See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!

August 31, 2023

This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace

in worship and in ways to connect and serve.

Pastor's Message

Ready, Set, Go!

The last 24 hours I have been distracted by a marathon relay swim going on from Split Rock to Duluth Minnesota. My friend Kris is an observer on the sailboat and sending us frequent updates about what is happening. Karen Zemlin, the woman in this photo, is the organizer and one of the swimmers for this tremendous team. At 8am, Karen set off into the water, and began a swim relay to raise awareness about climate change and also take on another challenging swim. I swim with Karen, well near her. She's in lane 5 (the fast lane) and I'm in lane 2 (much slower). But we have become friends over the years although on occasion she will tell me less lip and more flip (in other words stop talking and get swimming). Each swimmer in this relay swims for one hour before switching off. The swim itself is remarkable but what is even more amazing is that they are able to do it without wetsuits. This is great for swimming, but not good news about the temperature of our lakes and our planet. If you want to watch the news segment click here.

Karen has been thinking about this relay and planning for this event for years. I only learned about it this past May and it's been a delight to have been part of the journey. It's been even more fun to have a friend on deck. I often think when it comes to swimming the hardest part for me is just getting in the water. It's uncomfortable at first. It takes effort and motivation, but once I'm in, I feel so good. I may get tired with my swim workout but I am always glad I went.

I wonder, if this might be true for church. That often the hardest part is just getting yourself there. If it's waking up on time Sunday morning, or signing up for an event that you have thought about going to. It takes motivation and a willingness to get out of your comfort zone. As we round the corner to fall, and enter into the closing weekend of summer, I am hoping that you all will join me in worshiping with us in the next few weeks. Trying something new. If you haven't participated in God's Work. Our Hands. join us on September 17th for worship at 9am and outreach projects starting at 10am. Come and join a bible study, or volunteer to help out with some of children and youth ministry. I want you to know there is place for you here at Grace and want you to join us. I know my staff has been planning for a while now, and we are getting close to the starting line. I hope you'll participate, meet new people and find your faith strengthened just by showing up.


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

Ministries News

"Willy and Johnnie’s"

Join OK@PLAY for an evening of food and fun! Wed., Sept. 6th at 4pm

Meet us at Willy McCoy's (Andover) for an early dinner, dinner expense is responsibility of each individual.

5:30pm. Come to Johnnie and Kathy Tillery’s house in Andover to "tour" Johnnie’s sports collections (baseball, hockey, football) and see Kathy doing her quilting magic!

Please sign up on REALM by September 3rd so we can make reservations at Willy McCoy's. Questions? Contact Deb Stang 763.427.3252/ 

Click Here To RSVP

Catechism and Own Your Faith Orientation Night

September 6th in the Fellowship Hall

Catechism Kick-Off and Orientation is from 6-7pm. Come and meet Will our new CYF Director and learn what changes we have made to our Catechism program. We realize that our Catechism students are all “new” to the program especially after the pandemic and much transition. We want to start this year off well with clear expectations and information on all that we have in store for the year ahead. You will not want to miss this time together. There will be a lot of information and a whole lot of fun! Click here to register.

Own Your Faith Kick-Off and Orientation is from 7-8pm

All 9th Graders and guardians, we hope you can join us for an overview and orientation for your final year of Catechism at Grace Lutheran Church. After 3 years participating in small groups and events at Grace on Wednesday nights, our 9th Graders final year of catechism is to work one-on-one with a mentor. Together they will be discussing questions of identity and faith and doubt. These one-on-one conversations happen on your own time, and we provide all the materials you need to have these important conversations. This year we are starting something new and inviting our Own Your Faith students to gather once a month for a shared event where we can have a time of fellowship and connection. We are very excited about the upcoming year and all that it will bring. If you have any questions, please contact our Child, Youth and Family Director Will Weikle Click here to register.

One of the requirements of Own Your Faith is that you go on retreat. This year we are going to Camp Wapo Sept. 29th-Oct.1st. You need to register on Realm for this retreat see article below.

High School Youth Bonfire

Wed., Sept. 6th at 8pm

There is lots of fun stuff happening with high school ministry at Grace this year! Please join us for a bonfire with snacks, drinks, games, and conversation on September 6th at 8:00pm for our first event of the school year! We will be right out front at the church! Bring your friends.

