Lots of Impactful Upcoming Events, PUC Update, Holding Suncor Accountable, and Loads More!
Save the Date: Celebrating 15 Years of CEA and Xcel ERP Sneak Peek
After 15 years of hard work at the local, state, and national levels, the United States is rapidly moving beyond coal. Clean Energy Action has helped lead the way for Colorado and for the country.
Join us on March 31, 2021 to celebrate these 15 years of hard work. Learn a bit more about where we've come from on climate, and find out where we are headed in the decade of the 2020s!
We also expect Xcel to submit its 2021 Electric Resource Plan (ERP) that day and we'll give you a "Sneak Peek" at what Xcel is proposing and what it will mean for Colorado, our electricity, our jobs, and decarbonization of our economy.
When: Wednesday, March 31, 7 PM MST
Where: Virtual, Register HERE
If you can't make it, but are able to support Clean Energy Action's work going forward, please make a donation HERE.
No gift is too small, and all are appreciated! Your immense generosity never goes unnoticed and helps us continue to drive change and work hard to accelerate climate action at the local, state and national levels. Thank you for your continued support!
Upcoming Event: Fundamentals of a Regenerative Recovery in Colorado
Join the Regenerative Recovery Coalition to discuss the fundamentals of a regenerative recovery, and highlight progress made by the Regenerative Recovery Coalition working groups to date.
When: Thursday, February 25, 2-4 PM MST
Where: Virtual, Register HERE
Upcoming Event: The Mapping Inequality Project
The EPA Environmental Justice and Systemic Racism Speaker Series features the Mapping Inequality Project, a foundational resource for unprecedented research, education, organizing, and policy advocacy on redlining and current environmental challenges.
When: Thursday, March 4, 10-11 AM MST
Where: Virtual, Register HERE
Holy Cross Energy "Journey to 100" Webinar Available Online
On Januray 28, Holy Cross Energy gave a presentation on their progress and goals toward 100% renewable electricity. They provided insights into the technical and regulatory challenges of reaching that goal from a small, public utility perspective. Also valuable was the discussion of Regional Transmission Organizations from their VP of Power Supply and Programs, Steve Beuning. Watch the presentation HERE.
Campaign to Hold Suncor Accountable in Denver Heats Up
The North Denver neighborhoods of Globeville and Elyria-Swansea comprise the most polluted zip code in the country, 80216. Most of that distinction is due to the grossly polluting Suncor Energy refinery, which consistently violates its permits. Residents have had enough, and the movement to hold Suncor accountable is gaining momentum. Read up on the situation HERE and HERE, and see 350 CO's call to tell Colorado's Air Pollution Control Division to deny Suncor's permit renewal.
APCD Update
The Colorado Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) is holding a public listening session on developing rules to address greenhouse gas emissions from the oil and gas industry.
When: Thursday, March 4, 6-8 PM MST
Where: Virtual, Register HERE
Over Sixty Colorado Groups Ask Governor Polis to Phase Out Oil and Gas Production by 2030
This New York Times article from last July explains how oil and gas extraction are driving a global methane surge. It says that while we might be near peak carbon dioxide, we are nowhere near peak methane and methane has 86 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide.
Adding to this peril is the insufficient monitoring of methane leakage in oil and gas operations, and the grossly insufficient funds collected from oil and gas companies to reclaim wells. Read about The Moral Hazard of Blanket Bonds in Colorado HERE.
SPP's Western Energy Imbalance Services Market Starts Operating
The Southwest Power Pool's (SPP) Western Energy Imbalance Services market started operation on February 1. This market includes Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association among its members. As discussed in a previous newsletter, while an Energy Imbalance Market isn't as beneficial as a Regional Transmission Organization, it's a step in the right direction. An additional obstacle is the fact that other Colorado utilities have pledged to join California Independent System Operator's (CAISO) Western Energy Imbalance Market in 2022, which will create a transmission "seam" in Colorado. Read more about these developments HERE.
Colorado Legislative Update
The Colorado state legislature resumed session on February 16. We will present a list of climate and energy-related bills in the next newsletter.
PUC Update
In accordance with the 2019 SB 19-236, Public Service Company of Colorado must file a Clean Energy Plan as its next Electric Resource Plan by the end of March 2021. In early February, the Colorado PUC opened a new proceeding outlining the legislative history and requirements of the Clean Energy Plan (CEP). The PUC therefore established this proceeding to enable further consultation with Colorado state agencies to engage in at least one workshop discussion regarding statutory obligations.
A more complete summary of recent PUC activities can be found on the CEA blog.
What We Are Reading
Hawaii Finalizes Performance-Based Regulation of Investor-Owned Utility, First of its Kind in the U.S.
Hawaii's public utility commission has finalized a decision that will allow Hawaii Electric to potentially become the first US investor-owned utility to transfer from a cost of service regulation towards a performance-based regulation. Read more HERE.
Boston Kicks Off Community Choice Electricity Program
Boston has just switched its residents to a new means of energy procurement, as part of its effort to be carbon neutral by 2050. The Community Choice model allows the local government to buy power from alternate suppliers, while still delivering the electricity through an existing utility provider. Read more about this innovative energy agreement HERE.
Accurately Accounting for the Social Cost of Carbon
The new Biden administration has ordered an inter-agency review regarding the "Social Cost of Carbon", or the outsized costs created by greenhouse gas emissions (flooding damage, adverse health effects, etc). The previous administration had set that cost at a very low amount, and the new administration has pledged to get a number that is more in line with reality. Click HERE to read more.
Beware the Natural Gas Industry's Push for Hydrogen
Renewably-created "green" hydrogen might end up being well-suited for long-haul trucking, shipping, and aviation, but it is unlikely to be as good as electricity (for heating) or batteries for most applications. Read more about what this energy option has to offer HERE.
The Sky is Not Falling on the Oil and Gas Industry
When the new Biden administration announced a one year pause on issuing new drilling leases on federal lands, the oil and gas industry went into a media blitz decrying how the entire industry is under assault. The claims are wildly overblown. For a layout of why this is the case, click HERE.
Energy Cooperative Raises Financing for Solar Community Microgrids
A project in the city of Bristol in the UK demonstrates that you don't have to have a large project with a high rate of return to attract investors. This community-owned cooperative is expecting a 3.5% rate of return on a $2.7 million renewable microgrid project. Read more about this financing strategy HERE.
GM and Will Ferrell Poke Fun at Norway, Norway Pokes Back
For this month's dose of levity, GM shows that it's (finally) getting its act together with electric vehicles, while Norway reminds them that not only are they way ahead, they're willing to help. Click HERE for more.
Thank you for staying informed on these vitally important issues!
- The Clean Energy Action Team
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