Vol. 79 Issue 21 | Week of May 24-30, 2021
Our Regathering Plan: Updated May 2021

Have you heard we are beginning to regather in person this summer? 

While we celebrate the increased freedoms enjoyed by those of us who are fully vaccinated, we are also aware that our children (age 11 and younger) cannot be vaccinated as of yet and others of us live with health situations that increase our vulnerability. 

Caring for the most vulnerable among us is at the heart of God's Gospel. Therefore, with the information released earlier this month by the Center for Disease Control and by Governor Cooper’s office, our COVID-19 Task Force has updated our St. John’s Regathering Plan to begin our regathering journey in the slow lane. Over time, we will increase our speed (change lanes) as we journey together. 

Our changes are as follows:

  • We have removed all attendance limits and physical distancing protocols as we begin regathering to worship on June 20.
  • We will register on Realm or by calling the church office prior to each Sunday and then have check-in upon arrival using iPad kiosks located outside the sanctuary doors. 
  • To care for the most vulnerable among us, face coverings are REQUIRED of ALL Sunday worshippers, whether fully vaccinated or not fully vaccinated. This protocol will change as more of our members inform us they have been fully vaccinated and as we move toward autumn and vaccines for children become available. 
  • Staff and worship leaders will model concern for and solidarity with our children (and others) who cannot receive vaccines as of yet by wearing face coverings at all times in worship except when leading our aspects of worship. 
  • Face coverings will be required at all times for each adult serving in Worship Care in the nursery for young children. 
  • Face coverings are not required for outdoor gatherings. 
  • Face coverings are required for all persons in the buildings while on the ground floor due to the presence of children (Weekday School, Head Start, and Freedom School children) who have not yet been able to be vaccinated. 
  • All groups using or meeting within our facilities (beginning June 1) MUST reserve the space by contacting Jacquelyn McAbee in the church office to assure the space has not already been scheduled (
  • With Freedom School using many rooms in our facilities through July, we will delay the optional gathering of Sunday Morning Sunday School Growth Groups until August 1.
  • All Sunday Morning Sunday School Ministry Growth Groups will be scheduled to begin gathering on Sunday, September 12.

We are looking forward to regathering in a few weeks. Thank you for being a compassionate community. Shalom!
Worship on May 30, 2021

We will worship together this Sunday, online. Dr. Foust will deliver a message called, "Yes, Jesus Was Serious!" based on Luke 19-41-18.

The worship video will be available at 8am via our YouTube channel and at our website under the Worship tab for you to view. You can also link to worship from the Realm Connect App Events list.

If you missed worship last weekend, click here!
Celebrating our high school graduates, Lilly-Marie and Cole!
Gathering in the shade to enjoy lunch together.
Waiting in line for the great food from Ole Oinker's Express and Emergensweets!
Deacon Nominations for 2021-22

The Leadership Task Force is seeking deacon nominations for the 2021-22 church year. Our diaconate is the primary lay leadership body of St. John's Baptist Church. Members of the congregation are elected to determine, initiate, and support the various ministries of the church with each of three panels overseeing a different part of our greater whole. The administrative panel is responsible for the business and management, including finance, personnel, house & grounds, and technology. The ministry panel is responsible for programming and education, including outreach, missions, spiritual formation, and worship. The pastoral panel is responsible for congregational care and relationship building.
If you would like to nominate a candidate, please alert Mallory Brown at Please secure your candidate’s permission prior to nominating them, and if possible indicate which panel your candidate prefers. 
A Record Collection for Refugee Support Services: 110 Bags of Lentils & Chickpeas AND 236 Rolls of Toilet Paper
In typical St. John’s fashion, we responded to the call for items to help fill the food and household supply boxes for distribution through Refugee Support Services. In doing this we join hands with other churches and caring groups and individuals in Charlotte to help refugee families weather the crisis of job losses during the pandemic. Thank you for the generous response!
As many of the refugees are returning to work, RSS will soon be winding down their food distribution and will be resuming their regular programming of cultural orientation and support for these newcomers from around the world. 
Please remember that you can find out more about refugees now living in Charlotte, about some of the services offered through RSS, and about how individuals and groups who feel called can help in this ministry by signing up for one of the virtual Refugee 101 sessions offered by RSS! Click the button below to register.
Realm Updates and Training Sessions In Person
As we begin to ramp up or programming and gathering this summer, you want to be sure that you are receiving all of our communications by email. We send the Family News via Constant Contact on Thursdays and other emails via Realm throughout the week. Not receiving these communications?

