RCHP July Newsletter
Dear RCHP,

20 years ago a young couple named Stephanie and Seth, fresh out of Princeton Theological Seminary, were given the privilege of moving into the parsonage at 23 S. 2nd Ave. We had no idea what to do with a full house at that time. We had multiple guest rooms and even a room that had nothing in it whatsoever.  

Our lives here have been so rich. The relationships we’ve formed with all of you, the journeys we’ve taken as a church, the challenges we’ve faced squarely…it’s central substance to the story of our lives. The house got smaller (with three daughters). This fall it will begin to feel bigger again, as Sena heads off to college.  

Today on morning prayer Selma Colmant said something to the effect of, “I’ve been thinking of how many things rise and fall and go through all sorts of changes and challenges, but through it all, the constant is God.” We really do believe that. God has been present and faithful and very real to us in and through the community that God has built up in this place.  

This July all we want to say is, “thanks be to God!” 

May this July newsletter fill you with hope and with the promise that God is indeed moving and working in the world.  

The Peace of Christ to you,

Pastors Stephanie and Seth

One more thing............RCHP please pray for church youth who are attending summer camp! Pastor Terry is taking a group of kids to Camp Fowler in the Adirondacks on the 4th of July and 1 camper is heading to Crossroads Camp in North Jersey! Thank you, RCHP, for encouraging our youth in new ways to grow in faith!
Upcoming July Events & Happenings
A Message from Church Elder, Cecilia Rowedder - Chairing is Caring

Hello church family! We are in need of some willing and able folks to assist with set-up of chairs outside for the 9AM services on the July Sundays (4th, 11th, 18th, 25th). This was something that Pastor Seth was doing, and really, doesn’t he have enough to do??

Would really appreciate the assistance of at least 3-4 folks who can be at the church at 8:15AM to bring out the chairs, and set them up around the lawn. If you can assist with this very important ministry, please reply to Cecilia Rowedder czr852@yahoo.com or call: 732-565-9603 House, rings also to 732-809-2638 (cell, which accepts texts). Please let me know which day(s) you are available, and I will set up a schedule. 

Thanks so much for your assistance!
Peace and love, Cecilia

A Message from RCHP
SuperSecretary, Lisa Berman -
Hi, Everyone! Exciting News!! We are bringing back our important weekly fellowship event of Coffee Hour after worship! Every Sunday during the summer, 9am worship will be followed by coffee hour. We are looking for volunteers to sign up for a Sunday in July or August to purchase snacks, make coffee and set up. Nothing big - bagels, Entenmanns cakes, etc. We will reimburse too!! Let me know if you can help!      Thank you!! ~ Lisa

TONIGHT! RollerMagic with Pastor Terry. See info under Children & Youth for details

Fellowship Outdoor Meet & Greet, July 17th

We gather on the front lawn of RCHP at 11 am. Come say "hello" and catch up with your church family - all are welcome!

A Service of Remembrance: A Journey from Grief to Resilience
Sunday, July 18 at 7 p.m.

It’s been almost a year-and-a-half since our lives were turned upside down by the Covid pandemic. Processing feelings and experiences can be a challenge. Join your church family for a special service as we journey together through grief and loss and look toward a future of hope and joy.
Block Party! July 25th at 6:30 p.m.

Throughout the past year RCHP has had the great benefit of having an artist in residence, Ashley Teague. Ashley's role has been to involve herself in the various programs birthed from RCHP through its non-profits and to spend time listening for the heartbeat of these programs and the people who work for them and the people who grow in and through them. Her time with us is coming to an end, and the culminating event will be her "Block Party" event on July 25th at 6:30pm. Come one, come all and be part of a great evening of theater, food and fun!

July 25th RCHP ‘Jim Hudson Classic' Softball Game, 12 noon-2pm, Donaldson Park, Softball Field 1

Elaine Hudson’s husband Jim loved softball. At the time of his death the Hudson family made a commitment to helping host an annual softball game. Last year threw us off a bit but we are back at it this year! Join us for a game of softball (all ages and abilities are invited) while we enjoy sub sandwiches together. You are invited to come as a player or as a fan. Play ball!


August 9th—A Public Reading of the Book of Acts 7pm-10pm

Vacation Bible School August 23rd-27th 

Let Pastor Seth know if you can help on any of the days and/or if you can donate snacks. Stay tuned for more details about registration!
Worship and Education Opportunities
Planning for Summer (July 4th-Labor Day)

1 Service + Coffee Hour
Each Sunday in July and August we will have 1 service (like we usually do). We will have it at 9am, followed by a time of fellowship. Coffee and simple snacks will be served. Talk to Pastor Seth if you’d like to claim leadership of providing snacks for one week in the summer.
Both the Gospel Choir and the Chancel Choir are running strong! For the month of July, we will continue rehearsals on alternating Wednesdays and leading worship on alternating Sundays. Our rehearsals will either take place outside the church building (at 2nd avenue front door), or inside the sanctuary. All choirs will be breaking for the month of August. Here is our alternating rehearsal schedule for this month:
July 7: Chancel Choir
July 14: Gospel Choir
July 21: Chancel Choir
July 28: Gospel Choir

The TABLE: Every Sunday night at 5:30pm, join church friends for a delicious dinner and fellowship. We call this event The Table.  All are welcome!
Children and Youth
A Message from Pastor Terry

As many of you know, last week was our final week of regular youth group and Sunday School. I'm excited about a summer full of fun gatherings and outings! My hope is that these allow everyone who's around to stay connected, while allowing folks to go away on vacation without missing anything essential. 