Registrations Open! Still Time To Sign Up!

The registrations are open for Sunday School, Trebelmakers, Catechism, Kids Night Out, and Own Your Faith!

Treble Makers


September 29th-October 1st

Camp Wapo Retreat is for students in current grades 6-9 (2023-2024). The cost is $200. We have 30 spots reserved. Sign-up while you can. We will depart after school on Friday and return Sunday evening. Financial assistance is available. We will also be looking for adult volunteers to drive (personal vehicles) and participate. Please consider if you might go to this faith-filled event. Contact our Child, Youth, and Family Director Will Weikle ( for more information. Click the link below to register on Realm.

Click Here To Register

Circle Of Grace

Circle of Grace is a ministry team that strives to enhance our care and connections with one another. We currently have two smaller teams; one that brings Communion and provides visitation to our sick and shut in members, and the other team sends cards/notes to anyone in need of encouragement, assists with occasional transportation to medical appointments and respite care, assists with bringing meals to families. We are exploring a grief component to our team. If you are willing to help share God’s grace in tangible ways, please call the Church Office for more information.

Habitat For Humanity

Oct. 5th from 8:30am-4:00pm

We have two more spots available for the upcoming volunteer opportunity at Habitat for Humanity on Thursday October 5th. No construction experience required. Come with a willingness to learn, help others, and have fun doing it. They take volunteers as young as 16, if accompanied by a parent or guardian. The build site will be in Roseville and our build shift if from 8:30am-4:00pm. Grace will provide lunch and water.

It’s a great way to give back to our community. Habitat partners with the families and volunteers to build new affordable homes that help put families on a pathway to new opportunities. Since 1988, Twin Cities Habitat has helped more than 1,500 families buy an affordable home. Contact Angie Hanson at 612-508-6540) or, if you have questions or are interested in volunteering. 

Grace's Opportunities for Giving




An enormous THANK YOU, to all who have donated! There is still time to donate school supplies. If you would still like to help, please consider purchasing any of the items in the list below and return them to church in the tote labeled “Sand Creek School Supplies” that will be located in the Narthex. You also can give a monetary donation. Please specify on the check, online or cash donation that it is for Sand Creek. The donations will be accepted through September 4th. Thank you for your support!











·       PENCIL BOX – 8 3/4” X 5 5/8” X 2 1/8”






·       ​​LYSOL WIPES






Noisy Offering

Noisy Offerings in September will be going to Maui Fire Relief.

Go To GraceRealm Here
Give Electronically through GraceRealm

Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Tracie or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find "Giving" on the tool bar. Then select "My Giving History."  

Click Here for GraceRealm
Grace's Resources

Prayers of the Church 

We pray for: Baby Soren James Kolar, Judy Herring, Darlene Jorgenson, Laurie Wyandt, LaDonna Lilyquist, Jerry Slater, David Hubbard, Sawyer Droste, Anna Nielsen, Ann Lange, Lois HawkinsAnd also those in need of long-term prayer: Leah Hadler, Rick & Linda Breyette, Kristi Riley, Marty Lukaszewski, Clint Trousil, Lois Vadner, Diane Rosky, Shannan Gautschi, Harland Johnson, Shirley Fystrom, Alison Husak, Juleen Klawiter, Stephanie and Samantha Fernandez, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, and Ralph & Colleen Wernimont.

We pray for those in the midst of heartache, grief, or pain, be with Doug & Kris Miller mourning the death of her mother, Sonja Hawn; Greg Deering mourning the death of his wife, Carl & Julie Choate mourning the death of Carl’s mother, Jean; Joel & Amy Leger & Family mourning the death of Joel’s father, Dennis; Holly Dodds and family grieving the death of her mother, Mavis Roelofs

Dick & Betty Thompson as they celebrate the birth of their first Great Grandchild, Elliot, born to granddaughter, Emily. Proud grand parents are Van & Sharon Mohlis; The Kolar family as Josh and Jessie welcome baby Soren James Kolar to the world.


Pastors' Blog


Listen to the Sermon from Last Weekend

Grace Notes

Grace Calendar of Events