  • You may need to check your spam or alternate email folders for misdirected communications.
  • Be sure to mark emails you find outside your primary inbox as Not Spam and approve us as a sender. 
As Realm becomes our primary ministry tool for communication, administration, and volunteer scheduling, you will want to ensure your profile is up to date and that you’ve downloaded the Connect App to your smart device. Download it on the AppStore or Google Play store for free today.

Starting in June, we will offer 3 in-person information and training events with Derek on using Realm for the entire congregation. You may sign up from the Events Listing in Realm or click the date and time on the buttons below. These sessions will be especially important for leaders, teachers, and committee chairs.
From the Heritage Room: Celebrating 100 Years!

St. John's is gearing up for our centennial celebration on March 20, 2022! As we transition into meeting in person again, please mark your calendars!

What events or activities would you like included as we celebrate this historical event in the life of St John’s?

  • As of now, the plans include the publication of an Anniversary Book, authored by Sally Young with contributions by several other St John’s members. If there is some area in which you have been involved and for which you would like to contribute a section to the book, please contact Fredda Kimball.
  • Derek Henson is working on a new pictorial church directory using Realm. Please make sure you have updated your account in the membership section of Realm, including uploading a picture. Please contact Derek with any questions.
  • The Mission Resource Team has been discussing initiating a “100 Hours of Service” challenge for all St. John’s members. (More info to follow)
  • The Women of the Church is planning to celebrate WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) at their fall annual fall luncheon.
  • We have the script of a play written by Tommy Hasty for the 50th Anniversary. There are tentative plans to update this script and present the play.
  • Also discussed have been community events for the Elizabeth neighborhood, including tours of our building, coordinated with the Elizabeth Neighborhood Association.

Please contact Fredda Kimball, Linda Crowder, or Sally Young with your ideas and suggestions. Click on their names to email them.
VBS Kits Are Ready for You!

Have you been meaning to register for a VBS at Home Kit and haven't gotten around to it yet? Don't worry!

We have a new option for getting a kit. On Sunday, June 6 from 11am-1pm at the Main Entrance, you can simply show up with your $5 (exact change only) at our drive-through pick up. We will have kits that have not been reserved by registration available until we run out of kits or until we reach 1:00. If you have already reserved a kit, your kit(s) will be set aside ready for you to pick up. If you want to make sure you have a kit, make sure to register soon!

If you have any questions, please contact Allison for more information.
Prayer Concerns, Thanks & Sympathy
Polly Hull, Gene & Carol Poole, Elma Thomas,
Barbara Ledford, Carol Hager (sister of Betty Harkey),
Mary Birdsong Brown (granddaughter of Stan & Martha Brown),
Tish Philemon, Andrew Adair, Nancy Burgess, Angie Wheeler,
Rev. Dan Redding (father of Dan Redding), Carol Drye

Sympathy to the family of Dick Neff who passed on ahead of us on May 22.
No services are planned at this time.
Please email to share a prayer request, thank you, or celebration.
Financial Ministry Plan Report

Week of May 18-24: $11,996
Income through May 24: $435,359
Annual 2021 Ministry Plan Budget Goal: $1,175,000

Community & State Missions: $5,575
You can make contributions, view your giving history and pledge status, as well as update your pledge and giving information anytime by accessing your personal Realm profile online or via the Connect App.
Contact the Staff
To email a staff member, click on their name below
Dennis Foust - 704-359-7234
Lee Gray - 704-451-1309
Nate Dove - 704-662-2154
Allison Benfield - 828-448-8412
Kevin Gray - 803-524-0287
Jacquelyn McAbee - 434-579-1177
Mallory Brown - 704-477-3349
Derek Henson - 704-879-1805