Delegate and Advisor Bulletin - Week of February 22

Our final conferences kick off this coming Sunday, February 28 at 9:45am. You can see the full 3-day schedule here. Note: start and end times will remain the same, but some details may still be updated.

A conference prep slide deck is linked below and hopefully everyone has been hard at work preparing for their court case, practicing their Author or Sponsor speeches, and lining up support for bills. These next two weeks are the time to finally bond with Slack as you get ready to lobby for bills, campaign for candidates, and connect as best we can in our virtual world. 

Subcommittee Hearing Agendas: Each bill has been assigned a specific 30 minute block of time for its presentation. Click here to see your bill's scheduled time

It’s time to start reaching out to other committee legislators for votes and other Firms for support. If your bill was not set for hearing, scroll down to the BEAR process information and make sure you file your BEAR form and any support/oppose letters or other advocacy items ASAP. 

REMINDER: Conference Dates: Our final conference, the Model Legislature & Court, takes place over three days: 
  • Sunday, February 28: 9:45am-3:30pm
  • Saturday, March 6: 10:00am-3:30pm
  • Sunday, March 7: 10:00am-3:30pm

Two Caucus Candidate Forums This Week:

Tuesday, February 23, 5:30-6:30pm: Secretary of State and Chief Justice Candidates

Meeting ID: 932 0298 3509
Passcode: 945720

Wednesday, February 24, 5:30-6:30pm: Governor Candidates

Meeting ID: 932 0298 3509
Passcode: 945720

Zoom information is the same for both nights. Delegates can suggest candidate questions by DMing Caucuses via Instagram. 

BONUS CONTENT: Financial Literacy Webinar, March 2: Are you ready to manage your resources? Want to learn the fundamentals of budgeting and the pitfalls of debt? Join us on Tuesday, March 2, for a presentation on financial literacy from the Bay Area Financial Education Foundation from 6-7:30pm. Zoom info to come!


Conference Prep Slide Deck: Make sure your delegation is ready for our upcoming final conference days. Here’s a slide deck with everything you need to know!

Parli Pro Script for the Zoom Age: Here’s the script we will use for bill hearings on February 28 and March 6. Please note that while it may yet undergo some revisions, we encourage you to try it out during a meeting and to provide feedback on how it works out on zoom. Make it fun by debating a stupid law with improvised author and support/oppose speeches. These can make for good ice-breaker type fun as well. (Google searches turn up funny, if maybe not entirely fact-checked lists.) 


BEAR Process: Advocates, Legislators, Caucuses, and Leadership - if you’re wondering what you should be working on right now, the answer is BEARs. Click here for everything you need to know about the BEAR process. Here are some highlights:
  • Anyone can take a position on a bill and advocate for/against it.
  • Legislators who didn’t introduce a bill and Firms whose bills weren’t introduced need to complete one BEAR form and related advocacy action. (Deadlines in the doc.) 
  • Regional Leadership and Caucuses, are encouraged to use the BEAR process to help them determine what bills to take a position on. 
  • Regional Leadership should include their appointed staff in this process. 

ICYMI - Governor’s Platform & Budget: Make sure to check out Governor Greene’s Platform. The Governor’s priorities can help Legislative Authors and Sponsoring Firms make their case for her to sign (or veto) a bill. 

Candidate statement reminder: Make sure you’re an informed voter! Don’t forget to check out the candidate statements for Governor 2, Secretary of State 2, and Chief Justice.  

Y-USA Advocacy Days: THIS IS EXCITING! How about an all-expenses paid virtual trip to DC to put into practice everything you’ve learned this year in the real world? Learn all about Y-USA's Advocacy Days here. Note: all times are Eastern Time, so subtract 3 hours. The advocacy days themselves occur on school days, so talk with your parents and teachers. The training sessions will be available on video. You should totally do this

Court Program Information: All Courts delegates need to join the Courts Google Classroom. Court assignments are posted there and can also be found on the Public Roster > Public Roster Tab > Courts or Courts-Role by Alpha views. Court case materials are now available in the Court Classroom for delegates to read. 

Analyst Information: Analysts have assignments and information posted in the Analyst Classroom which can be joined via this link. Bill report drafts are due February 20 and Final Bill Reports are due February 24. 

Resources Page: We now have a pass-word protected resources page available for delegates and advisors. If you prefer lists to Airtable, this page is for you! 

Password: norcalyg2020

Please do not share this information with anyone outside the program. Thank you!

Caucus Information:

Delegates of Color Caucus - Tuesday 5:00-6:00pm
Meeting ID: 961 3574 7124
Passcode: 848478
Queer Delegate Caucus - Thursday 4:30-6:00pm
Meeting ID: 930 4557 6799
Passcode: 215245
Socialist Caucus - Friday 7:00-8:30pm
Meeting ID: 938 6589 1295
Passcode: 845070
Female Leaders in Power (FLIP) - Saturday 7:00-8:30pm
Meeting ID: 929 5423 0630
Passcode: 072398