December 11, 2020

Online access beginning at 7:00 a.m.
Results of the Congregational Survey
Click on the Congregational Survey link below to read a report from the FPC Session and Re-Opening Task Force with the findings from the recent "Join the Conversation" survey.
Most Recent Message from the Designated Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (DAPNC)
The latest letter of update from the DAPNC, dated November 17, 2020, may be accessed by clicking on the link below:
All Communication from the Administrative Commission
All communication from the Administrative Commission, including the most recent letter dated October 28 2020, can be readily accessed on First Presbyterian’s website home page, using the link below:
A Message from Your Stewardship Team
The pandemic has meant new patterns for all of us, but virtually every day new pledges arrive in the mail at the church office. We are so encouraged by that steady stream. Here’s where we stand as of December 7:
As you can see, we are making progress, but still have significant ground to cover. Pledges can be made online, or by calling Lisa Garcia in the finance office, or by filling out a pledge card. Please call us at (941) 955-8119, if you need one mailed to you. With so much uncertainty in the world, the faithfulness of this community means so much. We are grateful for your persistent witness.
We want to see YOU at our virtual Coffee Hour
Pre k - 2nd Grade Sunday School
Leaders: Rebecca Clissold, Lydia Chapdelain, Haleigh Smoot
10:30 - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings
3rd - 5th grade Sunday School
Leaders: Sue Nurczyk, Mariah Martin, Lauren Reasoner
9:15 - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings via Zoom

Leaders: Scott McLeod and Sandi Soper
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings via Zoom
We all have to wear them--why not show off your church and support the youth! The blue masks with FPC logo are just $5. The proceeds go to benefit youth ministries. Contact the church office to pick one up or have it mailed
to you.
DECEMBER 24 - 4:00 PM


Getting geared up for
in 3 easy steps:

1. Get In the spirit - pick up your Nativity bag
at the church office
2. Practice your Christmas carols
3. Share joy with your church family
Family Promise of Sarasota
Family Promise needs your help with its newest project, Home for Good. Unable to house client at churches due to COVID-19, Family Promise is focusing on preventing evictions and homelessness. 

Do you have any of the following gently used items that you can donate to Family Promise? A family of seven (mom, dad, and 5 children) needs sheets, pillows, blankets, bath towels, dishes, pots and pans, cups, glasses, kitchen and cooking utensils, a table and chairs for 7, and bunk beds. To donate any of these items, in good condition, please contact Joanne Simons (, cell 703-798-7330). She will arrange to pick up your much-needed donations.

In addition, Family Promise is looking for volunteers to assist clients with budgeting, computer skills, resume writing, job applications, and preparing for job interviews. These services would be delivered virtually (by telephone, Zoom, FaceTime, etc.) so there would be no safety issues impacting our volunteers. Please contact Joanne Simons (, 703-798-7330) to share your skills.

As always, Family Promise is happy to receive your monetary donations which would be used for small household needs and emergency expenses. You can donate by sending you donation to First Presbyterian Church and putting "Family Promise" on the memo line.
Invest in Children
THANK YOU, generous First Presbyterian Church friends, for your amazing response to the need to help Brentwood Elementary families. You'll hear more about that in the coming weeks, but there's another way our congregation has responded to a need at the school . . .

We were told that there was a concern at Brentwood that some of the students did not have water bottles. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, water fountains are "off limits" at the school and students must fill up their bottles at "filling stations" located in different places on the campus. When Assistant Principal Holly Brody came to us asking if we could supply some water bottles, our Invest in Children steering committee wholeheartedly said "yes."  It was decided to provide bottles for each student! The 700 bottles were delivered this week. Thank you for making this possible with donations set aside for special projects.
Lorraine Foltz, Rachel Martin, Rob Ostermann and Ron Miller, loading up a car full of water bottles for Brentwood Elementary students.
Mary-Martha Circle
Mary-Martha Circle meets via Zoom on Wednesday, December 16 at 10:00 a.m. for Bible study and fellowship. All are welcome to join the meeting. The lesson will be on John Calvin and Reformed Traditions led by Merle Chorba. The study guide is The Protestant Reformations by Donald K. McKim and can be purchased online from Contact Elaine Barnett at to request the Zoom meeting invite.  
Beth-El Farmworker Ministry Food Drive 

THIS Saturday
December 12
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

FPC's Mission and Justice Committee is hosting a drive-up, drop-off food collection of canned foods only, paper products, and diapers sizes 4 & 5-only, plus baby wipes.
Let’s generously share God’s love and care to these valued members of our extended community by providing for some of their basic needs! Financial donations may also be given with checks made out to First Presbyterian Church (“Beth-El” in the memo line).
FPC’s Mission Partnership with
All Faiths Food Bank
Our partnership with All Faiths Food Bank as an emergency food distribution site is going strong.
The food distribution is by drive-through with volunteers loading cars as clients circle in the parking lot during the allotted time.
Please consider becoming a part of this exciting ministry
to our community!
Sign up NOW to volunteer at First Presbyterian's
Volunteers are needed each Thursday.
Task options include sorting and distributing food, setting up,
cleaning up and directing traffic.

Volunteer Times

First, third and fifth Thursdays: 8:45 am - 11:30 pm

Second and fourth Thursdays: 3:45 – 6:30 pm

All safety measures are in place:
Masks and closed-toe shoes required for volunteers;
gloves and hand sanitizer provided;
masks required for walk-up food recipients

Bob Kirkpatrick, or (941) 761-2455
or Dave Householder, or (724) 462-4235

TO SIGN UP, click the link below
Preschool News
At First Presbyterian Preschool, we Nurture Strong to #GrowStrong! Our classrooms offer a variety of dramatic paly centers such as kitchens, farms and fire stations to encourage role-playing for our students. When children role-play, for example, pretending to be a parent, they develop language and communication skills and an understanding of how someone else would feel or react in a situation. Teaching empathy in these early years helps children grow into empathic adults.
2021 Offering Envelopes
2021 offering envelopes are here! If you are a regular user of envelopes we have ordered them for you, but please check with the office to make sure, before you make a trip. Since the cost of mailing the envelopes is expensive, we are asking that you come to the church to pick them up. They will be available in the parlor at any event we are having at the church during Advent or you can come to the church Monday - Friday from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. starting December 7 through December 18. Please call the church office (941) 955-8119 (ext. 101) to let us know you are coming.   

Giving Options
Please continue to mail your contributions to us at the church or donate online. Your gifts make a great difference during this challenging season.

Online: If you are interested in giving electronically through our secure e-giving process, please visit and select the online giving button.

Texting: Are you interested in the convenience of contributing by text message? Text FPC2050 to 73256 to donate via text. Standard rates may apply.

Mail In: During this time when the church campus is closed, all mail, including contribution checks, securely arrive to our church office.
Good News of Great Joy - Christmas Joy Offering
The PC(USA) offers you the chance to bring Good News of Great Joy to the poor in circumstance or spirit. Your gifts to this special offering will be distributed to retired ministers and missionaries in need and our Presbyterian racial-ethnic colleges.
We will be receiving the Joy Offering on Sunday, December 20.
Remembering Our Church Family in Prayer
Thank you for upholding members of our congregation with special prayer needs during this time. Click on the attached link for a complete list:
We Care Poster Recipients
Select the link below for the names of our members who were recently in the hospital and received a We Care poster-card on behalf of the congregation. Please keep these members in your prayers for healing and consider calling or sending a note of encouragement.
Our Condolences
Our prayers are with the family of Rev. Bob Brightman, one of our beloved retired clergy. Bob died peacefully at home surrounded by his loving wife, Carol, and their daughter and son on Tuesday, December 1, 2020. Bob and Carol have been a part of our FPC family for nearly seven years. Notes of condolence may be sent to Carol's new permanent address:
Carol Brightman
8641 Wentworth Ave S, Apt 207
Bloomington, MN 55420
Preparing for Flu Season During COVID-19
Getting a flu vaccine this fall can reduce your risk of getting the flu and help save medical resources needed to care for people with COVID-19. It’s important for everyone to do their part to stay healthy this flu season.

Prevent the spread of flu and other respiratory illnesses by reminding each other to:

Mask Up: Cover your nose and mouth with a mask when out in public.
Lather Up: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
Sleeve Up: Roll up your sleeve to get a flu shot.

CDC recommends that people get a flu vaccine by the end of October.

Flu season peaks between December and February.

It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against influenza virus infection.

Children (aged 6 months to 8 years) who need two doses of vaccine to be protected should start the vaccination process sooner, because the two doses must be given at least four weeks apart.
Thank you for Your Donations to the December 6 Blood Drive!

A special THANK YOU to all who came out to donate blood last Sunday. Our Faith Community Nurse, Cheryl Track, enjoyed getting to see you. 15 people were screened, and 15 units of blood were collected, potentially helping 45 people!

See you for our next drive with SunCoast Sunday, March 28--Mark your calendar. 

Pictured below are the following Dec. 6 blood donors:
Daryl Alsum
Karen Eastmoore
Bill Conroy
Lee Torrence
Kay Dunn
Chris Gantert  
Jennifer Daniels / Doug Smoot
First Presbyterian Preschool GROWING STRONG

The preschool staff and the families are very grateful to the individuals and families who have contributed to our preschool community. If you have not had the opportunity to donate, please consider how you can help offset the decrease in needed income due to lowered enrollment this fall (from the impact of COVID-19). You can be a part of helping our preschool continue to GROW STRONG with gifts over-and-above your regular church offering.
For online donations, use the weblink below. Thank you again for keeping our church / preschool community STRONG!

Grace and peace,

Clare Carter, Preschool Director
We’re Here for You!
The FPC care team, Stephen Ministers, deacons, elders and church staff want you to know we are here for you. Please feel free to reach out to Cheryl Track, faith community nurse (941) 320-3828 if we can be of support to you.