Over the last year, thousands of child care providers, families, and partners shared their input on how best to improve Great Start to Quality (GSQ). One of the first goals for improvement is to simplify the Quality Indicators, making them easier for child care providers to understand and more relevant to home-based providers.
To make sure the changes meet this goal, while continuing to measure different quality levels, we need your help!
We are looking for 200 child care providers from across Michigan to review the revised Quality Indicators to see if the language is clearer and to:
- Compare program scores between the current GSQ Quality Indicators and proposed indicators
- Develop the points structure for the revised indicators
- Determine the right number of Star levels
If you are interested in completing the proposed Great Start to Quality Self-Assessment Survey, that aligns with the ages of children you serve, please complete this interest form by March 26, 2021. We will select 200 child care providers that represent a variety of provider types from across the state. When filling out the interest form you will also be asked if you are interested in receiving a Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) observation as part of this pilot. If you are selected to participate, more details will be provided.
We know that your time is valuable. A small $200 stipend will be given to providers who complete the pilot process as a thank you. The pilot will take place from March-April 2021 and results are anticipated in June of this year.
You can learn more about the improvements to Great Start to Quality at our website or by signing up for our newsletter.