First up will be roller skating at RollerMagic in South Amboy this Friday, July 2, at 7:30 pm. Contact me if you would like a ride there from the church. We'll leave from RCHP at 7 pm.

Here's a tentative calendar for the rest of the summer. I will also be keeping the youth group gcal updated.

Let me know if you have any questions. - Pastor Terry
LYT (LGBTQ+ Youth Together)

Meeting Tuesday, July 6th at 7 p.m. - Join Austin and special guest co-hosts for an evening of ice-breaker activities in The Cave at RCHP! Click on the flyer for details.

Youth Group Service Week

The first week of next month, August 2-6, we'll have our annual high school mission trip. This year we'll be staying local and working with the youth of First Baptist, New Brunswick. We'll do two days of service work with them, they'll spend two days with us, and on Wednesday we'll take a trip to Six Flags. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. Mark your calendars and RSVP for the week to me by July 16terryjon.stokes@gmail.com 
Connecting With God
Wednesday is Bible Study Day

7:45am with Pastor Seth (willow tree, or parlor)
5:30pm with Cori and Liz

Daily Online Prayer: Join your church family Monday thru Saturday at 9 a.m. for a time of reflection, prayer, support and sharing our joys and sorrows. For Zoom link, go to https://www.rchighlandpark.org/
Connecting With One Another
"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group

If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows or your latest Covid cooking creation. Contact our host, Carol Turner cjteddpc@mac.com for more information and for a Zoom link. FOR JULY we will explore excerpts from the book "The Sum of Us" by Heather McGee, led by Rusty Eidmann-Hicks and Patrick Beckford
Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"

All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry caca98@aol.com for more information and for a Zoom link.
Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community

All church members are encouraged to see our “Justice Collaboration Newsletter” (sent on June 30th) for more details on engagement each month. Here’s a short list of happenings associated with the life of the church.
HP Food Pantry

During COVID our community is in need of the food pantry more than ever. The HP Food Pantry is collecting donations via an Amazon Wishlist. To donate badly needed items, click on https://tinyurl.com/s7pxpzn Contact Kathi Lombardi with questions: foxyrox18@gmail.com The items needed most this month are:

Urgent Needs:
Stayfree feminine pads
Diapers - all sizes
Peanut butter
Salad Oil

They also need:
Canned Salmon
Canned Chicken

In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details.

Thrift Shop - Hours of Operation

Check out the Thrift Shop any day, Monday-Saturday from 9:30am-Noon, and after church on Sunday 12-2 pm !
Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times
The Self-Help Support Group

Join co-leaders Jess Munger and Terry Horyn for nurturing support for the body, mind and spirit every Monday and Thursday from 4-5 p.m. in the parlor. Seating is socially distant and masks are required. Topics addressed can be anything from Covid fears to physical ailments to emotional challenges. All are welcome! For more info, contact Jess at jessmsn409@gmail.com

Church Based Mental Health

Asking for help is a sign of strength. Call our bilingual (nosotras hablamos Espanol!) Warmline for free non-crisis confidential mental health care (866) 777-2380 Email: ayuda@improvingNJ.org www.NJCommunityMentalHealth.org
Bereavement Calendar

RCHP remembers all those who died in July and all those who still mourn

The following names have been offered for remembrance in July 2021: 

Donna Boland, Beloved Sister-in-law of Joan Molnar Shafer

Dick Chant, Beloved Husband of Bettye Chant

Anna Theresa Corcoran, Beloved Mother of Frank Corcoran

Ted Konasievicz, Beloved Veteran and Resident of All Saints Apartments

Rev. Ana Gloria Rivera, Beloved Mother and Grandmother of the Rivera Family

Conchita Rivera, Beloved Mother of Alicia Greenwald

Neil Selden, a source of light and love to those who passed him on life’s path

Rose Spinazzola, Deeply Loved Mother of Nicci Spinazzola and Mother-in-law of Renee Burawski

Angel Timev, Beloved Husband of Vessa Timeva

Robert Tone, Beloved Father of Kristin Tone and Deanna Hepburn, Beloved Father-in-Law of Matt Hepburn, and Beloved Grandfather of Carmella and RoseMarie Hepburn

Pauline E. Wilpiszeski, Beloved Sister and Aunt of Cathy and Anna Laycock

Sister Mary Terence Wilpiszeski OSF,
Beloved Aunt and Great Aunt of Cathy and Anna Laycock

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.

Where did the time go? For many of us who have watched Sena Kaper-Dale grow up, that’s the question on our minds. Many changes and adjustments lie ahead, as well as exciting times and new experiences! We keep Sena (and all the other graduates at RCHP) in prayer as they make the transition to a new chapter in their lives.

Class of 2021 and Class of 2021! While these two sets of graduates are at different stages of life, they share the common thread of learning and making the world a better place. Congrats to our highschoolers, seen here receiving their prayer shawls, and our new Stephen Ministers. May God bless you and keep you!

HS Grads: Left to right: Marwin T., Max R., Alexis F., Madison F., Sena K., and Joy U.
Stephen Ministers: Left to right, back row: Vivian Pan, Jumoke Kolawole, Renee Burawski, Phil Dowdell (not pictured, Carol Perry)