November HMIS Updates
November 2021
Upcoming Training and Resources
November & December HMIS User Meetings
Computer screen with comment boxes
This Month's Meeting will help you prepare and troubleshoot data for the Federal Reporting Season.

System Updates - Data Standards updates, HUD Reporting, Agency HMIS Check-Ins
How Can We Help - Overlaps, Annuals, and Chronicity oh my!
What's Next - Winter Beds, LMS, Calendar

Dates & Links
Orange CoC - November 1st at 3:30 pm (recording posted!)
NC BoS CoC - November 18th at 1 pm (recording posted!)
Durham CoC - December 2nd at 10 am

December's HMIS Users Meeting will include end of year updates, new Training LMS support, and a look at the data quality for our new data standards
Orange CoC - December 6th at 3:30 pm
NC BoS CoC - December 16th at 1 pm
Upcoming HMIS Training for Street Outreach Projects
New State and City ESG grantees for Street Outreach project are highly encouraged to join the Data Center for a live workflow training in December. Make sure you're ready for your grant's start date!
All current Street Outreach operators are welcome to attend too! Join us and share your tips and tricks with new grantees.

Training Details:
December 15th, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
via Zoom Conference Line

For RRH and PSH projects: Housing Move-In Date tools
Housing Move-In Date is a question that records one of the most important outcomes for our system, but is only used by Coordinated Entry, Rapid Re-Housing, and Permanent Supportive Housing Projects. This question has special considerations for the complex scenarios that come about when working with real people. Take a look at our resources to refresh your memory of what to do when a client's furniture is delayed or is evicted but still your client.
For PSH only: Moving On Assistance tools
Moving On Assistance is a new required question for Permanent Supportive Housing projects funded by CoC grants starting October 1, 2021 - and the question has just moved!
  • It was located on the Interim and Exit Assessments in your Entry/Exit tab.
  • It is now located on the Service Transaction tab.

What is the Service Transaction tab you ask? You may have not used it before for your PSH project.
Remember: Your FY2022 Data Standards changed requirements for PSH projects. Moving On Assistance is required to be recorded in HMIS beginning October 1, 2021. For a complete refresher, check out September's Users Meeting slides/recording.) Please let us know at Helpdesk if you have any questions.
Emergency Housing Vouchers
A quick reminder: many communities have a new resource available for some clients, an Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV). While HMIS data entry is not required by PHAs operating them, there are some places to record an EHV in HMIS.

Exit Destination: All project types must record this data element. If your client is leaving a project to move into a unit supported by an EHV, use this option:
  • "Rental by client, with HCV voucher (tenant or project based)"

Coordinated Entry Event: This question is required in CoCs with HUD CE SSO grants (BoS, Orange) when a referral is made. Record a Referral Event for the client, specifically:
  • "Referral to Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV)"
  • Select the Public Housing Authority the referral is going to (with most likely County)
  • And complete the "result" as successful or unsuccessful as appropriate

If you are a permanent housing program working with clients after they move into a unit with an EHV, please contact the Data Center Helpdesk about creating a separate project for tracking services.
HUD Reporting Season
Client Data Corrections
With the new Federal Fiscal year beginning, it is time to turn to submitting a series of HUD Reports!

We began sending client level correction lists October 4th. The deadline for final responses was Friday, November 12th and has now passed. Any remaining client corrections are overdue. Please respond asap!
Agency HMIS Check-Ins
The other half of preparing for HUD Reporting is to ensure your agency's project and user details are complete and accurate in the system. The Data Center will reach out separately from Client Data Corrections to schedule a virtual meeting.

Project details like Users, their roles, HMIS Projects, and their Funding Sources are all things required to be complete and accurate in HMIS for each year. We must confirm this information for CoC Leads to submit the LSA, SPMs, and ultimately the HIC!

Please respond to your Data Center point person to confirm!
New to HMIS or missed a meeting?
Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and user meetings slides or recordings.

Any other questions?
If you have questions about data collection from clients, reporting, or anything else HMIS related, please reach out to us at Helpdesk!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |