Then, on Sunday, September 11, a remembrance ceremony was held on the campus of Fremont High, with more than 100 students, their families and community members in attendance. Speakers included Los Angeles Unified Board Member Tanya Ortiz Franklin and Marine Sergeant Major Ramiro Olmos, leader of Fremont’s ROTC, which made a special flag presentation. Films were watched and stories were shared on an emotional and educational day that had an impact on participants.
"My favorite part was the art project,” said 11th grader Luis Rivas. “My group tried to honor the people who died at the Twin Towers through our painting. We painted the towers on fire with the souls of the people who died as angels going to heaven. It was our way of never forgetting what happened that day."
"I wrote a letter to the families of the people who died and told them I was sorry for their loss and I hope everything would get better," said Kevin Barrientos, a 10th-grade student.
Finally, senior Antwyone Browder, summed up the day: "I've learned about 9/11 every year, but I have never done anything like this. Talking with friends and other students was interesting. It was a good learning experience to remember what happened on 9/11."
Click here to watch a video of the Sunday Remembrance event. ■
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