Students Present at Conference

Engineering students Luke Ingenito and Henry Freligh recently presented their “Rotating Head Support” and “Weight Room Energy Absorber” engineering projects on behalf of their teammates at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Mid-Atlantic Conference.
Service Learning Award

Samantha Edge, a student in the Medical Assistant Certificate program, has been named the recipient of the Raritan Valley Community College Service Learning Leadership Award.
All-State Academic Team

RVCC students Connie Looi and Sangeetha Punnam are among the 38 New Jersey community college students who are being honored by the New Jersey Council of County Colleges for being named to the 2022 New Jersey All-State Academic Team.

LEED Certification for WTC

RVCC’s Workforce Training Center is now LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certified. The College has signed a power purchase agreement to fully power the Workforce Training Center with up to 386 Megawatt hours (MWh) per year of low-cost electricity from a new solar array, constructed in the adjacent retention basin.
Mercedes-Benz Training

RVCC has recently partnered with Mercedes-Benz to offer Mercedes-specific training for the College’s Automotive Technology students. The specialized training helps students in securing a job at a Mercedes-Benz dealership. To ensure that students attain the necessary skills, Mercedes-Benz has donated a 2019 A220 vehicle, as well as its industry-specific scan tool.
Nota Bene

RVCC students recently participated in Nota Bene, an annual event that celebrates the power of imagination by showcasing outstanding student work from across the curriculum. The students are nominated by faculty members, and this year’s submissions include essays, videos, infographics, drawings and paintings, websites, an editorial, a book jacket design, a short story, a lesson plan, and a project for medical practice.
Center for Environmental Studies

Learn about all of the initiatives of RVCC’s Center for Environmental Studies in the Spring 2022 issue of the Center’s newsletter, Stewards & Scholars.