Let's get to know the members of our Pastoral Selection Committee!

These are the men and women elected by our congregation to lead us in discerning who God is calling to be our next Senior Pastor. You probably already know many of them as they have been highly engaged and involved in the mission and ministries of our church. They represent a cross-section of who we are – across worship services, ministry areas, longevity of membership, age groups – and are united by a deep love for Christ and for First Baptist Church.

Take a look at the video below and get to know each one personally. Hear their excitement and hope for the future of First Baptist Church.
Tom Alexander
Linda Collins, Prayer
Katie Evans
Patrick Griffin, Communications
Randy Ivey, Chair
Steven Jeffcoat, Secretary
Janna Lennon, Vice Chair
Heather Sutton, Logistics & Scheduling
Bob Thornton
Commissioning Litany
My Sisters and Brothers, you have been called by God and entrusted by this congregation with the task of discerning who God is leading to be the next Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church. 

Do you promise to undertake this task in humility, praying daily for one another, for our church, and for the person that God is calling?  If this is your intent, please respond by saying, “We will.”

Will you be intentional in your participation in this work, committing your time and attention to the tasks at hand, fully contributing your thoughts and your talents as led by God’s Spirit?

Will you listen to one another, with grace and respect, open to hearing God’s voice in each member of the Committee, laying aside personal preferences for the larger good?

Will you maintain a strict commitment to confidentiality, that there may be a true freedom of expression within your conversations and the utmost of care for the privacy of potential candidates?

Will you review all candidates with open minds and hearts, treating each one fairly and justly as you seek to discern who is best suited to lead us into the future toward which God calls us in this moment?

We are grateful for your commitment on our behalf and remind you that you do not undertake this task alone; you will be guided by the power and presence of God’s Holy Spirit, and will be supported in prayer by the members of this church. 
Prayer of Blessing
Ever loving, ever living, ever present, all wise God, I come before you today on behalf of this Pastoral Search Committee, and the entire congregation of your great church --- the First Baptist Church of Wilmington, NC as we commit to fully surrender to seeking your guidance in leading us to the person that you choose to be our next Pastor. 

I pray today, and commit to pray every day for Linda Collins, Katie Evans, Heather Sutton, Janna Lennon, Patrick Griffin, Randy Ivey, Bob Thornton, Tom Alexander and Stephen Jeffcoat. We thank you for each one of these people, for their commitment to becoming and helping others become fully devoted followers of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. And, we thank you that they have accepted the responsibility on behalf of our church to follow Your guidance to lead them to our next Pastor, and I pray that our congregation will commit to pray fervently for this committee, for their work, and for our next Pastor and their family after they accept Your call.

We pray that this group of people that we believe you have set apart for this task will bond closely and work together as a team with each opinion having equal value, that they will set aside any personal agendas and seek only your agenda and timing for this process, not being influenced by any pressure but leaning wholly on You, and not their own understanding.

We pray that just as you have gifted this team with the capacity to fulfill this ministry assignment, that You will also extend to them the grace to complete it. Grant them perception, faithfulness, wisdom and joy in their deliberations that they may hear each other with complete confidence and openness, but ultimately that they will hear Your voice and respond decisively with courage as you lead them and us by your grace and in Your name. Amen.
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